embedded-text 0.7.2

TextBox for embedded-graphics
//! TextBox for embedded-graphics.
//! This crate provides a configurable [`TextBox`] to render multiline text inside a bounding
//! `Rectangle` using [embedded-graphics].
//! [`TextBox`] supports the common text alignments:
//!  - [`Horizontal`]:
//!      - `Left`
//!      - `Right`
//!      - `Center`
//!      - `Justified`
//!  - [`Vertical`]:
//!      - `Top`
//!      - `Middle`
//!      - `Bottom`
//! [`TextBox`] also supports some special characters not handled by embedded-graphics' `Text`:
//!  - non-breaking space (`\u{200b}`)
//!  - zero-width space (`\u{a0}`)
//!  - soft hyphen (`\u{ad}`)
//!  - carriage return (`\r`)
//!  - tab (`\t`) with configurable tab size
//! `TextBox` also supports text coloring using [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code).
//! ### Example
//! The examples are based on [the embedded-graphics simulator]. The simulator is built on top of
//! `SDL2`. See the [simulator README] for more information.
//! ![embedded-text example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-text/master/assets/paragraph_spacing.png)
//! ![embedded-text example with colored text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-text/master/assets/plugin-ansi.png)
//! ```rust,no_run
//! use embedded_graphics::{
//!     mono_font::{ascii::FONT_6X10, MonoTextStyle},
//!     pixelcolor::BinaryColor,
//!     prelude::*,
//!     primitives::Rectangle,
//! };
//! use embedded_graphics_simulator::{
//!     BinaryColorTheme, OutputSettingsBuilder, SimulatorDisplay, Window,
//! };
//! use embedded_text::{
//!     alignment::HorizontalAlignment,
//!     style::{HeightMode, TextBoxStyleBuilder},
//!     TextBox,
//! };
//! fn main() {
//!     let text = "Hello, World!\n\
//!     A paragraph is a number of lines that end with a manual newline. Paragraph spacing is the \
//!     number of pixels between two paragraphs.\n\
//!     Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when \
//!     an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.";
//!     // Specify the styling options:
//!     // * Use the 6x10 MonoFont from embedded-graphics.
//!     // * Draw the text fully justified.
//!     // * Use `FitToText` height mode to stretch the text box to the exact height of the text.
//!     // * Draw the text with `BinaryColor::On`, which will be displayed as light blue.
//!     let character_style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_6X10, BinaryColor::On);
//!     let textbox_style = TextBoxStyleBuilder::new()
//!         .height_mode(HeightMode::FitToText)
//!         .alignment(HorizontalAlignment::Justified)
//!         .paragraph_spacing(6)
//!         .build();
//!     // Specify the bounding box. Note the 0px height. The `FitToText` height mode will
//!     // measure and adjust the height of the text box in `into_styled()`.
//!     let bounds = Rectangle::new(Point::zero(), Size::new(128, 0));
//!     // Create the text box and apply styling options.
//!     let text_box = TextBox::with_textbox_style(text, bounds, character_style, textbox_style);
//!     // Create a simulated display with the dimensions of the text box.
//!     let mut display = SimulatorDisplay::new(text_box.bounding_box().size);
//!     // Draw the text box.
//!     text_box.draw(&mut display).unwrap();
//!     // Set up the window and show the display's contents.
//!     let output_settings = OutputSettingsBuilder::new()
//!         .theme(BinaryColorTheme::OledBlue)
//!         .scale(2)
//!         .build();
//!     Window::new("TextBox example with paragraph spacing", &output_settings).show_static(&display);
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Cargo features
//! * `plugin` (*experimental*): allows implementing custom plugins.
//! * `ansi` (default enabled): enables ANSI sequence support using the `Ansi` plugin.
//! [embedded-graphics]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/
//! [the embedded-graphics simulator]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/tree/master/simulator
//! [simulator README]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/tree/master/simulator#usage-without-sdl2
//! [`Horizontal`]: HorizontalAlignment
//! [`Vertical`]: VerticalAlignment

#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]

pub mod alignment;
mod parser;
pub mod plugin;
mod rendering;
pub mod style;
mod utils;

use crate::{
    alignment::{HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment},
    plugin::{NoPlugin, PluginMarker as Plugin, PluginWrapper},
    style::{HeightMode, TabSize, TextBoxStyle},
use embedded_graphics::{
    geometry::{Dimensions, Point},
        renderer::{CharacterStyle, TextRenderer},
use object_chain::{Chain, ChainElement, Link};

#[cfg(feature = "plugin")]
pub use crate::{
    parser::{ChangeTextStyle, Token},
    rendering::{cursor::Cursor, TextBoxProperties},

/// A text box object.
/// ==================
/// The `TextBox` object can be used to draw text on a draw target. It is meant to be a more
/// feature-rich alternative to `Text` in embedded-graphics.
/// To construct a [`TextBox`] object at least a text string, a bounding box and character style are
/// required. For advanced formatting options an additional [`TextBoxStyle`] object might be used.
/// For more information about text box styling, see the documentation of the [`style`] module.
/// Text rendering in `embedded-graphics` is designed to be extendable by text renderers for
/// different font formats. `embedded-text` follows this philosophy by using the same text renderer
/// infrastructure. To use a text renderer in an `embedded-text` project each renderer provides a
/// character style object. See the [`embedded-graphics` documentation] for more information on text
/// renderers and character styling.
/// Plugins
/// -------
/// The feature set of `TextBox` can be extended by plugins. Plugins can be used to implement
/// optional features which are not essential to the core functionality of `embedded-text`.
/// Use the [`add_plugin`] method to add a plugin to the `TextBox` object. Multiple plugins can be
/// used at the same time. Plugins are applied in the reverse order they are added. Note that some
/// plugins may interfere with others if used together or not in the expected order.
/// If you need to extract data from plugins after the text box has been rendered,
/// you can use the [`take_plugins`] method.
/// See the list of built-in plugins in the [`plugin`] module.
/// *Note:* Implementing custom plugins is experimental and require enabling the `plugin` feature.
/// ### Example: advanced text styling using the ANSI plugin
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # use embedded_graphics::{
/// #   Drawable,
/// #   geometry::{Point, Size},
/// #   primitives::Rectangle,
/// #   mock_display::MockDisplay,
/// #   mono_font::{
/// #       ascii::FONT_6X10, MonoTextStyle, MonoTextStyleBuilder,
/// #   },
/// #   pixelcolor::BinaryColor,
/// # };
/// # let mut display: MockDisplay<BinaryColor> = MockDisplay::default();
/// # display.set_allow_out_of_bounds_drawing(true);
/// # let character_style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_6X10, BinaryColor::On);
/// # let bounding_box = Rectangle::new(Point::zero(), Size::new(100, 20));
/// use embedded_text::{TextBox, plugin::ansi::Ansi};
/// TextBox::new(
///     "Some \x1b[4munderlined\x1b[24m text",
///     bounding_box,
///     character_style,
/// )
/// .add_plugin(Ansi::new())
/// .draw(&mut display)?;
/// # Ok::<(), core::convert::Infallible>(())
/// ```
/// Vertical offsetting
/// -------------------
/// You can use the [`set_vertical_offset`] method to move the text inside the text box. Vertical
/// offset is applied after all vertical measurements and alignments. This can be useful to scroll
/// text in a fixed text box. Setting a positive value moves the text down.
/// Residual text
/// -------------
/// If the text does not fit the given bounding box, the [`draw`] method returns the part which was
/// not processed. The return value can be used to flow text into multiple text boxes.
/// [`draw`]: embedded_graphics::Drawable::draw()
/// [`set_vertical_offset`]: TextBox::set_vertical_offset()
/// [`add_plugin`]: TextBox::add_plugin()
/// [`take_plugins`]: TextBox::take_plugins()
/// [`embedded-graphics` documentation]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.7.1/embedded_graphics/text/index.html
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TextBox<'a, S, M = NoPlugin<<S as TextRenderer>::Color>>
    S: TextRenderer,
    /// The text to be displayed in this `TextBox`
    pub text: &'a str,

    /// The bounding box of this `TextBox`
    pub bounds: Rectangle,

    /// The character style of the [`TextBox`].
    pub character_style: S,

    /// The style of the [`TextBox`].
    pub style: TextBoxStyle,

    /// Vertical offset applied to the text just before rendering.
    pub vertical_offset: i32,

    plugin: PluginWrapper<'a, M, S::Color>,

impl<'a, S> TextBox<'a, S, NoPlugin<<S as TextRenderer>::Color>>
    S: TextRenderer + CharacterStyle,
    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle`.
    pub fn new(text: &'a str, bounds: Rectangle, character_style: S) -> Self {
        TextBox::with_textbox_style(text, bounds, character_style, TextBoxStyle::default())

    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a given
    /// `TextBoxStyle`.
    pub fn with_textbox_style(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        textbox_style: TextBoxStyle,
    ) -> Self {
        let mut styled = TextBox {
            style: textbox_style,
            vertical_offset: 0,
            plugin: PluginWrapper::new(NoPlugin::new()),

        styled.style.height_mode.apply(&mut styled);


    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a default
    /// `TextBoxStyle` with the given horizontal alignment.
    pub fn with_alignment(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        alignment: HorizontalAlignment,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a default
    /// `TextBoxStyle` and the given vertical alignment.
    pub fn with_vertical_alignment(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        vertical_alignment: VerticalAlignment,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a default
    /// `TextBoxStyle` and the given [height mode].
    /// [height mode]: HeightMode
    pub fn with_height_mode(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        mode: HeightMode,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a default
    /// `TextBoxStyle` and the given line height.
    pub fn with_line_height(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        line_height: LineHeight,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a default
    /// `TextBoxStyle` and the given paragraph spacing.
    pub fn with_paragraph_spacing(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        spacing: u32,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Creates a new `TextBox` instance with a given bounding `Rectangle` and a default
    /// `TextBoxStyle` and the given tab size.
    pub fn with_tab_size(
        text: &'a str,
        bounds: Rectangle,
        character_style: S,
        tab_size: TabSize,
    ) -> Self {

    /// Sets the vertical text offset.
    /// Vertical offset changes the vertical position of the displayed text within the bounding box.
    /// Setting a positive value moves the text down.
    pub fn set_vertical_offset(&mut self, offset: i32) -> &mut Self {
        self.vertical_offset = offset;

    /// Adds a new plugin to the `TextBox`.
    pub fn add_plugin<M>(self, plugin: M) -> TextBox<'a, S, Chain<M>>
        M: Plugin<'a, <S as TextRenderer>::Color>,
        let mut styled = TextBox {
            text: self.text,
            bounds: self.bounds,
            character_style: self.character_style,
            style: self.style,
            vertical_offset: self.vertical_offset,
            plugin: PluginWrapper::new(Chain::new(plugin)),
        styled.style.height_mode.apply(&mut styled);

impl<'a, S, P> TextBox<'a, S, P>
    S: TextRenderer + CharacterStyle,
    P: Plugin<'a, <S as TextRenderer>::Color> + ChainElement,
    /// Adds a new plugin to the `TextBox`.
    pub fn add_plugin<M>(self, plugin: M) -> TextBox<'a, S, Link<M, P>>
        M: Plugin<'a, <S as TextRenderer>::Color>,
        let parent = self.plugin.into_inner();

        let mut styled = TextBox {
            text: self.text,
            bounds: self.bounds,
            character_style: self.character_style,
            style: self.style,
            vertical_offset: self.vertical_offset,
            plugin: PluginWrapper::new(parent.append(plugin)),
        styled.style.height_mode.apply(&mut styled);

    /// Deconstruct the text box and return the plugins.
    pub fn take_plugins(self) -> P {

impl<'a, S, M> Transform for TextBox<'a, S, M>
    S: TextRenderer + Clone,
    M: Plugin<'a, S::Color>,
    fn translate(&self, by: Point) -> Self {
        Self {
            bounds: self.bounds.translate(by),

    fn translate_mut(&mut self, by: Point) -> &mut Self {


impl<'a, S, M> Dimensions for TextBox<'a, S, M>
    S: TextRenderer,
    M: Plugin<'a, S::Color>,
    fn bounding_box(&self) -> Rectangle {

impl<'a, S, M> TextBox<'a, S, M>
    S: TextRenderer,
    M: Plugin<'a, S::Color>,
    /// Sets the height of the [`TextBox`] to the height of the text.
    fn fit_height(&mut self) -> &mut Self {

    /// Sets the height of the [`TextBox`] to the height of the text, limited to `max_height`.
    /// This method allows you to set a maximum height. The [`TextBox`] will take up at most
    /// `max_height` pixel vertical space.
    fn fit_height_limited(&mut self, max_height: u32) -> &mut Self {
        // Measure text given the width of the textbox
        let text_height = self
            .min(i32::MAX as u32);

        // Apply height
        self.bounds.size.height = text_height;
