enum_properties 0.3.0

A macro for declaring static properties on enum variants

//! A macro with two main purposes:
//! - attaching static properties to `enum` variants
//! - reducing the size of pointers to static records
//! The advantage in both cases is that the `enum` itself contains no data, and
//! can be as small as a byte.
//! # Example
//! (More complex enums are also supported. See [`enum_properties`#examples] for details.)
//! ```rust
//! use enum_properties::enum_properties;
//! struct SolidProperties {
//!     verts: i32,
//!     edges: i32,
//!     faces: i32,
//! }
//! enum_properties! {
//!     #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
//!     enum PlatonicSolid: SolidProperties {
//!         Tetrahedron {
//!             verts: 4,
//!             edges: 6,
//!             faces: 4,
//!         },
//!         Cube {
//!             verts: 8,
//!             edges: 12,
//!             faces: 6,
//!         },
//!         Octahedron {
//!             verts: 6,
//!             edges: 12,
//!             faces: 8,
//!         },
//!         Dodecahedron {
//!             verts: 20,
//!             edges: 30,
//!             faces: 12,
//!         },
//!         Icosahedron {
//!             verts: 12,
//!             edges: 30,
//!             faces: 20,
//!         },
//!     }
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let cube = PlatonicSolid::Cube;
//!     assert_eq!(cube.verts - cube.edges + cube.faces, 2);
//! }
//! ```

/// Defines a new `enum` and implements [`Deref`] for it.
/// The `enum` will [`Deref`] to a variant-specific [`static` item].
/// To specify default properties, use the following syntax (inspired by
/// [functional update syntax]):
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use enum_properties::enum_properties;
/// pub struct EnemyProperties {
///     pub health:     i32,
///     pub is_solid:   bool,
///     pub is_flying:  bool,
/// }
/// const DEFAULT_ENEMY_PROPERTIES: EnemyProperties = EnemyProperties {
///     health:     10,
///     is_solid:   true,
///     is_flying:  false,
/// };
/// enum_properties! {
///     #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
///     pub enum EnemyKind: EnemyProperties {
///         Skeleton {
///             health: 15,
///         },
///         Ghost {
///             is_solid: false,
///             is_flying: true,
///         },
///         Bat {
///             health: 1,
///             is_flying: true,
///         },
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// [`Deref`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/ops/trait.Deref.html
/// [`static` item]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/static-items.html
/// [functional update syntax]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/struct-expr.html#functional-update-syntax
/// Non-unit variants and custom discriminants are supported too, by inserting the static initializer directly after the variant name:
/// ```rust
/// use enum_properties::enum_properties;
/// pub struct EnemyProperties {
///     pub base_health:     i32,
///     pub is_solid:   bool,
///     pub is_flying:  bool,
/// }
/// const DEFAULT_ENEMY_PROPERTIES: EnemyProperties = EnemyProperties {
///     base_health:     10,
///     is_solid:   true,
///     is_flying:  false,
/// };
/// enum_properties! {
///     #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
///     pub enum EnemyKind: EnemyProperties {
///         Skeleton {
///             base_health: 15,
///         } {
///             current_health: i32,
///         },
///         Ghost {
///             is_solid: false,
///             is_flying: true,
///         } {
///             is_spooky: bool,
///         },
///         Bats {
///             base_health: 1,
///             is_flying: true,
///         } (
///             u128, // Bat count (but please name this field in an actual program)
///         ),
///     }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! enum_properties {
        $public:vis enum $Enum:ident : $EnumProperties:ident {
                $variant:ident {
                    $($field:ident : $value:expr),* $(, .. $default:expr)? $(,)?
                    ),* $(,)?
                $(= $discriminant:expr)?
            ),* $(,)?
    ) => {
        $public enum $Enum {
                $(= $discriminant)?
        impl core::ops::Deref for $Enum {
            type Target = $EnumProperties;
            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                match self {
                            $({ .. $(@$is_struct_variant_marker)?})?
                            $(($(_ $(@$tuple_variant_item_marker)?),*))?
                        => &$EnumProperties {
                            $($field: $value),* $(, .. $default)?
        $public:vis enum $Enum:ident : $EnumProperties:ident {
                $variant:ident {
                    $($field:ident : $value:expr),* $(,)?
                    ),* $(,)?
                $(= $discriminant:expr)?
            ),* , .. $default:expr $(,)?
    ) => {
        $public enum $Enum {
                $(= $discriminant)?
        impl core::ops::Deref for $Enum {
            type Target = $EnumProperties;
            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                match self {
                            $({ .. $(@$is_struct_variant_marker)?})?
                            $(($(_ $(@$tuple_variant_item_marker)?),*))?
                        => &$EnumProperties {
                            $($field: $value),* , .. $default