encode_unicode 0.2.0

Alternative and extension to the unstable `char.encode_utf8()` and char.encode_utf16()` methods. Also has UTF-8- and UTF-16-encoded character types.


Alternatives and extensions to to the unstable char.encode_utf{8,16}() methods.


[See the documentation for the remaining.

The goal was to fill in those methods for stable via a trait, but that didn't work since the methods already exist; they're just un-callable.

Optional Features:

  • no_std: Use #[no_std]; There are some differences:
    • AsciiExt doesn't exist, but is_ascii() is made available as an inherent impl.
    • Error doesn't exist, but description() is made available as an inherent impl.
    • There is no io, so Utf8Iterator doesn't implement Read.
    • The iterators doesn't implement Debug.
  • ascii: Convert Utf8Char and Utf16Char to and from ascii::AsciiChar.
  • ascii_no_std: You need to use this feature instead of both ascii and no_std.
    This is because the ascii crate needs to know about #[no_std], but the features are otherwize independent.

The tests require nightly because they use compare against encode_utf{8,16}(),


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