epitls-pi 1.5.2

A little helper tool meant to ease the developpment of the C piscine at EPITA/Toulouse.
use std::{fs, path::PathBuf, thread, time::Duration};

use crate::{
	tasks::{CompileTask, GenTask, RunTask},
	utils::{log_failure, log_process, log_success},

pub fn main(_capture: bool, test_files: Vec<String>, includes: Vec<String>, args: Vec<String>) {
	let includes: Vec<_> = includes.into_iter().map(PathBuf::from).collect();
	for path in test_files {
		let content = fs::read_to_string(&path).unwrap();
		let tests = find_tests(content);
		for test in tests {
			log_process(&format!("running '{test}'"));
			let content = gen_test_main(fs::canonicalize(&path).unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), &test);
			let generated_code = GenTask::new(content).run();


			// compile with all files
			let mut files = vec![generated_code];
			let mut local_includes = includes.clone(); // TODO : filter out current test : already included
			files.append(&mut local_includes);
			let mut task = CompileTask::new(files);
			for flag in args.clone() {
				task = task.with_flag(flag);
			let generated_bin = task.run().unwrap();

			// run
			if RunTask::new(generated_bin).run().is_err() {
				log_failure("test failed");

pub fn find_tests(source: String) -> Vec<String> {
		.split([' ', '(', ')', ';'])
		.filter(|name| name.starts_with("test_"))

pub fn gen_test_main(path: &str, test: &str) -> String {
void __pi_test();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {{
    return 0;

#define main __pi_hidden_main

#include \"{path}\"

void __pi_test() {{