enc_file 0.3.15

Encrypt / decrypt files or calculate hash from the command line. Warning: Don't use for anything important, use VeraCrypt or similar instead.
//! # Enc_File
//! Encrypt / decrypt files or calculate hash from the command line.
//! Warning: This crate hasn't been audited or reviewed in any sense. I created it to easily encrypt und decrypt non-important files which won't cause harm if known by third parties. Don't use for anything important, use VeraCrypt or similar instead.
//! Breaking change in Version 0.3: Changed input of some functions. To encrypt/decrypt and hash use e.g. "encrypt_chacha(readfile(example.file).unwrap(), key).unwrap()". Using a keymap to work with several keys conveniently. You can import your old keys, using "Add key" -> "manually".
//! Breaking change in Version 0.2: Using XChaCha20Poly1305 as default encryption/decryption. AES is still available using encrypt_aes or decrypt_aes to maintain backwards compability.
//! Uses XChaCha20Poly1305 (https://docs.rs/chacha20poly1305) or AES-GCM-SIV (https://docs.rs/aes-gcm-siv) for encryption, bincode (https://docs.rs/bincode) for encoding and BLAKE3 (https://docs.rs/blake3) or SHA256 / SHA512 (https://docs.rs/sha2) for hashing.
//! Encrypted files are (and have to be) stored as .crpt.
//! Panics at errors making execution impossible.  
//! Can be used as library and a binary target. Install via cargo install enc_file
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use enc_file::{encrypt_chacha, decrypt_chacha, read_file};
//! //Plaintext to encrypt
//! let text = b"This a test";
//! //Provide key. Key will normally be chosen from keymap and provided to the encrypt_chacha() function
//! let key: &str = "an example very very secret key.";
//! //Convert text to Vec<u8>
//! let text_vec = text.to_vec();
//! //Encrypt text
//! //Ciphertext stores the len() of encrypted content, the nonce and the actual ciphertext using bincode
//! let ciphertext = encrypt_chacha(text_vec, key).unwrap(); //encrypt vec<u8>, returns result(Vec<u8>)
//! //let ciphertext = encrypt_chacha(read_file(example.file).unwrap(), key).unwrap(); //read a file as Vec<u8> and then encrypt
//! //Check that plaintext != ciphertext
//! assert_ne!(&ciphertext, &text);
//! //Decrypt ciphertext to plaintext
//! let plaintext = decrypt_chacha(ciphertext, key).unwrap();
//! //Check that text == plaintext
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", text), format!("{:?}", plaintext));
//! ```
//! ```
//!use enc_file::{get_blake3_hash};
//!let test = b"Calculating the BLAKE3 Hash of this text";
//!let test_vec = test.to_vec(); //Convert text to Vec<u8>
//!let hash1 = get_blake3_hash(test_vec.clone()).unwrap();
//!let hash2 = get_blake3_hash(test_vec).unwrap();
//!assert_eq!(hash1, hash2); //Make sure hash1 == hash2
//!let test2 = b"Calculating the BLAKE3 Hash of this text."; //"." added at the end
//!let test2_vec = test2.to_vec();
//!let hash3 = get_blake3_hash(test2_vec).unwrap();
//!assert_ne!(hash1, hash3); //check that the added "." changes the hash
//! ```
//! See https://github.com/LazyEmpiricist/enc_file

// Warning: Don't use for anything important! This crate hasn't been audited or reviewed in any sense. I created it to easily encrypt und decrypt non-important files which won't cause harm if known by third parties.
// Breaking change in Version 0.3: Using a keymap to work with several keys conveniently. You can import your old keys, using "Add key" and choose "manually".
// Breaking change in Version 0.2: Using XChaCha20Poly1305 as default encryption/decryption. AES is still available using encrypt_aes or decrypt_aes to maintain backwards compability.
// Uses XChaCha20Poly1305 (https://docs.rs/chacha20poly1305) or AES-GCM-SIV (https://docs.rs/aes-gcm-siv) for cryptography, bincode (https://docs.rs/bincode) for encoding and BLAKE3 (https://docs.rs/blake3) or SHA256 / SHA512 (https://docs.rs/sha2) for hashing.
// Generate a new key.file on first run (you can also manually add keys).
// Encrypting "example.file" will create a new (encrypted) file "example.file.crpt" in the same directory.
// Decrypting "example.file.crpt" will create a new (decrypted) file "example.file" in the same directory.
// Warning: Both encrypt and decrypt override existing files!
// # Examples
// Encrypt/decrypt using XChaCha20Poly1305 and random nonce
// ```
// use enc_file::{encrypt_chacha, decrypt_chacha, read_file};
// //Plaintext to encrypt
// let text = b"This a test";
// //Provide key. Key will normally be chosen from keymap and provided to the encrypt_chacha() function
// let key: &str = "an example very very secret key.";
// //Convert text to Vec<u8>
// let text_vec = text.to_vec();
// //Encrypt text
// let ciphertext = encrypt_chacha(text_vec, key).unwrap(); //encrypt vec<u8>, returns result(Vec<u8>)
// //let ciphertext = encrypt_chacha(read_file(example.file).unwrap(), key).unwrap(); //read a file as Vec<u8> and then encrypt
// //Check that plaintext != ciphertext
// assert_ne!(&ciphertext, &text);
// //Decrypt ciphertext to plaintext
// let plaintext = decrypt_chacha(ciphertext, key).unwrap();
// //Check that text == plaintext
// assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", text), format!("{:?}", plaintext));
// ```
// Calculate Blake3 Hash
// ```
// use enc_file::{get_blake3_hash};
// let test = b"Calculating the BLAKE3 Hash of this text";
// let test_vec = test.to_vec(); //Convert text to Vec<u8>
// let hash1 = get_blake3_hash(test_vec.clone()).unwrap();
// let hash2 = get_blake3_hash(test_vec).unwrap();
// assert_eq!(hash1, hash2); //Make sure hash1 == hash2
// ```

use enc_file::{
    add_key, choose_hashing_function, create_new_keyfile, decrypt_file, encrypt_file,
    get_blake3_hash, get_input_string, get_sha256_hash, get_sha512_hash, read_file, read_keyfile,

use std::env;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    //enable use of hashing functions via command line
    if args.len() >= 2 {
        if &args[1] == "hash" {
            let path = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
            println!("Calculating Blake3 Hash for {:?}", &path);
            let hash = get_blake3_hash(read_file(&path)?)?;
            println!("Hash: {:?}", hash);
        } else if &args[1] == "hash_sha256" {
            let path = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
            println!("Calculating SHA256 Hash for {:?}", &path);
            let hash = get_sha256_hash(read_file(&path)?)?;
            println!("Hash: {:?}", hash);
        } else if &args[1] == "hash_sha512" {
            let path = PathBuf::from(&args[2]);
            println!("Calculating SHA512 Hash for {:?}", &path);
            let hash = get_sha512_hash(read_file(&path)?)?;
            println!("Hash: {:?}", hash);
    } else {
        println!("Please enter the corresponding number to continue:\n1 Add new key\n2 Remove key\n3 Encrypt file using XChaCha20Poly1305\n4 Decrypt file using XChaCha20Poly1305\n5 Encrypt file using AES-256-GCM-SIV\n6 Decrypt file using AES-256-GCM-SIV\n7 Calculate Hash");
        //Getting user input
        let answer = get_input_string()?;
        // Creating a Vec with choices needing a password to compare to user input
        let requiring_pw = vec![
        //check if the operation needs access to the keymap, requiring a password. Hashing can be done without a password.
        if requiring_pw.contains(&answer) {
            //All functions in this if-block require a password
            //Check if there is a key.file in the directory
            let (password, keymap_plaintext, new) = if !Path::new("./key.file").exists() {
                //No key.file found. Ask if a new one should be created.
            } else {
                //key.file found. Reading and decrypting content
            if answer == "1" {
                //if user just created a new key, no need to ask again for a second key
                if !new {
                    //Adding a new key to keymap
                    add_key(keymap_plaintext, password)?;
                } else {
            } else if answer == "2" {
                //removing a key from keymap
                remove_key(keymap_plaintext, password)?;
            } else if answer == "3" {
                //Encrypt file using ChaCha20Poly1305 with choosen key
                encrypt_file(keymap_plaintext, "chacha")?;
            } else if answer == "4" {
                //Decrypt file ChaCha20Poly1305 with choosen key
                decrypt_file(keymap_plaintext, "chacha")?;
            } else if answer == "5" {
                //Encrypt file using AES256-GCM-SIV with choosen key
                encrypt_file(keymap_plaintext, "aes")?;
            } else if answer == "6" {
                //Decrypt file using AES256-GCM-SIV with choosen key
                decrypt_file(keymap_plaintext, "aes")?;
        //the following function don't need a password (as they don't access keymap)
        } else if answer == "7" {
            //Get Blake3, SHA256 or SHA512 HASH of file
        } else {
            //User did not a valid number (between 1 and 7)
            println!("Please enter a valid choice")
