error-stack 0.2.4

A context-aware error-handling library that supports arbitrary attached user data
//! A context-aware error library with arbitrary attached user data.
//! [![](][]
//! [![](][]
//! [![rust-version](][rust-version]
//! [![discord](][discord]
//! []:
//! []:
//! [rust-version]:
//! [discord]:
//! # Overview
//! `error-stack` is an error-handling library centered around the idea of building a [`Report`] of
//! the error as it propagates. A [`Report`] is made up of two concepts:
//!   1. Contexts
//!   2. Attachments
//! A [`Context`] is a view of the world, it helps describe how the current section of code
//! interprets the error. This is used to capture how various scopes require differing levels of
//! detail and understanding of the error as it propagates. A [`Report`] always captures the
//! _current context_ in its generic argument.
//! As the [`Report`] is built, various pieces of supporting information can be _attached_. These
//! can be anything that can be shared between threads whether it be a supporting message or a
//! custom-defined `Suggestion` struct.
//! # Quick-Start Guide
//! ## Where to use a Report
//! [`Report`] has been designed to be used as the [`Err`] variant of a `Result`. This crate
//! provides a [`Result<E, C>`] type alias for convenience which uses [`Report<C>`] as the [`Err`]
//! variant and can be used as a return type:
//! ```rust
//! # fn has_permission(_: usize, _: usize) -> bool { true }
//! # fn get_user() -> Result<usize, AccessError> { Ok(0) }
//! # fn get_resource() -> Result<usize, AccessError> { Ok(0) }
//! # #[derive(Debug)] enum AccessError { PermissionDenied(usize, usize) }
//! # impl core::fmt::Display for AccessError {
//! #    fn fmt(&self, _: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { Ok(()) }
//! # }
//! # impl error_stack::Context for AccessError {}
//! use error_stack::{ensure, Result};
//! fn main() -> Result<(), AccessError> {
//!     let user = get_user()?;
//!     let resource = get_resource()?;
//!     ensure!(
//!         has_permission(user, resource),
//!         AccessError::PermissionDenied(user, resource)
//!     );
//!     # const _: &str = stringify! {
//!     ...
//!     # }; Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Initializing a Report
//! A [`Report`] can be created directly from anything that implements [`Context`] by using
//! [`Report::new()`] or through any of the provided macros ([`report!`], [`bail!`], [`ensure!`]).
//! Any [`Error`] can be used as a [`Context`], so it's possible to create [`Report`] from an
//! existing [`Error`]:
//! (For convenience, this crate provides an [`IntoReport`] trait to convert between
//! [`Err`]-variants)
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(all(not(miri), feature = "std"))] {
//! use std::{fs, io, path::Path};
//! use error_stack::{IntoReport, Report};
//! // Note: For demonstration purposes this example does not use `error_stack::Result`.
//! // As can be seen, it's possible to call `IntoReport::report` to easily create a `Report` from
//! // an `io::Error`
//! fn read_file(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<String, Report<io::Error>> {
//!     let content = fs::read_to_string(path).into_report()?;
//!     # const _: &str = stringify! {
//!     ...
//!     # }; Ok(content)
//! }
//! # let report = read_file("test.txt").unwrap_err();
//! # assert!(report.contains::<io::Error>());
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Using and Expanding the Report
//! As mentioned, the library centers around the idea of building a [`Report`] as it propagates.
//! ### Changing Context
//! The generic parameter in [`Report`] is called the _current context_. When creating a new
//! [`Report`], the [`Context`] that's provided will be set as the current context. The current
//! context should encapsulate how the current code interprets the error. As the error propagates,
//! it will cross boundaries where new information is available, and the previous level of detail is
//! no longer applicable. These boundaries will often occur when crossing between major modules, or
//! when execution crosses between crates. At this point the [`Report`] should start to operate in a
//! new context. To change the context, [`Report::change_context()`] is used:
//! (Again, for convenience, using [`ResultExt`] will do that on the [`Err`] variant)
//! ```rust
//! # #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), allow(dead_code, unused_variables, unused_imports))]
//! # use std::{fmt, fs, io, path::Path};
//! use error_stack::{Context, IntoReport, Result, ResultExt};
//! # pub type Config = String;
//! #[derive(Debug)]
//! struct ParseConfigError;
//! impl fmt::Display for ParseConfigError {
//!     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
//!         fmt.write_str("could not parse configuration file")
//!     }
//! }
//! // It's also possible to implement `Error` instead.
//! impl Context for ParseConfigError {}
//! # #[cfg(all(not(miri), feature = "std"))] {
//! // For clarification, this example is not using `error_stack::Result`.
//! fn parse_config(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Config, ParseConfigError> {
//!     let content = fs::read_to_string(path.as_ref())
//!         .into_report()
//!         .change_context(ParseConfigError)?;
//!     # const _: &str = stringify! {
//!     ...
//!     # }; Ok(content)
//! }
//! # let report = parse_config("test.txt").unwrap_err();
//! # assert!(report.contains::<io::Error>());
//! # assert!(report.contains::<ParseConfigError>());
//! # }
//! ```
//! ### Building up the Report - Attachments
//! Module/crate boundaries are not the only places where information can be embedded within the
//! [`Report`] however. Additional information can be attached within the current context, whether
//! this be a string, or any thread-safe object. These attachments are added by using
//! [`Report::attach()`] and [`Report::attach_printable()`]:
//! ```rust
//! # // we only test the snapshot on rust 1.65, therefore report is unused (so is render)
//! # #![cfg_attr(not(rust_1_65), allow(dead_code, unused_variables, unused_imports))]
//! # use std::{fs, path::Path};
//! # use error_stack::{Context, IntoReport, Report, ResultExt};
//! # pub type Config = String;
//! # #[derive(Debug)] struct ParseConfigError;
//! # impl ParseConfigError { pub fn new() -> Self { Self } }
//! # impl std::fmt::Display for ParseConfigError {
//! #     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
//! #         fmt.write_str("could not parse configuration file")
//! #     }
//! # }
//! # impl Context for ParseConfigError {}
//! # #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
//! struct Suggestion(&'static str);
//! fn parse_config(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Config, Report<ParseConfigError>> {
//!     let path = path.as_ref();
//!     let content = fs::read_to_string(path)
//!         .into_report()
//!         .change_context(ParseConfigError::new())
//!         .attach(Suggestion("use a file you can read next time!"))
//!         .attach_printable_lazy(|| format!("could not read file {path:?}"))?;
//!     Ok(content)
//! }
//! # let report = parse_config("test.txt").unwrap_err();
//! # assert!(report.contains::<std::io::Error>());
//! # assert_eq!(report.downcast_ref::<Suggestion>().unwrap(), &Suggestion("use a file you can read next time!"));
//! # #[cfg(nightly)]
//! # assert_eq!(report.request_ref::<Suggestion>().next().unwrap(), &Suggestion("use a file you can read next time!"));
//! # #[cfg(nightly)]
//! # assert_eq!(report.request_ref::<String>().next().unwrap(), "could not read file \"test.txt\"");
//! # assert!(report.contains::<ParseConfigError>());
//! #
//! # owo_colors::set_override(true);
//! # fn render(value: String) -> String {
//! #     let backtrace = regex::Regex::new(r"backtrace no\. (\d+)\n(?:  .*\n)*  .*").unwrap();
//! #     let backtrace_info = regex::Regex::new(r"backtrace( with (\d+) frames)? \((\d+)\)").unwrap();
//! #
//! #     let value = backtrace.replace_all(&value, "backtrace no. $1\n  [redacted]");
//! #     let value = backtrace_info.replace_all(value.as_ref(), "backtrace ($3)");
//! #
//! #     ansi_to_html::convert_escaped(value.as_ref()).unwrap()
//! # }
//! #
//! # #[cfg(rust_1_65)]
//! # expect_test::expect_file![concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/snapshots/doc/lib__suggestion.snap")].assert_eq(&render(format!("{report:?}")));
//! ```
//! As seen above, there are ways on attaching more information to the [`Report`]: [`attach`] and
//! [`attach_printable`]. These two functions behave similar, but the latter has a more restrictive
//! bound on the attachment: [`Display`] and [`Debug`]. Depending on the function used, printing the
//! [`Report`] will also use the [`Display`] and [`Debug`] traits to describe the attachment.
//! This outputs something like:
//! <pre>
#![doc = include_str!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/snapshots/doc/lib__suggestion.snap"))]
//! </pre>
//! The `Suggestion` which was added via [`attach`] is not shown directly and only increases the
//! counter of opaque attachments for the containing [`Context`]. The message which was passed to
//! [`attach_printable`], however, is displayed in full. To be able to show attachments that have
//! been added via [`attach`], one must make use of [hooks](#debug-and-display-hooks) instead.
//! [`attach_printable`]: Report::attach_printable
//! [`Display`]: core::fmt::Display
//! [`Debug`]: core::fmt::Debug
//! ### Multiple Errors
//! [`Report`] supports the combination and propagation of multiple errors natively. This is useful
//! in cases like parallel processing where multiple errors might happen independently from each
//! other, in these use-cases you are able to use the implementations of [`Extend`] and
//! [`extend_one()`] and are able to propagate all errors instead of just a single one.
//! [`extend_one()`]: Report::extend_one
//! ```rust
//! # #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), allow(dead_code, unused_variables, unused_imports))]
//! # use std::{fs, path::Path};
//! # use error_stack::{IntoReport, Report};
//! # pub type Config = String;
//! fn parse_configs(paths: &[impl AsRef<Path>]) -> Result<Vec<Config>, Report<std::io::Error>> {
//!     let mut configs = Vec::new();
//!     let mut error: Option<Report<std::io::Error>> = None;
//!     for path in paths {
//!         let path = path.as_ref();
//!         match fs::read_to_string(path).into_report() {
//!             Ok(ok) => {
//!                 configs.push(ok);
//!             }
//!             Err(err) => {
//!                 if let Some(error) = error.as_mut() {
//!                     error.extend_one(err);
//!                 } else {
//!                     error = Some(err);
//!                 }
//!             }
//!         }
//!     }
//!     if let Some(error) = error {
//!         return Err(error);
//!     }
//!     Ok(configs)
//! }
//! # let report = parse_configs(&["test.txt", "test2.txt", "test3.txt"]).unwrap_err();
//! # assert!(report.contains::<std::io::Error>());
//! ```
//! # In-Depth Explanation
//! ## Crate Philosophy
//! This crate adds some development overhead in comparison to other error handling strategies,
//! especially around creating custom root-errors (specifically `error-stack` does not allow using
//! string-like types). The intention is that this reduces overhead at other parts of the process,
//! whether that be implementing error-handling, debugging, or observability. The idea that
//! underpins this is that errors should happen in well-scoped environments like reading a file or
//! parsing a string into an integer. For these errors, a well-defined error type should be used
//! (i.e. `io::Error` or `ParseIntError`) instead of creating an error from a string. Requiring a
//! well-defined type forces users to be conscious about how they classify and group their
//! **custom** error types, which improves their usability in error-_handling_.
//! ### Improving Result::Err Types
//! By capturing the current [`Context`] in the type parameter, return types in function signatures
//! continue to explicitly capture the perspective of the current code. This means that **more often
//! than not** the user is _forced_ to re-describe the error when entering a substantially different
//! part of the code because the constraints of typed return types will require it. This will happen
//! most often when crossing module/crate boundaries.
//! An example of this is a `ConfigParseError` when produced when parsing a configuration file at
//! a high-level in the code vs. the lower-level `io::Error` that occurs when reading the file from
//! disk. The `io::Error` may no longer be valuable at the level of the code that's handling parsing
//! a config, and re-framing the error in a new type allows the user to incorporate contextual
//! information that's only available higher-up in the stack.
//! ### Compatibility with other Libraries
//! In `std` (or `nightly`) environments a blanket implementation for `Context` for any `Error` is
//! provided. This blanket implementation for [`Error`] means `error-stack` is compatible with
//! almost all other libraries that use the [`Error`] trait.
//! This has the added benefit that migrating from other error libraries can often be incremental,
//! as a lot of popular error library types will work within the [`Report`] struct.
//! In addition, `error-stack` supports converting errors generated from the [`anyhow`] or [`eyre`]
//! crate via [`IntoReportCompat`].
//! ### Doing more
//! Beyond making new [`Context`] types, the library supports the attachment of arbitrary
//! thread-safe data. These attachments (and data that is [`provide`]d by the [`Context`] can be
//! requested through [`Report::request_ref()`]. This gives a novel way to expand standard
//! error-handling approaches, without decreasing the ergonomics of creating the actual error
//! variants:
//! ```rust
//! # #![cfg_attr(not(nightly), allow(unused_variables, dead_code))]
//! # use error_stack::Result;
//! # struct Suggestion(&'static str);
//! # fn parse_config(_: &str) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { Ok(()) }
//! fn main() {
//!     if let Err(report) = parse_config("config.json") {
//!         # #[cfg(nightly)]
//!         for suggestion in report.request_ref::<Suggestion>() {
//!             eprintln!("suggestion: {}", suggestion.0);
//!         }
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! [`provide`]: Context::provide
//! ## Additional Features
//! The above examples will probably cover 90% of the common use case. This crate does have
//! additional features for more specific scenarios:
//! ### Automatic Backtraces
//! When on a Rust 1.65 or later, [`Report`] will try to capture a [`Backtrace`] if `RUST_BACKTRACE`
//! or `RUST_BACKTRACE_LIB` is set. If on a nightly toolchain, it will use the [`Backtrace`] if
//! provided by the base [`Context`], and will try to capture one otherwise.
//! Unlike some other approaches, this does not require the user modifying their custom error types
//! to be aware of backtraces, and doesn't require manual implementations to forward calls down any
//! wrapped errors.
//! ### No-Std compatible
//! The complete crate is written for `no-std` environments, which can be used by setting
//! `default-features = false` in _Cargo.toml_.
//! ### Provider API
//! This crate uses the [`Provider` API] to provide arbitrary data. This can be done either by
//! [`attach`]ing them to a [`Report`] or by providing it directly when implementing [`Context`].
//! The blanket implementation of [`Context`] for [`Error`] will provide any data provided by
//! [`Error::provide`].
//! To request a provided type, [`Report::request_ref`] or [`Report::request_value`] are used. Both
//! return an iterator of all provided values with the specified type. The value, which was provided
//! most recently will be returned first.
//! [`attach`]: Report::attach
//! [`Provider` API]:
//! ### Macros for Convenience
//! Three macros are provided to simplify the generation of a [`Report`].
//! - [`report!`] will only create a [`Report`] from its parameter. It will take into account if the
//!   passed type itself is a [`Report`] or a [`Context`]. For the former case, it will retain the
//!   details stored on a [`Report`], for the latter case it will create a new [`Report`] from the
//!   [`Context`].
//! - [`bail!`] acts like [`report!`] but also immediately returns the [`Report`] as [`Err`]
//!   variant.
//! - [`ensure!`] will check an expression and if it's evaluated to `false`, it will act like
//!   [`bail!`].
//! ### Span Traces
//! The crate comes with built-in support for `tracing`s [`SpanTrace`]. If the `spantrace` feature
//! is enabled and an [`ErrorLayer`] is set, a [`SpanTrace`] is either used when provided by the
//! root [`Context`] or will be captured when creating the [`Report`].
//! [`ErrorLayer`]: tracing_error::ErrorLayer
//! ### Debug Hooks
//! One can provide hooks for types added as attachments when the `std` feature is enabled. These
//! hooks are then used while formatting [`Report`]. This functionality is also used internally by
//! `error-stack` to render [`Backtrace`], and [`SpanTrace`], which means overwriting and
//! customizing them is as easy as providing another hook.
//! You can add new hooks with [`Report::install_debug_hook`]. Refer to the module-level
//! documentation of [`fmt`] for further information.
//! ### Additional Adaptors
//! [`ResultExt`] is a convenient wrapper around `Result<_, Report<_>>`. It offers
//! [`attach`](ResultExt::attach) and [`change_context`](ResultExt::change_context) on the
//! [`Result`] directly, but also a lazy variant that receives a function which is only called if
//! an error happens.
//! In addition to [`ResultExt`], this crate also comes with [`FutureExt`], which provides the same
//! functionality for [`Future`]s.
//! [`Future`]: core::future::Future
//! ### Feature Flags
//!  Feature       | Description                                                        | default
//! ---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|----------
//! `std`          | Enables support for [`Error`] and, on nightly, [`Backtrace`]       | enabled
//! `pretty-print` | Provide color[^color] and use of unicode in [`Debug`] output       | enabled
//! `spantrace`    | Enables automatic capturing of [`SpanTrace`]s                      | disabled
//! `anyhow`       | Provides `into_report` to convert [`anyhow::Error`] to [`Report`]  | disabled
//! `eyre`         | Provides `into_report` to convert [`eyre::Report`] to [`Report`]   | disabled
//! [^color]: error-stack supports the [`NO_COLOR`](
//!     and `FORCE_COLOR` environment variables through the [owo-colors crate](
//! [`set_debug_hook`]: Report::set_debug_hook
//! [`Error`]: core::error::Error
//! [`Error::provide`]: core::error::Error::provide
//! [`Backtrace`]: std::backtrace::Backtrace
//! [`Display`]: core::fmt::Display
//! [`Debug`]: core::fmt::Debug
//! [`SpanTrace`]: tracing_error::SpanTrace
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
    feature(provide_any, error_in_core, error_generic_member_access)
#![cfg_attr(all(doc, nightly), feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(all(nightly, feature = "std"), feature(backtrace_frames))]
#![allow(clippy::redundant_pub_crate)] // This would otherwise clash with `unreachable_pub`
#![allow(clippy::missing_errors_doc)] // This is an error handling library producing Results, not Errors
    doc(test(attr(deny(warnings, clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery))))

extern crate alloc;
extern crate core;

pub mod future;
pub mod iter;

mod compat;
mod frame;
mod macros;
mod report;
mod result;

mod context;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub mod fmt;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
mod fmt;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod hook;

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#[allow(deprecated, unreachable_pub)]
pub use self::hook::HookAlreadySet;
pub use self::{
    frame::{AttachmentKind, Frame, FrameKind},
pub use self::{
    result::{IntoReport, ResultExt},

mod tests {

    use core::mem;

    use crate::Report;

    const fn test_send<T: Send>() {}

    const fn test_sync<T: Sync>() {}

    const fn test_static<T: 'static>() {}

    const fn report() {

    fn test_size() {
        assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Report<()>>(), mem::size_of::<*const ()>());