embree-rs 0.2.0

A simple wrapper for embree ray tracing library.


Build Status

NOTE: Need Rust 1.25 at least to support repr(align(X)) routine. To install this version, you can run the following command:

RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER=https://dev-static.rust-lang.org rustup update stable


A Rust wrapper for Intel's Embree raytracing library. It short terms goal is to provide easy intersection test in Rust. The goal of this library is NOT to support all Embree features for the moment. However, I will be pleased to merge any pull request!

This wrapper is used (and tested) in:

Please contact me if your project uses this wrapper so I can update this above list.


  • add documentation
  • add an example of a simple Whitted ray tracing
  • add more intersections routines


The current code have been inspired from https://github.com/anderslanglands/embree-rs.