embedded-spi 0.5.7

Rust embedded driver helper package
//! Transactional SPI wrapper implementation
//! This provides a `Wrapper` type that is generic over an `embedded_hal::blocking::spi` 
//! and `embedded_hal::digital::v2::OutputPin` to provide a transactional API for SPI transactions.

use embedded_hal::blocking::spi::{Transfer, Write};
use embedded_hal::digital::v2::{OutputPin, InputPin};
use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;

use crate::{Transaction, Transactional, Busy, Ready, Reset, PinState, Error};

/// Wrapper wraps an Spi and Pin object to support transactions
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, OutputPin, InputPin, PinError, Delay> {
    /// SPI device
    spi: Spi,

    /// Chip select pin (required)
    cs: OutputPin,

    /// Delay implementation
    delay: Delay,

    /// Busy input pin (optional)
    busy: Option<InputPin>,

    /// Ready input pin (optional)
    ready: Option<InputPin>,

    /// Reset output pin (optional)
    reset: Option<OutputPin>,

    pub(crate) err: Option<Error<SpiError, PinError>>,

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,
    /// Create a new wrapper object with the provided SPI and pin
    pub fn new(spi: Spi, cs: Output, delay: Delay) -> Self {
        Self{spi, cs, delay, err: None, busy: None, ready: None, reset: None}

    /// Add a busy input to the wrapper object
    pub fn with_busy(&mut self, busy: Input) {
        self.busy = Some(busy);

    /// Add a ready input to the wrapper object
    pub fn with_ready(&mut self, ready: Input) {
        self.ready = Some(ready);

    /// Add a reset output to the wrapper object
    pub fn with_reset(&mut self, reset: Output) {
        self.reset = Some(reset);

    /// Write to a Pin instance while wrapping and storing the error internally
    /// This returns 0 for success or -1 for errors
    pub fn pin_write<P>(&mut self, pin: &mut P, value: bool) -> i32 
    where P: OutputPin<Error = PinError>
        let r = match value {
            true => pin.set_high(),
            false => pin.set_low(),
        match r {
            Ok(_) => 0,
            Err(e) => {
                self.err = Some(Error::Pin(e));

    /// Write to a Pin instance while wrapping and storing the error internally
    /// This returns 0 for low, 1 for high, and -1 for errors
    pub fn pin_read<P>(&mut self, pin: &mut P) -> i32 
    where P: InputPin<Error = PinError>
        let r = pin.is_high();
        match r {
            Ok(true) => 1,
            Ok(false) => 0,
            Err(e) => {
                self.err = Some(Error::Pin(e));
    /// Check the internal error state of the peripheral
    /// This provides a mechanism to retrieve the rust error if an error occurs
    /// during an FFI call, and clears the internal error state
    pub fn check_error(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error<SpiError, PinError>> {
        match self.err.take() {
            Some(e) => Err(e),
            None => Ok(())

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Transactional for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,
    type Error = Error<SpiError, PinError>;

    /// Read data from a specified address
    /// This consumes the provided input data array and returns a reference to this on success
    fn spi_read<'a>(&mut self, prefix: &[u8], mut data: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // Assert CS
        self.cs.set_low().map_err(|e| { Error::Pin(e) })?;

        // Write command
        let mut res = self.spi.write(&prefix);

        // Read incoming data
        if res.is_ok() {
            res = self.spi.transfer(&mut data).map(|_r| () );

        // Clear CS
        self.cs.set_high().map_err(|e| { Error::Pin(e) })?;

        trace!("[spi_read] prefix: {:x?} received: {:x?}", prefix, data);

        // Return result (contains returned data)
        match res {
            Err(e) => Err( Error::Spi(e) ),
            Ok(_) => Ok(()),

    /// Write data to a specified register address
    fn spi_write(&mut self, prefix: &[u8], data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        // Assert CS
        self.cs.set_low().map_err(|e| { Error::Pin(e) })?;

        trace!("[spi_write] prefix: {:x?} writing: {:x?}", prefix, data);

        // Write command
        let mut res = self.spi.write(&prefix);

        // Read incoming data
        if res.is_ok() {
            res = self.spi.write(&data);

        // Clear CS
        self.cs.set_high().map_err(|e| { Error::Pin(e) })?;

        // Return result
        match res {
            Err(e) => Err( Error::Spi(e) ),
            Ok(_) => Ok(()),

    /// Execute the provided transactions
    fn spi_exec(&mut self, transactions: &mut [Transaction]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        let mut res = Ok(());

        // Assert CS
        self.cs.set_low().map_err(|e| { Error::Pin(e) })?;

        for i in 0..transactions.len() {
            let mut t = &mut transactions[i];

            res = match &mut t {
                Transaction::Write(d) => self.spi.write(d),
                Transaction::Read(d) =>  self.spi.transfer(d).map(|_r| () ),
            }.map_err(|e| Error::Spi(e) );

            if res.is_err() {

        // Assert CS
        self.cs.set_low().map_err(|e| { Error::Pin(e) })?;



impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Busy for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,

    type Error = Error<SpiError, PinError>;
    /// Fetch the busy pin state
    fn get_busy(&mut self) -> Result<PinState, Self::Error> {
        match &self.busy {
            // TODO: should this be an error?
            None => Ok(PinState::Low),
            Some(b) => {
                let v = b.is_high().map_err(|e| Error::Pin(e) )?;
                match v {
                    true => Ok(PinState::High),
                    false => Ok(PinState::Low),

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Ready for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,

    type Error = Error<SpiError, PinError>;
    /// Fetch the ready pin state
    fn get_ready(&mut self) -> Result<PinState, Self::Error> {
        match &self.ready {
            // TODO: should this be an error?
            None => Ok(PinState::Low),
            Some(b) => {
                let v = b.is_high().map_err(|e| Error::Pin(e) )?;
                match v {
                    true => Ok(PinState::High),
                    false => Ok(PinState::Low),

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Reset for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,

    type Error = Error<SpiError, PinError>;

    /// Set the reset pin state
    fn set_reset(&mut self, state: PinState) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        if let Some(p) = &mut self.reset {
            match state {
                PinState::High => p.set_high().map_err(|e| Error::Pin(e) ),
                PinState::Low => p.set_low().map_err(|e| Error::Pin(e) ),
        } else {

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> DelayMs<u32> for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,
    /// Set the reset pin state
    fn delay_ms(&mut self, ms: u32) {

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Transfer<u8> for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,
    type Error = SpiError;

    fn transfer<'w>(&mut self, data: &'w mut [u8]) -> Result<&'w [u8], Self::Error> {
        trace!("[spi::Transfer] writing: {:x?}", &data);
        Transfer::transfer(&mut self.spi, data)
            .map(|r| {
                trace!("[spi::Transfer] read: {:x?}", &r);

impl <Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay> Write<u8> for Wrapper<Spi, SpiError, Output, Input, PinError, Delay>  
    Spi: Transfer<u8, Error = SpiError> + Write<u8, Error = SpiError>,
    Output: OutputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Input: InputPin<Error = PinError>,
    Delay: DelayMs<u32>,
    type Error = SpiError;
    fn write<'w>(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
        trace!("[spi::Write] writing: {:x?}",  &data);
        Write::write(&mut self.spi, data)