enum_str 0.1.1

Creates a unitary enum and conversions from enum variants to string and vice versa

This crate provides a macro to create a unitary enum and conversions from enum variants to a string representation and vice versa.

Why another crate?

The string representation does not need to be the same as the enum variant's identifier. See the example below for clarification.


#[macro_use] extern crate enum_str;

use std::str::FromStr;
use enum_str::{Error, AsStr};

fn main() {
    enum_str! {
       (Apple, "🍎"),
       (Pineapple, "🍍"),
       (Strawberry, "🍓"),
    assert_eq!("🍎", Vegetable::Apple.as_str());
    assert_eq!(Vegetable::Apple, Vegetable::from_str("🍎").unwrap());