esp-idf-hal 0.29.5

A Hardware abstraction layer for Espressif's ESP family of microcontrollers based on the ESP-IDF framework.
use mutex_trait::*;

#[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
use esp_idf_sys::EspMutex;

#[cfg(feature = "ulp")]
use crate::ulp::sys::EspMutex;

use crate::gpio;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
use crate::i2c;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
use crate::serial;
#[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
use crate::spi;

pub struct Peripherals {
    pub pins: gpio::Pins,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
    pub uart0: serial::UART0,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
    pub uart1: serial::UART1,
    #[cfg(all(esp32, not(feature = "ulp")))]
    pub uart2: serial::UART2,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
    pub i2c0: i2c::I2C0,
    #[cfg(all(not(esp32c3), not(feature = "ulp")))]
    pub i2c1: i2c::I2C1,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
    pub spi1: spi::SPI1,
    #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
    pub spi2: spi::SPI2,
    #[cfg(all(not(esp32c3), not(feature = "ulp")))]
    pub spi3: spi::SPI3,

static mut TAKEN: EspMutex<bool> = EspMutex::new(false);

impl Peripherals {
    pub fn take() -> Option<Self> {
        unsafe {
            TAKEN.lock(|taken| {
                if *taken {
                } else {
                    *taken = true;

    /// # Safety
    /// Care should be taken not to instantiate the Peripherals structure, if it is already instantiated and used elsewhere
    pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            pins: gpio::Pins::new(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
            uart0: serial::UART0::new(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
            uart1: serial::UART1::new(),
            #[cfg(all(esp32, not(feature = "ulp")))]
            uart2: serial::UART2::new(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
            i2c0: i2c::I2C0::new(),
            #[cfg(all(not(esp32c3), not(feature = "ulp")))]
            i2c1: i2c::I2C1::new(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
            spi1: spi::SPI1::new(),
            #[cfg(not(feature = "ulp"))]
            spi2: spi::SPI2::new(),
            #[cfg(all(not(esp32c3), not(feature = "ulp")))]
            spi3: spi::SPI3::new(),