entity-async-graphql 0.3.2

Support to integration async-graphql into entity crate.


Provides data structures to expose entity objects via async-graphql.


Leveraging macros feature alongside the entity-inmemory and futures crates:

use async_graphql::{Context, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription, Object, Schema};
use entity::*;
use entity_async_graphql::*;
use entity_inmemory::InmemoryDatabase;

#[derive(EntObject, EntFilter)]
struct User {
  name: String,
  age: u8,

  friends: Vec<User>,

struct RootQuery;

impl RootQuery {
  async fn users(
    ctx: &Context<'_>,
    filter: GqlUserFilter,
  ) -> async_graphql::Result<Vec<User>> {
    let db = ctx.data::<DatabaseRc>()?;

        .map_err(|x| async_graphql::Error::new(x.to_string()))

fn main() {
  // Create an empty database and convert from InmemoryDatabase -> DatabaseRc
  let db = db_to_rc(InmemoryDatabase::default());

  // Make a user and write it into the database
  let user = User::build()
    .name(String::from("Fred Flintstone"))
    .expect("Built user");
  let _ = db.insert_typed(user).expect("Wrote to database");

  // Define our GraphQL schema and add our database as context data
  let schema = Schema::build(RootQuery, EmptyMutation, EmptySubscription)

  // Execute a GraphQL query and print the results
  let res = futures::executor::block_on(schema.execute(r#"
      user(filter: { name: { text_ends_with: "Flintstone" } }) {

  println!("{:#?}", res);

Feature Flags

  • macros - provides macro support for generating needed async-graphql code for new entities