entity-inmemory 0.3.0

Custom inmemory database for entity crate.
use entity::{
    Database, DatabaseError, DatabaseResult, EdgeDeletionPolicy, Ent, Filter, Id, IdAllocator,
    Predicate, Primitive, Query, Value, EPHEMERAL_ID,
use std::{
    collections::{HashMap, HashSet},

type EntIdSet = HashSet<Id>;

/// Represents an in-memory database that performs synchronous insertion,
/// retrieval, and removal. If the feature `serde` is enabled, this database
/// can be serialized and deserialized.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct InmemoryDatabase {
    /// Primary ent storage
    ents: Mutex<HashMap<Id, Box<dyn Ent>>>,

    /// Type matching from specific ents to all ids of those ents
    ents_of_type: Mutex<HashMap<String, EntIdSet>>,

    /// Id allocator for ents
    alloc: Mutex<IdAllocator>,

impl InmemoryDatabase {
    /// Creates a new instance of an in-memory database
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl Default for InmemoryDatabase {
    /// Creates a new, empty database entry
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            ents: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
            ents_of_type: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
            alloc: Mutex::new(IdAllocator::new()),

impl Database for InmemoryDatabase {
    fn get_all(&self, ids: Vec<Id>) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<Box<dyn Ent>>> {
            .filter_map(|id| self.get(id).transpose())

    fn find_all(&self, query: Query) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<Box<dyn Ent>>> {
        let mut pipeline: Option<EntIdSet> = None;

        for filter in query {
            let mut_pipeline = pipeline.get_or_insert_with(|| prefill_ids(self, &filter));

            // If our filter is the special IntoEdge case, we don't want to
            // actually filter out ids but rather transform them into the ids
            // of their edge
            match filter {
                Filter::IntoEdge(name) => {
                    pipeline = Some(
                            .flat_map(|id| {
                                    .map(|maybe_ent| {
                                            .and_then(|ent| {
                                                ent.edge(&name).map(|edge| edge.to_ids())
                // Otherwise, the filter is a traditional case where we will
                // strip out ids by the filter
                f => {
                    mut_pipeline.retain(|id| filter_id(self, id, &f));

            .filter_map(|id| self.get(id).transpose())

    fn get(&self, id: Id) -> DatabaseResult<Option<Box<dyn Ent>>> {
        let maybe_ent = self
            .map(|ent| dyn_clone::clone_box(ent.as_ref()));

        // If we found an ent without a database connection, attempt to fill
        // it in with the global database if it exists
        Ok(if let Some(mut ent) = maybe_ent {
            if !ent.is_connected() {
        } else {

    fn remove(&self, id: Id) -> DatabaseResult<bool> {
        // Remove the ent and, if it has an associated schema, we process
        // each of the edges identified in the schema based on deletion attributes
        if let Some(ent) = self.ents.lock().unwrap().remove(&id) {
            for edge in ent.edges() {
                match edge.deletion_policy() {
                    // If shallow deletion, we only want to remove the connections
                    // back to this ent from the corresponding ents
                    EdgeDeletionPolicy::ShallowDelete => {
                        for edge_id in edge.to_ids() {
                            if let Some(ent) = self.ents.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&edge_id) {
                                for mut edge in ent.edges() {
                                    let _ = edge.value_mut().remove_ids(Some(edge_id));
                                    let name = edge.name().to_string();
                                    let _ = ent.update_edge(&name, edge.into_value());
                    // If deep deletion, we want to remove the ents connected
                    // by the edge
                    EdgeDeletionPolicy::DeepDelete => {
                        for id in edge.to_ids() {
                            let _ = self.remove(id);
                    // If deletion policy is nothing, then do nothing
                    EdgeDeletionPolicy::Nothing => {}

            // Remove the id from our type mapping if it is there
                .and_modify(|e| {

            // Add the id to the freed ids available in the allocator

        } else {

    fn insert(&self, mut ent: Box<dyn Ent>) -> DatabaseResult<Id> {
        // Get the id of the ent, swapping out the ephemeral id
        let id = ent.id();
        let id = if id == EPHEMERAL_ID {
            if let Some(id) = self.alloc.lock().unwrap().next() {
            } else {
                return Err(DatabaseError::EntCapacityReached);
        } else {

        // Update the ent's id to match what is actually to be used

        // Update the ent's last_updated to be the current time
        ent.mark_updated().map_err(|e| DatabaseError::Other {
            source: Box::from(e),

        // Add our ent's id to the set of ids associated with the ent's type

        // Add our ent to the primary database
        self.ents.lock().unwrap().insert(id, ent);


impl InmemoryDatabase {
    /// Returns ids of all ents stored in the database
    pub fn ids(&self) -> EntIdSet {

    /// Returns true if database contains the provided id
    pub fn has_id(&self, id: Id) -> bool {

    /// Returns ids of all ents for the given type
    pub fn ids_for_type(&self, r#type: &str) -> EntIdSet {

/// Called once when first beginning to filter to determine which ent ids
/// to start with based on the leading filter
/// 1. If lead filter by id equality, will only include those ids that match
///    the predicate
/// 2. If lead filter by type equality, will only include those ids that equal
///    the type (or many types if wrapped in Or)
/// 3. Any other variation of id/type filter or other kind of filter will
///    result in the more expensive pulling of all ids
fn prefill_ids(db: &InmemoryDatabase, filter: &Filter) -> EntIdSet {
    fn from_id_predicate(
        db: &InmemoryDatabase,
        p: &Predicate,
        mut ids: EntIdSet,
    ) -> Option<EntIdSet> {
        match p {
            Predicate::Equals(Value::Primitive(Primitive::Number(id))) => Some({
            Predicate::Or(list) => list.iter().fold(Some(ids), |ids, p| match ids {
                Some(ids) => from_id_predicate(db, p, ids),
                None => None,
            _ => None,

    fn from_type_predicate(
        db: &InmemoryDatabase,
        p: &Predicate,
        mut ids: EntIdSet,
    ) -> Option<EntIdSet> {
        match p {
            Predicate::Equals(Value::Text(t)) => Some({
            Predicate::Or(list) => list.iter().fold(Some(ids), |ids, p| match ids {
                Some(ids) => from_type_predicate(db, p, ids),
                None => None,
            _ => None,

    match filter {
        // If leading with id, support Equals and Or(Equals(...), ...) for
        // specific ids; otherwise, too hard to figure out so we pull in all ids
        Filter::Id(p) => {
            from_id_predicate(db, p.as_untyped(), EntIdSet::new()).unwrap_or_else(|| db.ids())

        // If leading with type, support Equals and Or(Equals(...), ...) for
        // specific ids; otherwise, too hard to figure out so we pull in all ids
        Filter::Type(p) => {
            from_type_predicate(db, p.as_untyped(), EntIdSet::new()).unwrap_or_else(|| db.ids())

        // Otherwise, currently no cached/indexed way to look up (yet)
        // TODO: Support database field indexing so equality of a field can
        //       be used for faster id lookup; do the same for timestamp fields
        _ => db.ids(),

fn filter_id(db: &InmemoryDatabase, id: &Id, filter: &Filter) -> bool {
    match filter {
        Filter::Id(p) => p.check(*id),
        Filter::Type(p) => with_ent(db, id, |ent| p.check(ent.r#type().to_string())),
        Filter::Created(p) => with_ent(db, id, |ent| p.check(ent.created())),
        Filter::LastUpdated(p) => with_ent(db, id, |ent| p.check(ent.last_updated())),
        Filter::Field(name, p) => with_ent(db, id, |ent| match ent.field(name) {
            Some(value) => p.check(&value),
            None => false,
        Filter::Edge(name, f) => with_ent(db, id, |ent| match ent.edge(name) {
            Some(edge) => edge.to_ids().iter().any(|id| filter_id(db, id, f)),
            None => false,

        // NOTE: Logically, this should be impossible to reach since we only
        //       call this when we know that the filter is not a transformation
        Filter::IntoEdge(_) => unreachable!("Bug: Transformation in filter"),

fn with_ent<F: Fn(Box<dyn Ent>) -> bool>(db: &InmemoryDatabase, id: &Id, f: F) -> bool {
        .map(|maybe_ent| maybe_ent.map(f).unwrap_or_default())

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use entity::{Predicate as P, TypedPredicate as TP, *};

    /// Creates a new database with some test entries used throughout
    /// IDs: 1-3 ~ are type1 with no fields or edges
    /// IDs: 4-6 ~ are type2 with value fields and no edges
    /// IDs: 7-9 ~ are type3 with collection fields and no edges
    /// IDs: 10-12 ~ are type4 with edges to 1-9 and no fields
    fn new_test_database() -> InmemoryDatabase {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        // 1-3 have no fields or edges
        let _ = db
            .insert(Box::from(UntypedEnt::from_collections(1, vec![], vec![])))
        let _ = db
            .insert(Box::from(UntypedEnt::from_collections(2, vec![], vec![])))
        let _ = db
            .insert(Box::from(UntypedEnt::from_collections(3, vec![], vec![])))

        // 4-6 have value fields only
        let _ = db
                vec![Field::new("a", 1), Field::new("b", 2)],
        let _ = db
                vec![Field::new("a", 3), Field::new("b", 4)],
        let _ = db
                vec![Field::new("a", 5), Field::new("b", 6)],

        // 7-9 have collection fields only
        let _ = db
                        vec![(String::from("a"), 3), (String::from("b"), 5)]
                            .collect::<HashMap<String, u8>>(),
        let _ = db
                vec![Field::new("f", vec![1, 2])],
        let _ = db
                            (String::from("a"), Value::from(vec![1, 2])),
                            (String::from("b"), Value::from(vec![3, 4])),
                        .collect::<HashMap<String, Value>>(),

        // 10-12 have edges only
        let _ = db
                    Edge::new("a", 1),
                    Edge::new("b", vec![3, 4, 5]),
                    Edge::new("c", None),
        let _ = db
                vec![Edge::new("a", 2), Edge::new("b", vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])],
        let _ = db
                    Edge::new("a", 3),
                    Edge::new("b", vec![]),
                    Edge::new("c", Some(8)),


    fn query_and_assert<Q: Into<Query>>(db: &InmemoryDatabase, query: Q, expected: &[Id]) {
        let query = query.into();
        let results = db
            .expect("Failed to retrieve ents")
            .map(|ent| ent.id())
            "{:?}\nExpected: {:?}, Actual: {:?}",

    fn insert_should_replace_ephemeral_id_with_allocator_id() {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let ent = UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(EPHEMERAL_ID);
        let id = db.insert(Box::from(ent)).expect("Failed to insert ent");
        assert_ne!(id, EPHEMERAL_ID);

        let ent = db.get(id).expect("Failed to get ent").expect("Ent missing");
        assert_eq!(ent.id(), id);

    fn insert_should_update_the_last_updated_time_with_the_current_time() {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let ent = UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(EPHEMERAL_ID);
        let last_updated = ent.last_updated();

        let id = db.insert(Box::from(ent)).expect("Failed to insert ent");
        let ent = db.get(id).expect("Failed to get ent").expect("Ent missing");
        assert!(ent.last_updated() > last_updated);

    fn insert_should_add_a_new_ent_using_its_id() {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let ent = UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(999);
        let id = db.insert(Box::from(ent)).expect("Failed to insert ent");
        assert_eq!(id, 999);

        let ent = db
            .expect("Failed to get ent")
            .expect("Ent missing");
        assert_eq!(ent.id(), 999);
        assert_eq!(db.alloc.lock().unwrap().next(), Some(1000));

    fn insert_should_overwrite_an_existing_ent_with_the_same_id() {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let ent = UntypedEnt::from_collections(999, vec![Field::new("field1", 3)], vec![]);
        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(ent)).expect("Failed to insert ent");

        let ent = db
            .expect("Failed to get ent")
            .expect("Ent missing");
        assert_eq!(ent.field("field1").expect("Field missing"), Value::from(3));

    fn get_should_return_an_ent_by_id() {
        use entity::DatabaseRc;
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let result = db.get(999).expect("Failed to get ent");
        assert!(result.is_none(), "Unexpectedly acquired ent");

        let _ = db

        let result = db.get(999).expect("Failed to get ent");
        assert!(result.is_some(), "Unexpectedly missing ent");
            "Ent unexpectedly connected to database"

        // Verify that if a global database is available, it will populate
        let db = DatabaseRc::new(Box::new(db));
        entity::global::with_db_from_rc(DatabaseRc::clone(&db), || {
            let result = db.get(999).expect("Failed to get ent");
            assert!(result.is_some(), "Unexpectedly missing ent");
                "Ent unexpectedly not connected to database"

    fn remove_should_remove_an_ent_by_id() {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let _ = db.remove(999).expect("Failed to remove ent");

        let _ = db
        assert!(db.get(999).unwrap().is_some(), "Failed to set up ent");

        let _ = db.remove(999).expect("Failed to remove ent");
        assert!(db.get(999).unwrap().is_none(), "Did not remove ent");

        // Id allocator should indicate that id has been freed
        assert_eq!(db.alloc.lock().unwrap().freed(), &[999]);

    fn get_all_should_return_all_ents_with_associated_ids() {
        let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(1))).unwrap();
        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(2))).unwrap();
        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(3))).unwrap();

        let results = db
            .get_all(vec![1, 2, 3])
            .expect("Failed to retrieve ents")
            .map(|ent| ent.id())
        assert_eq!(results, [1, 2, 3].iter().copied().collect());

        let results = db
            .get_all(vec![1, 3])
            .expect("Failed to retrieve ents")
            .map(|ent| ent.id())
        assert_eq!(results, [1, 3].iter().copied().collect());

        let results = db
            .get_all(vec![2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
            .expect("Failed to retrieve ents")
            .map(|ent| ent.id())
        assert_eq!(results, [2, 3].iter().copied().collect());

    fn find_all_should_return_no_ents_by_default() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        let q = Query::default();
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[]);

    fn find_all_should_support_filtering_by_id() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        // If ent with id exists, we expect it to be available
        let q = Query::default().where_id(TP::equals(1));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1]);

        // If ent with either id exists, we expect it to be available
        let q = Query::default().where_id(TP::equals(1) | TP::equals(2));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1, 2]);

        // If ent with id does not exist, we expect empty
        let q = Query::default().where_id(TP::equals(999));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[]);

        // If already in a pipeline, should only filter the existing ids
        let q = Query::default()
            .where_id(TP::equals(1) | TP::equals(2))
            .where_id(TP::equals(1) | TP::equals(3));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1]);

    fn find_all_should_support_filtering_by_type() {
        let db = new_test_database();
        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(TestEnt::new(20))).unwrap();
        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(TestEnt::new(21))).unwrap();
        let _ = db.insert(Box::from(TestEnt::new(22))).unwrap();

        // If ent with type exists, we expect it to be available
        let ts = <UntypedEnt as EntType>::type_str();
        let q = Query::default().where_type(TP::equals(ts.to_string()));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);

        // If ent with either type exists, we expect it to be available
        let q = Query::default().where_type(TP::or(vec![
            TP::equals(<UntypedEnt as EntType>::type_str().to_string()),
            TP::equals(<TestEnt as EntType>::type_str().to_string()),
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22]);

        // If ent with type does not exist, we expect empty
        let q = Query::default().where_type(TP::equals(String::from("unknown")));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[]);

        // If already in a pipeline, should only filter the existing ids
        let q = Query::default()
            .where_id(TP::equals(1) | TP::equals(2) | TP::equals(4))
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1, 2, 4]);

    fn find_all_should_support_filtering_by_created_timestamp() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        // Re-create all ents with enough time split between them for us to
        // properly test creation time
        for i in 1..=12 {
            let ent = UntypedEnt::empty_with_id(i);
                .expect(&format!("Failed to replace ent {}", i));

        // Get all ents created after our third ent
        let time = db.get(3).unwrap().expect("Missing ent 3").created();
        let q = Query::default().where_created(TP::greater_than(time));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]);

        // If already in a pipeline, should only filter the existing ids
        let time = db.get(3).unwrap().expect("Missing ent 3").created();
        let q = Query::default()
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[4, 5, 6, 7]);

    fn find_all_should_support_filtering_by_last_updated_timestamp() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        // Update all ents with enough time split between them for us to
        // properly test last updated time
        for i in (1..=12).rev() {
            use entity::DatabaseExt;
            let mut ent = db
                .expect(&format!("Missing ent {}", i));
                .expect(&format!("Failed to update ent {}", i));

        // Get all ents updated after our third ent
        let time = db.get(3).unwrap().expect("Missing ent 3").last_updated();
        let q = Query::default().where_last_updated(TP::greater_than(time));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1, 2]);

        // If already in a pipeline, should only filter the existing ids
        let time = db.get(3).unwrap().expect("Missing ent 3").created();
        let q = Query::default()
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[2]);

    fn find_all_should_support_filtering_by_field() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        // If ent's field passes condition, it will be included in return
        let q = Query::default().where_field("a", P::equals(3));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[5]);

        // If already have ents in pipeline, they will be filtered by "field"
        let q = Query::default()
            .where_id(TP::equals(4) | TP::equals(6))
            .where_field("a", P::greater_than(1));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[6]);

    fn find_all_should_support_filtering_by_edge() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        // If ent's edge passes condition, it will be included in return
        let q = Query::default().where_edge("a", Filter::Id(TP::equals(3)));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[12]);

        // If already have ents in pipeline, they will be filtered by "edge"
        let q = Query::default()
            .where_id(TP::equals(10) | TP::equals(12))
            .where_edge("a", Filter::Id(TP::always()));
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[10, 12]);

    fn find_all_should_support_transforming_into_edge() {
        let db = new_test_database();

        // Will take the ids of each ent with the given edge and use
        // them going forward; in this example, ents #10 and #11 have
        // overlapping ids for edge b
        let q = Query::default().where_into_edge("b");
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

        // If already have ents in pipeline, their edge's ids will
        // be used specifically; in this example, ent #12 has no ents
        // for edge b
        let q = Query::default()
            .where_id(TP::equals(10) | TP::equals(12))
        query_and_assert(&db, q, &[3, 4, 5]);

    #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
    struct TestEnt(Id);

    impl TestEnt {
        pub fn new(id: Id) -> Self {

    impl EntType for TestEnt {
        fn type_data() -> EntTypeData {
            EntTypeData::Concrete {
                ty: concat!(module_path!(), "::TestEnt"),

    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-1", typetag::serde)]
    impl Ent for TestEnt {
        fn id(&self) -> Id {

        fn set_id(&mut self, id: Id) {
            self.0 = id;

        fn r#type(&self) -> &str {

        fn created(&self) -> u64 {

        fn last_updated(&self) -> u64 {

        fn mark_updated(&mut self) -> Result<(), EntMutationError> {

        fn field_definitions(&self) -> Vec<FieldDefinition> {

        fn field_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {

        fn field(&self, _name: &str) -> Option<Value> {

        fn update_field(&mut self, name: &str, _value: Value) -> Result<Value, EntMutationError> {
            Err(EntMutationError::NoField {
                name: name.to_string(),

        fn edge_definitions(&self) -> Vec<EdgeDefinition> {

        fn edge_names(&self) -> Vec<String> {

        fn edge(&self, _name: &str) -> Option<EdgeValue> {

        fn update_edge(
            &mut self,
            name: &str,
            _value: EdgeValue,
        ) -> Result<EdgeValue, EntMutationError> {
            Err(EntMutationError::NoEdge {
                name: name.to_string(),

        fn connect(&mut self, _database: WeakDatabaseRc) {}

        fn disconnect(&mut self) {}

        fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {

        fn load_edge(&self, _name: &str) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<Box<dyn Ent>>> {

        fn refresh(&mut self) -> DatabaseResult<()> {

        fn commit(&mut self) -> DatabaseResult<()> {

        fn remove(&self) -> DatabaseResult<bool> {