endbasic-std 0.10.0

The EndBASIC programming language - standard library
// Copyright 2021 Julio Merino
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy
// of the License at:
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

//! Test utilities for consumers of the EndBASIC interpreter.

use crate::console::{
    self, remove_control_chars, CharsXY, ClearType, Console, Key, PixelsXY, SizeInPixels,
use crate::gpio;
use crate::program::Program;
use crate::storage::Storage;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use endbasic_core::ast::{Value, VarRef, VarType};
use endbasic_core::exec::{self, Machine, StopReason};
use endbasic_core::syms::{Array, Command, Function, Symbol};
use futures_lite::future::block_on;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::io;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::result::Result;
use std::str;

/// A captured command or messages sent to the mock console.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum CapturedOut {
    /// Represents a call to `Console::clear`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::set_color`.
    SetColor(Option<u8>, Option<u8>),

    /// Represents a call to `Console::enter_alt`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::hide_cursor`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::leave_alt`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::locate`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::move_within_line`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::print`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::show_cursor`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::write`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::draw_circle`.
    DrawCircle(PixelsXY, u16),

    /// Represents a call to `Console::draw_circle_filled`.
    DrawCircleFilled(PixelsXY, u16),

    /// Represents a call to `Console::draw_line`.
    DrawLine(PixelsXY, PixelsXY),

    /// Represents a call to `Console::draw_pixel`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::draw_rect`.
    DrawRect(PixelsXY, PixelsXY),

    /// Represents a call to `Console::draw_rect_filled`.
    DrawRectFilled(PixelsXY, PixelsXY),

    /// Represents a call to `Console::sync_now`.

    /// Represents a call to `Console::set_sync`.

/// A console that supplies golden input and captures all output.
pub struct MockConsole {
    /// Sequence of keys to yield on `read_key` calls.
    golden_in: VecDeque<Key>,

    /// Sequence of all messages printed.
    captured_out: Vec<CapturedOut>,

    /// The size of the mock text console.
    size_chars: CharsXY,

    /// The size of the mock graphical console.
    size_pixels: Option<SizeInPixels>,

    /// Whether the console is interactive or not.
    interactive: bool,

impl Default for MockConsole {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            golden_in: VecDeque::new(),
            captured_out: vec![],
            size_chars: CharsXY::new(u16::MAX, u16::MAX),
            size_pixels: None,
            interactive: false,

impl MockConsole {
    /// Adds a bunch of characters as golden input keys.
    /// Note that some escape characters within `s` are interpreted and added as their
    /// corresponding `Key`s for simplicity.
    pub fn add_input_chars(&mut self, s: &str) {
        for ch in s.chars() {
            match ch {
                '\n' => self.golden_in.push_back(Key::NewLine),
                '\r' => self.golden_in.push_back(Key::CarriageReturn),
                ch => self.golden_in.push_back(Key::Char(ch)),

    /// Adds a bunch of keys as golden input.
    pub fn add_input_keys(&mut self, keys: &[Key]) {

    /// Obtains a reference to the captured output.
    pub fn captured_out(&self) -> &[CapturedOut] {

    /// Takes the captured output for separate analysis.
    pub fn take_captured_out(&mut self) -> Vec<CapturedOut> {
        let mut copy = Vec::with_capacity(self.captured_out.len());
        copy.append(&mut self.captured_out);

    /// Sets the size of the mock text console.
    pub fn set_size_chars(&mut self, size: CharsXY) {
        self.size_chars = size;

    /// Sets the size of the mock graphical console.
    pub fn set_size_pixels(&mut self, size: SizeInPixels) {
        self.size_pixels = Some(size);

    /// Sets whether the mock console is interactive or not.
    pub fn set_interactive(&mut self, interactive: bool) {
        self.interactive = interactive;

    /// Ensures that all prerecorded input characters were consumed.
    fn verify_all_used(&mut self) {
            "Not all golden input chars were consumed; {} left",

impl Console for MockConsole {
    fn clear(&mut self, how: ClearType) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn color(&self) -> (Option<u8>, Option<u8>) {
        for o in self.captured_out.iter().rev() {
            if let CapturedOut::SetColor(fg, bg) = o {
                return (*fg, *bg);
        (None, None)

    fn set_color(&mut self, fg: Option<u8>, bg: Option<u8>) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.captured_out.push(CapturedOut::SetColor(fg, bg));

    fn enter_alt(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn hide_cursor(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn is_interactive(&self) -> bool {

    fn leave_alt(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn locate(&mut self, pos: CharsXY) -> io::Result<()> {
        assert!(pos.x < self.size_chars.x);
        assert!(pos.y < self.size_chars.y);

    fn move_within_line(&mut self, off: i16) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn print(&mut self, text: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let text = remove_control_chars(text.to_owned());


    async fn poll_key(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<Key>> {
        match self.golden_in.pop_front() {
            Some(ch) => Ok(Some(ch)),
            None => Ok(None),

    async fn read_key(&mut self) -> io::Result<Key> {
        match self.golden_in.pop_front() {
            Some(ch) => Ok(ch),
            None => Ok(Key::Eof),

    fn show_cursor(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn size_chars(&self) -> io::Result<CharsXY> {

    fn size_pixels(&self) -> io::Result<SizeInPixels> {
        match self.size_pixels {
            Some(size) => Ok(size),
            None => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Graphical console size not yet set")),

    fn write(&mut self, text: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let text = remove_control_chars(text.to_owned());


    fn draw_circle(&mut self, xy: PixelsXY, r: u16) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.captured_out.push(CapturedOut::DrawCircle(xy, r));

    fn draw_circle_filled(&mut self, xy: PixelsXY, r: u16) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.captured_out.push(CapturedOut::DrawCircleFilled(xy, r));

    fn draw_line(&mut self, x1y1: PixelsXY, x2y2: PixelsXY) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.captured_out.push(CapturedOut::DrawLine(x1y1, x2y2));

    fn draw_pixel(&mut self, xy: PixelsXY) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn draw_rect(&mut self, x1y1: PixelsXY, x2y2: PixelsXY) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.captured_out.push(CapturedOut::DrawRect(x1y1, x2y2));

    fn draw_rect_filled(&mut self, x1y1: PixelsXY, x2y2: PixelsXY) -> io::Result<()> {
        self.captured_out.push(CapturedOut::DrawRectFilled(x1y1, x2y2));

    fn sync_now(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

    fn set_sync(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> io::Result<bool> {
        let mut previous = true;
        for o in self.captured_out.iter().rev() {
            if let CapturedOut::SetSync(e) = o {
                previous = *e;

/// Flattens the captured output into a single string resembling what would be shown in the
/// console for ease of testing.
pub fn flatten_output(captured_out: Vec<CapturedOut>) -> String {
    let mut flattened = String::new();
    for out in captured_out {
        match out {
            CapturedOut::Write(bs) => flattened.push_str(&bs),
            CapturedOut::Print(s) => flattened.push_str(&s),
            _ => (),

/// A stored program that exposes golden contents and accepts new content from the console when
/// edits are requested.
pub struct RecordedProgram {
    name: Option<String>,
    content: String,
    dirty: bool,

impl Program for RecordedProgram {
    fn is_dirty(&self) -> bool {

    async fn edit(&mut self, console: &mut dyn Console) -> io::Result<()> {
        let append = console::read_line(console, "", "", None).await?;
        self.dirty = true;

    fn load(&mut self, name: Option<&str>, text: &str) {
        self.name = name.map(str::to_owned);
        self.content = text.to_owned();
        self.dirty = false;

    fn name(&self) -> Option<&str> {

    fn set_name(&mut self, name: &str) {
        self.name = Some(name.to_owned());
        self.dirty = false;

    fn text(&self) -> String {

/// Builder pattern to prepare an EndBASIC machine for testing purposes.
pub struct Tester {
    console: Rc<RefCell<MockConsole>>,
    storage: Rc<RefCell<Storage>>,
    program: Rc<RefCell<RecordedProgram>>,
    machine: Machine,

impl Default for Tester {
    /// Creates a new tester for a fully-equipped (interactive) machine.
    fn default() -> Self {
        let console = Rc::from(RefCell::from(MockConsole::default()));
        let program = Rc::from(RefCell::from(RecordedProgram::default()));

        // Default to the pins set that always returns errors.  We could have implemented a set of
        // fake pins here to track GPIO state changes in a nicer way, similar to how we track all
        // other machine state... but the GPIO module already implements its own mocking feature.
        // The mocking feature is necessary for integration testing in any case, so we just use that
        // everywhere instead of having yet another implementation in this module.
        let gpio_pins = Rc::from(RefCell::from(gpio::NoopPins::default()));

        let mut builder = crate::MachineBuilder::default()

        // Grab access to the machine's storage subsystem before we lose track of it, as we will
        // need this to check its state.
        let storage = builder.get_storage();

        let machine = builder.build().unwrap();

        Self { console, storage, program, machine }

impl Tester {
    /// Creates a new tester with an empty `Machine`.
    pub fn empty() -> Self {
        let console = Rc::from(RefCell::from(MockConsole::default()));
        let storage = Rc::from(RefCell::from(Storage::default()));
        let program = Rc::from(RefCell::from(RecordedProgram::default()));

        let machine = Machine::default();

        Self { console, storage, program, machine }

    /// Registers the given builtin command into the machine, which must not yet be registered.
    pub fn add_command(mut self, command: Rc<dyn Command>) -> Self {

    /// Registers the given builtin function into the machine, which must not yet be registered.
    pub fn add_function(mut self, function: Rc<dyn Function>) -> Self {

    /// Adds the `golden_in` characters as console input.
    pub fn add_input_chars(self, golden_in: &str) -> Self {

    /// Adds a bunch of keys as golden input to the console.
    pub fn add_input_keys(self, keys: &[Key]) -> Self {

    /// Returns a mutable reference to the machine inside the tester.
    /// This method should generally not be used, except to run native methods that have
    /// side-effects on the machine that we'd like to validate later.
    pub fn get_machine(&mut self) -> &mut Machine {
        &mut self.machine

    /// Gets the mock console from the tester.
    /// This method should generally not be used.  Its primary utility is to hook
    /// externally-instantiated commands into the testing features.
    pub fn get_console(&self) -> Rc<RefCell<MockConsole>> {

    /// Gets the recorded program from the tester.
    /// This method should generally not be used.  Its primary utility is to hook
    /// externally-instantiated commands into the testing features.
    pub fn get_program(&self) -> Rc<RefCell<RecordedProgram>> {

    /// Gets the storage subsystem from the tester.
    /// This method should generally not be used.  Its primary utility is to hook
    /// externally-instantiated commands into the testing features.
    pub fn get_storage(&self) -> Rc<RefCell<Storage>> {

    /// Sets a variable to an initial value.
    pub fn set_var(mut self, name: &str, value: Value) -> Self {
        self.machine.get_mut_symbols().set_var(&VarRef::new(name, VarType::Auto), value).unwrap();

    /// Sets the initial name of the recorded program to `name` (if any) and its contents to `text`.
    /// Can only be called once and `text` must not be empty.
    pub fn set_program(self, name: Option<&str>, text: &str) -> Self {
            let mut program = self.program.borrow_mut();
            program.load(name, text);

    /// Creates or overwrites a file in the storage medium.
    pub fn write_file(self, name: &str, content: &str) -> Self {
        block_on(self.storage.borrow_mut().put(name, content)).unwrap();

    /// Runs `script` in the configured machine and returns a `Checker` object to validate
    /// expectations about the execution.
    pub fn run<S: Into<String>>(&mut self, script: S) -> Checker {
        let result = block_on(self.machine.exec(&mut script.into().as_bytes()));
        Checker::new(self, result)

/// Captures expectations about the execution of a command and validates them.
pub struct Checker<'a> {
    tester: &'a Tester,
    result: exec::Result<StopReason>,
    exp_result: Result<StopReason, String>,
    exp_output: Vec<CapturedOut>,
    exp_drives: HashMap<String, String>,
    exp_program_name: Option<String>,
    exp_program_text: String,
    exp_arrays: HashMap<String, Array>,
    exp_vars: HashMap<String, Value>,

impl<'a> Checker<'a> {
    /// Creates a new checker with default expectations based on the results of an execution.
    /// The default expectations are that the execution ran through completion and that it did not
    /// have any side-effects.
    fn new(tester: &'a Tester, result: exec::Result<StopReason>) -> Self {
        Self {
            exp_result: Ok(StopReason::Eof),
            exp_output: vec![],
            exp_drives: HashMap::default(),
            exp_program_name: None,
            exp_program_text: String::new(),
            exp_arrays: HashMap::default(),
            exp_vars: HashMap::default(),

    /// Expects the invocation to have successfully terminated with the given `stop_reason`.
    /// If not called, defaults to expecting that execution terminated due to EOF.  This or
    /// `expect_err` can only be called once.
    pub fn expect_ok(mut self, stop_reason: StopReason) -> Self {
        assert_eq!(Ok(StopReason::Eof), self.exp_result);
        self.exp_result = Ok(stop_reason);

    /// Expects the invocation to have erroneously terminated with the exact `message` that comes
    /// from an error that can be caught.
    /// If not called, defaults to expecting that execution terminated due to EOF.  This or
    /// `expect_err` can only be called once.
    pub fn expect_err<S: Into<String>>(mut self, message: S) -> Self {
        let message = message.into();
        assert_eq!(Ok(StopReason::Eof), self.exp_result);
        self.exp_result = Err(message.clone());
        self.exp_vars.insert("0ERRMSG".to_string(), Value::Text(message));

    /// Expects the invocation to have erroneously terminated with the exact `message` that comes
    /// from an error that cannot be caught (such as a parse error).
    /// If not called, defaults to expecting that execution terminated due to EOF.  This or
    /// `expect_err` can only be called once.
    pub fn expect_uncatchable_err<S: Into<String>>(mut self, message: S) -> Self {
        let message = message.into();
        assert_eq!(Ok(StopReason::Eof), self.exp_result);
        self.exp_result = Err(message);

    /// Adds the `name` array as an array to expect in the final state of the machine.  The array
    /// will be tested to have the same `subtype` and `dimensions`, as well as specific `contents`.
    /// The contents are provided as a collection of subscripts/value pairs to assign to the
    /// expected array.
    pub fn expect_array<S: Into<String>>(
        mut self,
        name: S,
        subtype: VarType,
        dimensions: &[usize],
        contents: Vec<(&[i32], Value)>,
    ) -> Self {
        let name = name.into().to_ascii_uppercase();
        let mut array = Array::new(subtype, dimensions.to_owned());
        for (subscripts, value) in contents.into_iter() {
            array.assign(subscripts, value).unwrap();
        self.exp_arrays.insert(name, array);

    /// Adds the `name` array as an array to expect in the final state of the machine.  The array
    /// will be tested to have the same `subtype` and only one dimension with `contents`.
    pub fn expect_array_simple<S: Into<String>>(
        mut self,
        name: S,
        subtype: VarType,
        contents: Vec<Value>,
    ) -> Self {
        let name = name.into().to_ascii_uppercase();
        let mut array = Array::new(subtype, vec![contents.len()]);
        for (i, value) in contents.into_iter().enumerate() {
            array.assign(&[i as i32], value).unwrap();
        self.exp_arrays.insert(name, array);

    /// Adds tracking for all the side-effects of a clear operation on the machine.
    pub fn expect_clear(mut self) -> Self {
        self.exp_output.append(&mut vec![
            CapturedOut::SetColor(None, None),

    /// Adds a file to expect in the drive with a `name` and specific `content`.
    /// `name` must be the absolute path to the file that is expected, including the drive name.
    pub fn expect_file<N: Into<String>, C: Into<String>>(mut self, name: N, content: C) -> Self {
        let name = name.into();
        self.exp_drives.insert(name, content.into());

    /// Adds the `out` sequence of captured outputs to the expected outputs of the execution.
    pub fn expect_output<V: Into<Vec<CapturedOut>>>(mut self, out: V) -> Self {
        self.exp_output.append(&mut out.into());

    /// Adds the `out` sequence of strings to the expected outputs of the execution.
    /// This is a convenience function around `expect_output` that wraps all incoming strings in
    /// `CapturedOut::Print` objects, as these are the most common outputs in tests.
    pub fn expect_prints<S: Into<String>, V: Into<Vec<S>>>(mut self, out: V) -> Self {
        let out = out.into();
            .append(&mut out.into_iter().map(|x| CapturedOut::Print(x.into())).collect());

    /// Sets the expected name of the stored program to `name` and its contents to `text`.  Can only
    /// be called once and `text` must not be empty.
    pub fn expect_program<S1: Into<String>, S2: Into<String>>(
        mut self,
        name: Option<S1>,
        text: S2,
    ) -> Self {
        let text = text.into();
        self.exp_program_name = name.map(|x| x.into());
        self.exp_program_text = text;

    /// Adds the `name`/`value` pair as a variable to expect in the final state of the machine.
    pub fn expect_var<S: Into<String>, V: Into<Value>>(mut self, name: S, value: V) -> Self {
        let name = name.into().to_ascii_uppercase();
        self.exp_vars.insert(name, value.into());

    /// Takes the captured output for separate analysis.
    pub fn take_captured_out(&mut self) -> Vec<CapturedOut> {
            "Cannot take output if we are already expecting prints because the test would fail"

    /// Validates all expectations.
    pub fn check(self) {
        match self.result {
            Ok(stop_reason) => assert_eq!(self.exp_result.unwrap(), stop_reason),
            Err(e) => assert_eq!(self.exp_result.unwrap_err(), format!("{}", e)),

        let mut arrays = HashMap::default();
        let mut vars = HashMap::default();
        for (name, symbol) in self.tester.machine.get_symbols().as_hashmap() {
            match symbol {
                Symbol::Array(array) => {
                    // TODO(jmmv): This array.clone() call is a hack to simplify the equality check
                    // below.  Should try to avoid it and remove the Clone impl from Array.
                    arrays.insert(name.to_owned(), array.clone());
                Symbol::Command(_) | Symbol::Function(_) => {
                    // We currently don't support user-defined callables at runtime so there is no
                    // need to validate anything about them.
                Symbol::Variable(value) => {
                    vars.insert(name.to_owned(), value.clone());

        let drive_contents = {
            let mut files = HashMap::new();
            let storage = self.tester.storage.borrow();
            for (drive_name, target) in storage.mounted().iter() {
                if target.starts_with("cloud://") {
                    // TODO(jmmv): Verifying the cloud drives is hard because we would need to mock
                    // out the requests issued by the checks below.  Ignore them for now.

                let root = format!("{}:/", drive_name);
                for name in block_on(storage.enumerate(&root)).unwrap().dirents().keys() {
                    let path = format!("{}{}", root, name);
                    let content = block_on(storage.get(&path)).unwrap();
                    files.insert(path, content);

        assert_eq!(self.exp_vars, vars);
        assert_eq!(self.exp_arrays, arrays);
        assert_eq!(self.exp_output, self.tester.console.borrow().captured_out());
        assert_eq!(self.exp_program_name.as_deref(), self.tester.program.borrow().name());
        assert_eq!(self.exp_program_text, self.tester.program.borrow().text());
        assert_eq!(self.exp_drives, drive_contents);


/// Executes `stmt` on a default `Tester` instance and checks that it fails with `exp_error`.
pub fn check_stmt_err<S: Into<String>>(exp_error: S, stmt: &str) {

/// Executes `stmt` on a default `Tester` instance and checks that it fails with
/// `exp_uncatchable_error`.
pub fn check_stmt_uncatchable_err<S: Into<String>>(exp_error: S, stmt: &str) {

/// Executes `expr` on a scripting interpreter and ensures that the result is `exp_value`.
pub fn check_expr_ok<V: Into<Value>>(exp_value: V, expr: &str) {
        .run(format!("result = {}", expr))
        .expect_var("result", exp_value.into())

/// Executes `expr` on a scripting interpreter and ensures that evaluation fails with `exp_error`.
/// Note that `exp_error` is a literal exact match on the formatted error message returned by the
/// machine.
pub fn check_expr_error<S: Into<String>>(exp_error: S, expr: &str) {
    Tester::default().run(format!("result = {}", expr)).expect_err(exp_error).check();