execute-command 0.3.0

A simple Rust package that wraps `Command` to simplify the execution of programs.

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A simple Rust package that wraps Command to simplify the execution of programs.


Basic functions:

use execute_command as exec;

let mut command = exec::parse("echo 1").unwrap();
let status = exec::status("echo 1").unwrap();
let output = exec::output("echo 1").unwrap();
let string = exec::string("echo 1").unwrap();

Extending Command:

use execute_command::ExecuteCommand;
use std::process::Command;

let mut command = Command::parse("echo 1").unwrap();
let status = Command::parse("echo 1").unwrap().execute_status().unwrap();
let output = Command::parse("echo 1").unwrap().execute_output().unwrap();
let string = Command::parse("echo 1").unwrap().execute_string().unwrap();

Note that these functions will return an error if the program exits with a non-zero status code.