ethane 1.0.2

An alternative web3 implementation with the aim of being slim and simple
//! Ethane is an alternative web3 implementation with the aim of being slim and simple.
//! It does not depend on futures or any executors. It currently supports http and
//! websockets (both plain and TLS) and inter process communication via Unix domain sockets (Unix only). For
//! http and websockets it also supports Http Basic and Bearer Authentication.
//! Currently only Eth1 is supported and not all namespaces are implemented. You can have a look here
//! ([supported RPCs](crate::rpc)) to see what is supported. Please note that the
//! [JSON spec]( is a bit outdated, and there is some effort to create
//! a new one, so expect some breaking changes in the future.
//! **This library is very raw and under heavy development.
//! Expect to find some bugs and use at your own risk!**
//! In order to get started, create a [connection](crate::Connection) over some transport.
//! The following examples show you how to make a request and how to subscribe to events.
//! # Examples
//! ## Request over http
//! ```no_run
//! use ethane::{Connection, Http};
//! use ethane::rpc::eth_get_balance;
//! use ethane::types::Address;
//! # use test_helper::NodeProcess;
//! # let node = NodeProcess::new_http("8545");
//! // Start up connection
//! let node_endpoint = "";
//! let mut connection = Connection::new(Http::new(node_endpoint, None));
//! // Make a request
//! let address = Address::zero();
//! let balance =, None)).unwrap();
//! ```
//! ## Starting a subscription over websocket
//! ```no_run
//! use ethane::{Connection, WebSocket};
//! use ethane::rpc::eth_subscribe_new_pending_transactions;
//! # use test_helper::NodeProcess;
//! # use ethane::rpc::{eth_send_transaction, eth_coinbase};
//! # use ethane::types::{TransactionRequest, Address, U256};
//! # let node = NodeProcess::new_ws("8546");
//! // Start up connection with websockets
//! let node_endpoint = "ws://";
//! let mut connection = Connection::new(WebSocket::new(node_endpoint, None).unwrap());
//! // Subscribe to pending transactions
//! let mut tx_subscription = connection
//!     .subscribe(eth_subscribe_new_pending_transactions()).unwrap();
//! # let tx_request = TransactionRequest {
//! # from:,
//! # to: Some(Address::zero()),
//! # value: Some(U256::zero()),
//! # ..Default::default()
//! # };
//! # let _tx_hash =;
//! // Get next transaction item
//! let tx = tx_subscription.next_item().unwrap();
//! ```

pub use connection::*;

mod connection;
pub mod contract;
pub mod rpc;
pub mod types;