esp-idf-hal 0.40.1

A Hardware abstraction layer for Espressif's ESP family of microcontrollers based on the ESP-IDF framework.
use core::marker::PhantomData;

use crate::peripheral::{sealed, Peripheral};

pub use split::*;

pub trait WifiModemPeripheral: Peripheral<P = Self> {}

pub trait BluetoothModemPeripheral: Peripheral<P = Self> {}

pub struct Modem(PhantomData<*const ()>, WifiModem, BluetoothModem);

pub struct Modem(PhantomData<*const ()>);

impl Modem {
    /// # Safety
    /// Care should be taken not to instantiate this Mac instance, if it is already instantiated and used elsewhere
    pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
        let this = Modem(PhantomData, WifiModem::new(), BluetoothModem::new());

        let this = Modem(PhantomData);


    #[cfg(all(not(esp32s2), esp_idf_esp32_wifi_sw_coexist_enable))]
    pub fn split(self) -> (WifiModem, BluetoothModem) {
        unsafe { (WifiModem::new(), BluetoothModem::new()) }

    #[cfg(all(not(esp32s2), esp_idf_esp32_wifi_sw_coexist_enable))]
    pub fn split_ref(&mut self) -> (&mut WifiModem, &mut BluetoothModem) {
        (&mut self.1, &mut self.2)

unsafe impl Send for Modem {}

impl sealed::Sealed for Modem {}

impl Peripheral for Modem {
    type P = Self;

    unsafe fn clone_unchecked(&mut self) -> Self::P {

impl WifiModemPeripheral for Modem {}

impl BluetoothModemPeripheral for Modem {}

mod split {

    impl super::WifiModemPeripheral for WifiModem {}


    impl super::BluetoothModemPeripheral for BluetoothModem {}