embedded-graphics 0.8.0

Embedded graphics library for small hardware displays
# Changelog

Embedded Graphics is a `no_std` library for adding graphics features to display drivers. It aims to use the minimum amount of memory for builtin graphics objects by leveraging Rust's iterators to avoid large allocations. It targets embedded environments, but can run anywhere like a Raspberry Pi up to full desktop machines.

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## [Unreleased] - ReleaseDate

## [0.8.0] - 2023-05-14

### Added

- [#592]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/592 Add support for defmt behind a feature (`defmt`).
- [#612]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/612, [#699]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/699 Added `GetPixel` trait and implementations for `ImageRaw` and `Framebuffer`.
- [#621]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/621 Added `Rgb666` and `Bgr666` color type support.
- [#641]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/641 Added `Line::with_delta` constructor.
- [#656]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/656 Added `Rgb666` and `Bgr666` conversions.
- [#673]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/673 Added `Framebuffer`.
- [#709]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/709 Added `Image::with_center`.
- [#710]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/710 Added `AnchorX`, `AnchorY`, `AnchorPoint::x`, `AnchorPoint::y` and `AnchorPoint::from_xy`.
- [#710]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/710 Added `Rectangle::resized_width`, `Rectangle::resized_height`, `Rectangle::anchor_x` and `Rectangle::anchor_y`.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** [#660]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/660 Remove `RawU18` color storage type and use `RawU24` in is place for `Rgb666` and `Bgr666`.
- [#639]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/639 Made the following functions `const`:
- **(breaking)** [#690]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/690 Remove `ImageRaw::new_binary` `const` helper method. `ImageRaw::new` can now be used in `const` contexts, so use it instead of `new_binary`.
- [#639]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/639, [#690]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/690 Made the following functions `const`:
  - `Point::component_mul`
  - `Point::component_div`
  - `Size::saturating_add`
  - `Size::saturating_sub`
  - `Size::component_mul`
  - `Size::component_div`
  - `BinaryColor::invert`
  - `BinaryColor::is_on`
  - `BinaryColor::is_off`
  - `Rectangle::with_center`
  - `Rectangle::is_zero_sized`
  - `RawDataSlice::new`
  - `MonoTextStyle::new`
  - `Arc::with_center`
  - `Arc::from_circle`
  - `Arc::to_circle`
  - `Circle::with_center`
  - `Ellipse::with_center`
  - `Sector::with_center`
  - `Sector::from_circle`
  - `Sector::to_circle`
  - `Styled::new`
  - `ImageRaw::new`
  - `ImageRaw::data_width`
  - `Image::new`
  - `FancyDisplay::new`
  - `MockDisplay::get_pixel`
  - `MonoFont::mime`
  - `MonoFont::glyph_mapping`
  - `MonoTextStyleBuilder::new`
  - `MonoTextStyleBuilder::text_color`
  - `MonoTextStyleBuilder::background_color`
  - `MonoTextStyleBuilder::underline_with_color`
  - `MonoTextStyleBuilder::strikethrough_with_color`
  - `MonoTextStyleBuilder::build`
  - `Ellipse::new`
  - `Ellipse::contains`
  - `PrimitiveStyle::new`
  - `PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke`
  - `PrimitiveStyle::with_fill`
  - `PrimitiveStyle::is_transparent`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::new`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::fill_color`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::reset_fill_color`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::stroke_color`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::reset_stroke_color`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::stroke_width`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::stroke_alignment`
  - `PrimitiveStyleBuilder::build`
  - `DecorationColor::is_none`
  - `DecorationColor::is_text_color`
  - `DecorationColor::is_custom`
- [#651]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/651, [#652]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/652 Improved performance of color conversions.
- [#653]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/653 Don't ignore trailing newlines in `Text`.
- [#662]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/662 `ImageRaw::new` no longer panics if `width == 0`.
- **(breaking)** [#688]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/688 `MonoFont` is now `Send + Sync`; implementations of `GlyphMapping` must be `Sync`.
- **(breaking)** [#663]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/663 Upgraded Cargo dependencies to their latest versions.
- **(breaking)** [#689]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/689 Bump Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) to 1.61.
- **(breaking)** [#715]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/715 Changed the direction of angles. Positive angles are now clockwise.

### Fixed

- [#648]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/648 Fixed incorrect text bounding box calculation when multi-byte characters are used.
- [#713]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/713 Fixed possible panic when drawing an invalid `MonoFont`.

## [0.7.1] - 2021-06-15

### Changed

- [#606]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/606 Bump minimum embedded-graphics-core version from `0.3.0` to `0.3.2`

## [0.7.0] - 2021-06-05

### Added

- [#602]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/602 Implemented `core::fmt::Display` for `Point` and `Size`.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** - [#600]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/600 Renamed `Mapping::all` to `Mapping::iter`.
- **(breaking)** - [#603]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/603 `MockDisplay::eq` was replaced by a `PartialEq` implementation for `MockDisplay`.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** - [#604]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/604 Removed incomplete JIS X 0201 fonts.

## [0.7.0-beta.2] - 2021-05-24

### Added

- [#587]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/587 Added `From<&TextStyle>` impl for `TextStyleBuilder` and `From<&MonoFont>` for `MonoFontBuilder`.
- [#589]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/589 Implemented `From` trait to convert from RGB colors to grayscale colors, between different grayscale colors and from grayscale and RGB colors to `BinaryColor`.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** - [#596]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/596 Added more ISO8859 glyph subsets as well as JIS_X0201 for bundled `MonoFont`s, supporting more languages. The `latin1` subset was renamed to `iso_8859_1`.

## [0.7.0-beta.1] - 2021-04-19

### Added

- **(breaking)** [#552]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/552 Added the `Output` associated type to `Drawable` to allow returning non-`()` values from drawing operations.
- [#563]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/563 Added `is_none`, `is_text_color` and `is_custom` methods to `DecorationColor`.
- [#563]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/563 Added `is_transparent` methods to `PrimitiveStyle` and `MonoTextStyle`.
- [#569]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/569 Added a `line_height` field to `TextStyle`.
- [#571]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/571 Added `MockDisplay::set_pixels` to set pixels from an iterator.
- [#572]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/572 Added `ImageRaw::new_binary` to create `const` images with binary image data.
- [#576]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/576 Added reset methods for color settings to `MonoTextStyleBuilder` and `PrimitiveStyleBuilder`.
- [#582]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/582 Added `StyledDrawable`, `StyledDimensions` and `StyledPixels` traits.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** [#561]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/561 Renamed `HorizontalAlignment` and `VerticalAlignment` to `Alignment` and `Baseline`.
- **(breaking)** [#561]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/561 Replaced `TextRenderer::vertical_offset` by `baseline` arguments for the other `TextRenderer` methods.
- **(breaking)** [#563]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/563 The bounding boxes returned by `Dimensions` implementations for styled primitives no longer depend on the fill and stroke color.
- **(breaking)** [#563]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/563 Drawing a primitive with a transparent stroke (`stroke_color == None && stroke_width > 0`) will now reduce the filled area.
- **(breaking)** [#566]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/566 The `Drawable::Output` type was changed to `Point` for styled `Text` objects. The returned point can be used to chain texts with different styles.
- **(breaking)** [#569]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/569 Moved the text rendering API into a separate `text::renderer` submodule.
- **(breaking)** [#569]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/569 The `non_exhaustive` attribute was added to the `TextStyle` struct.
- **(breaking)** [#571]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/571 Added color argument to `MockDisplay::from_points` to make it usable for all color types.
- **(breaking)** [#572]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/572 Removed the `height` argument from `ImageRaw::new`. The `height` is now calculated based on the width and data length.
- **(breaking)** [#572]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/572 Replaced `pixelcolor::raw::RawDataIter` by the types in the `iterator::raw` module.
- **(breaking)** [#573]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/573 Changed `MonoFont` from a trait to a struct.
- **(breaking)** [#580]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/580 Changed `Text` to directly contain the styling information without needing a `Styled` wrapper.
- **(breaking)** [#580]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/580 Removed `character_style` from `TextStyle`. Character and text style can now be set independently in the `Text` object.
- **(breaking)** [#580]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/580 Moved `Styled` from the crate root to the `primitives` module.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** [#582]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/582 Removed `iterator::IntoPixels` trait. Use `Styled::pixels` instead.

### Fixed

- [#571]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/571 `Rectangle::points` did return a non empty iterator for rectangles with zero width.

## [0.7.0-alpha.3] - 2021-02-03

### Added

- [#508]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/508 Added `MockDisplay::assert_eq_with_message` and `MockDisplay::assert_pattern_with_message`.
- [#510]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/510 Added `vertical_alignment` and `horizontal_alignment` to `MonoTextStyle`.
- [#510]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/510 Added `From` impl to convert an existing `MonoTextStyle` into a `MonoTextStyleBuilder`.
- [#523]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/523 Added support for underline and strikethrough attributes for `MonoTextStyle`.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** [#523]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/523 The external text renderer API was rewritten and the `TextStyle` trait was renamed to `TextRenderer`.
- **(breaking)** [#523]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/523 The `fonts` module was split into `text` and `mono_font` modules.
- **(breaking)** [#523]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/523 The vertical and horizontal alignment of `Text` objects must now be set using the new `TextStyle` struct.
- **(breaking)** [#535]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/535 Replaced the builtin fonts with new fonts, that are generated from BDF files.
- **(breaking)** [#538]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/538 The types inside the `style` module were moved to other locations and the module itself has been removed.
- **(breaking)** [#540]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/540 Renamed the `iterator::pixel::Translate` struct to `Translated`and the `translate` method in `PixelIteratorExt` to `translated`.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** [#508]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/508 `MockDisplay` no longer implements `PartialEq`, use `MockDisplay::assert_eq` instead.
- **(breaking)** [#509]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/509 Styled text can no longer be converted into a pixel iterator, because `IntoPixels` is no longer implemented for `Styled<Text<'_>, S>`.
- **(breaking)** [#510]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/510 `MonoTextStyleBuilder::new` no longer takes a font as an argument, use `MonoTextStyleBuilder::new().font(SomeFont)` instead.

### Fixed

- [#507]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/507 Fixed drawing of the join between the radial lines for sectors with a sweep angle close to 360°.
- [#525]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/525 `Triangle`s and `Polyline`s with thick strokes would overdraw in some cases.
- [#527]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/527 Some cases where the ends of `Polyline`s would draw unwanted "spurs" are now fixed.

## [0.7.0-alpha.2] - 2020-11-29

### Added

- [#386]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/386 Added `Line::midpoint` to get the midpoint of a line.
- [#386]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/386 `Polyline`s can now be drawn with stroke widths greater than 1.
- [#386]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/386 Added the `delta` method to `Line` to compute the difference between start and end points.
- [#450]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/450 Added `ColorConverted` and `DrawTargetExt::color_converted` to support color conversion for draw targets.
- [#438]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/438 Added majority CSS web colors as associated `const`s to the RGB color types.
- [#470]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/470 Added support for external text renderers. External text renderers can be implemented using the new `TextStyle` trait.
- [#475]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/475 `Triangle`s can now be drawn with stroke widths greater than 1.
- [#478]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/478 Added `resized`, `anchor_point`, `rows`, `columns` and `is_zero_sized` methods to `Rectangle`.
- [#493]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/493 Added `assert_eq`, `assert_pattern` and `diff` methods to `MockDisplay`. Improved error messages for failing assertions can be enabled by setting the `EG_FANCY_PANIC` environment variable to `1` at compile time.
- [#498]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/498 Added `Size::saturating_add` and `Size::saturating_sub`.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** [#466]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/466 Upgrade Nalgebra from 0.19.0 to 0.23.0.
- **(breaking)** [#470]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/470 Renamed `Font`, `TextStyle` and `TextStyleBuilder` to `MonoFont`, `MonoTextStyle` and `MonoTextStyleBuilder`.
- **(breaking)** [#494]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/494 Triangle vertices are now stored in an array of 3 points, under the `vertices` field.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** [#470]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/470 Support for fonts with variable character width was removed from the internal text renderer.
- **(breaking)** [#470]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/470 `Font6x6` was removed.
- **(breaking)** [#494]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/494 `Triangle::from_points` is removed. To create a triangle from a slice of `Point`s, use the new `Triangle::from_slice` method.
- **(breaking)** [#498]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/498 `Primitive::from_points` is removed. The `points` method is now available on the `PointsIter` trait, which must be implemented for all `Primitive`s.

### Fixed

- [#477]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/477 Drawing a 90° `Arc` is now equal to drawing a quarter of a circle.

## [0.7.0-alpha.1] - 2020-09-19

### Added

- [#307]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/307 Added `Primitive::points` to get an iterator over all points inside a primitive.
- [#317]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/317 Added `Rectangle::center` to get the center point of a rectangle.
- [#318]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/317 Added `ContainsPoint` trait to check if a point is inside a closed shape.
- [#320]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/320 Added the `Ellipse` primitive.
- [#333]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/333 Added `Rectangle::bottom_right` to get the bottom right corner of a rectangle.
- [#331]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/331 Added stroke alignment to `PrimitiveStyle`.
- [#331]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/331 Added `Rectangle::with_center`.
- [#331]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/331 Added `From<&PrimitiveStyle>` for `PrimitiveStyleBuilder`.
- [#292]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/292 Added the `Polyline` primitive.
- [#337]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/337 Add `Point::x_axis`, `Point::y_axis`, `Size::x_axis` and `Size::y_axis`.
- [#337]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/337 Add `Point::new_equal` and `Size::new_equal`.
- [#336]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/336 Add `RoundedRectangle` primitive.
- [#353]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/353 Add `MockDisplay::swap_xy` method.
- [#357]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/357 Add `MockDisplay::map` method.
- [#357]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/357 Allow usage of all RGB color types in `MockDisplay` patterns.
- [#366]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/366 Allow usage of all grayscale color types in `MockDisplay` patterns.
- [#342]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/342 Added `Rectangle::intersection` method.
- [#363]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/363 Export `primitives::ContainsPoint` trait in prelude.
- [#310]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/320 Added the `Arc` primitive.
- [#310]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/320 Added the `Sector` primitive.
- [#398]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/398 Added `Point::length_squared` and `component_min`, `component_max`, `component_mul` and `component_div` for `Point` and `Size`.
- [#400]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/400 Added `OffsetOutline` and `StyledPrimitiveAreas` traits.
- [#409]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/409 Added `Clipped`, `Cropped` and `Translated` draw targets.
- [#409]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/409 Added `OriginDimensions` trait for dimensions with `top_left == Point::zero()`.
- [#420]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/420 Added support for `SubImage`s.
- [#429]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/429 Added `ToBytes` trait to convert colors into byte arrays.
- [#431]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/431 Added `MockDisplay::affected_area` to get the area affected by previous drawing operations.
- [#439]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/439 Added support to render transparent characters with a colored background.
- [#494]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/494 Add `Triangle::from_slice` to create a triangle from a slice of `Point`s.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** [#274]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/274 The `Circle` is now defined by its bounding box top-left corner and its diameter instead of its center and its radius. To convert your code, you can replace `Circle::new(point, radius)` by `Circle::with_center(point, 2 * radius + 1)`.
- **(breaking)** [#306]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/306 The `Rectangle` is now defined by its top-left corner and its size instead of the top-left and bottom-right corner. To convert your code, you can replace `Rectangle::new` by `Rectangle::with_corners`.
- **(breaking)** [#312]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/312 The methods in the `Dimension` trait are replaced by a single `bounding_box` method that returns a `Rectangle`.
- **(breaking)** [#353]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/353 Lines with equal start and end points are now drawn by assuming they are oriented horizontally. This means that they are now drawn as a `stroke_width` high and 1px wide rectangle, instead of not being drawn at all.
- **(breaking)** [#353]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/353 `primitives::line::StyledLineIterator` was renamed to `primitives::line::StyledIterator`.
- **(breaking)** [#357]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/357 Additional checks for overdraw and out of bounds drawing were added to `MockDisplay` which can cause tests to panic. See the `mock_display` module docs for more information.
- **(breaking)** [#342]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/342 Refactored the `DrawTarget` trait to better support common hardware capabilities.
- **(breaking)** [#360]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/360 Make the `drawable` module private. `drawable::Drawable` and `drawable::Pixel` are now exported from the crate root.
- **(breaking)** [#390]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/390 `Triangle.contains` now always returns `false` for colinear triangles.
- **(breaking)** [#393]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/393 `DrawTarget::draw` now uses a reference to `self` instead of taking ownership of `self`. Because of this change `DrawTarget` can no longer be implemented for pixel iterators (`Iterator<Item = C>`), which can now be drawn using the `draw` method provided by the `PixelIteratorExt` extension trait.
- **(breaking)** [#383]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/383 Replaced all `IntoIterator` impls with a custom `IntoPixels` trait. To get an iterator over pixels in an item, replace calls to `into_iter()` with `into_pixels()`.
- **(breaking)** [#403]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/403 Use an associated type to define the color type for `Drawable`s.
- **(breaking)** [#409]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/409 `DrawTarget::size` was removed and `DrawTarget`s are now required also implement `Dimensions`.
- **(breaking)** [#409]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/409 The `DrawTarget` trait was moved from the root of the crate to a new `draw_target` module. Projects that use the `prelude` to import `DrawTarget` won't be affected by this change.
- **(breaking)** [#420]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/420 To add support for additional image formats now `ImageDrawable` and `OriginDimensions` needs to be implemented instead of `IntoPixelIterator` and `ImageDimensions`.
- **(breaking)** [#420]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/420 The color type parameter was removed from the `Image` struct and is now defined by the associated `Color` type of an `ImageDrawable` implementation.

### Fixed

- [#317]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/317 The bounding box size for `Circle`s was off by one.
- [#401]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/401 Triangle pixel iterators no longer produce a pixel for each node twice.
- [#431]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/431 Styled primitive bounding boxes now take the stroke width and alignment into account.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** [#351]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/351 Removed the `egtext!`, `text_style!` and `primitive_style!` macros. Use the `Text`, `TextStyleBuilder` and `PrimitiveStyleBuilder` respectively instead.
- **(breaking)** [#351]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/351 Removed the `egcircle!`, `egrectangle!`, `egline!` and `egtriangle!` macros.

## [0.6.2] - 2020-04-20

### Fixed

- [#309]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/309 Prevent triangles with off-screen vertices from infinitely looping.

## [0.6.1] - 2020-04-01

### Added

- [#285]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/285 Add multiplication and division by a scalar for `Point` and `Size`.

### Fixed

- [#271]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/271 Styled `Line`s are now drawn using the `stroke_with` specified in the `PrimitiveStyle` and no longer default to 1px width.

## [0.6.0] - 2020-03-20

### Added

- [#269]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/269 Support for multiline text.
- [#267]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/267 Added a `6x6` hand-drawn variable width font.
- [#267]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/267 Support for variable width fonts.

### Fixed

- [#267]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/267 Fonts with CHARACTER_SPACING now properly render the background color between characters.
- [#276]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/276 Fixed Chars like '°' and similar for `Font12x16` & `Font24x32`

## [0.6.0-beta.2] - 2020-03-06

### Fixed

- [#262]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/262 `Triangle`s with a fill color but no stroke color are now rendered instead of not rendered at all.
- [#262]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/262 A triangle with a different stroke and fill color now renders its left-most border with the stroke color, instead of fill color
- [#262]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/262 Triangles and lines with a stroke width of 0 (and no fill for triangles) are no longer drawn.

### Added

- Added `draw_image` to `DrawTarget` trait with default implementation.

## [0.6.0-beta.1] - 2020-02-17

### Added

- [#257]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/257 added the `.into_storage()` method on `PixelColor`s via the `IntoStorage` trait to allow for more ergonomic conversion from a color to its raw storage type.

  // IntoStorage is included in the prelude.
  // You can also import it with use embedded_graphics::pixelcolor::IntoStorage.
  + use embedded_graphics::prelude::*;

  - RawU1::from(color).into_inner()
  + color.into_storage()

- Added as many `#[derive()]`s as possible to all embedded-graphics, tinybmp and tinytga types.
- Added `From<Point> for [i32; 2]`
- Added `From<Size> for [u32; 2]`
- Added the following fallible conversions to/from `Point`
  - `TryFrom<Point>` for `(u32, u32)`
  - `TryFrom<(u32, u32)>` for `Point`
  - `TryFrom<Point>` for `[u32; 2]`
  - `TryFrom<[u32; 2]>` for `Point`
  - `TryFrom<&[u32; 2]>` for `Point`
- #247 Added the `ImageData` trait. This trait can be implemented in an image format crate to add embedded-graphics support.
- #247 Added `Image` drawable. The `Image` drawable is used to make an implementation of `ImageData`, e.g. from `tinytga` or `tinybmp`, drawable to a `DrawTarget`, like a display.

### Changed

- **(breaking)** [#256]https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/pull/256 Make `PrimitiveStyleBuilder` and `TextStyleBuilder` consuming by following the [consuming builder pattern]https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.0.0/style/ownership/builders.html#consuming-builders:.
- **(breaking)** #247 The raw data `Image` struct is renamed to `ImageRaw`. The `Image` name is reused as a wrapper for other image types that implement the `ImageData` trait.
- **(breaking)** #247 `ImageLE` and `ImageBE` are renamed to `ImageRawLE` and `ImageRawBE` respectively.
- **(breaking)** #247 `ImageTga` and `ImageTga` are removed, along with their respective enabling features `bmp` and `tga`. To use BMP or TGA images, add `tinybmp` or `tinytga` to your dependencies with the `graphics` feature enabled. This allows usage of `Bmp` and `Tga` in embedded-graphics contexts. Tinybmp or tinytga usage now looks like this:


  embedded-graphics = "0.6.0"
  tinybmp = { version = "0.2.0", features = [ "graphics" ]}

  Your code:

  use embedded_graphics::{prelude::*, image::Image};
  use tinybmp::Bmp;

  let image = Bmp::new(include_bytes!("../../../assets/patch.bmp")).unwrap();
  let image = Image::new(&image);

- **(breaking)** #243 All methods on `DrawTarget` that handle drawing to/updating the display are now fallible and return `Result<(), Self::Error>` to allow for error handling in user code. This also affects `Drawable::draw()`, which now propagates any errors that occur while drawing.
- **(breaking)** #243 `DrawTarget::flush()` is removed. The display driver itself should provide this method if required.
- Expose `mock_display::MockDisplay` for use in tests, examples, etc in crates that pull embedded-graphics in as a dependency.

## 0.6.0-alpha.3

### Added

- #170 Added a `24x32` font based on the existing `12x16` font.

* #221 Implemented `Drawable` for `Pixel` to draw single pixels.

* #215 Added `PrimitiveStyleBuilder`.

* #215 Added `TextStyleBuilder`.

* #224 Added `Triangle::from_points` which accepts either `[Point; 3]`, or an array of length 3 containing any item that implements `Into<Point>`.

### Fixed

- #143, #209 Circles with no stroke are now drawn correctly

### Changed

- **(breaking)** The `Drawable` trait now has a required trait method `draw()`, which describes how the object will be drawn on the screen. See the docs for more details.

- **(breaking)** The `Drawing` trait has been renamed to `DrawTarget`. The required trait method to implement has changed from `draw()` to `draw_pixel()`, and optional trait methods have been added to allow an implementing display driver to specify hardware-accelerated methods for drawing graphics primitives.

- **(breaking)** #161 The `.fill()` and `.stroke()` style methods are renamed to `.fill_color()` and `.stroke_color()` respectively. This is to reduce confusion between names like `.stroke()` and `.stroke_width()`. Example:

  use embedded_graphics::{

  let circle = Circle::new(Point::new(20, 20), 5)

* **(breaking)** The type of `Style::stroke_width` changed from `u8` to `u32`.

* **(breaking)** Primitives shapes need to be converted into `Styled`s to be drawn.

* **(breaking)** The primitive macros like `egline` don't accept a `style` setting anymore. Use `object.style = new_style` instead.

* **(breaking)** The `Style` struct was replaced by `PrimitiveStyle` and `TextStyle`.

- **(breaking)** Text rendering is now implemented using `Text`, `TextStyle` and `Font` objects instead of using `Font::render_str`.

* **(breaking)** #224 Embedded Graphics macros now use named instead of positional parameters. Styling is now achieved using the `style` property which receives a `PrimitiveStyle` for primitives, and a `TextStyle`. There are convenience macros (`primitive_style!()` and `text_style!()` respectively) to make styling objects easier.

  use embedded_graphics::{egcircle, egline, egrectangle, egtext, egtriangle, text_style};

  // OLD
      (15, 20),
      stroke = Some(Rgb565::RED),
      fill = Some(Rgb565::GREEN)
  // NEW
      center = (15, 20),
      radius = 10,
      style = primitive_style!(stroke = Rgb565::RED, fill = Rgb565::GREEN)

  // OLD
      (0, 0),
      (64, 64),
      stroke = Some(Rgb565::RED),
      fill = Some(Rgb565::GREEN)
  // NEW
      top_left = (0, 0),
      bottom_right = (64, 64),
      style = primitive_style!(stroke = Rgb565::RED, fill = Rgb565::GREEN)

  // OLD
  egtriangle!((32, 0), (0, 64), (64, 64));
  // NEW
      points = [(32, 0), (0, 64), (64, 64)],
      style = primitive_style!(stroke = Rgb565::RED, fill = Rgb565::GREEN)

  // OLD
  egline!((32, 0), (0, 64));
  // NEW
      start = (32, 0),
      end = (0, 64),
      style = primitive_style!(stroke = Rgb565::RED,)

  // OLD
  egtext!("456", (10, 10), font = Font6x8, stroke = Some(Rgb565::RED));
  // NEW
      text = "456",
      top_left = (10, 10),
      style = text_style!(font = Font6x8, text_color = Rgb565::RED)

### Removed

- **(breaking)** The `SizedDrawing` trait is removed.

## 0.6.0-alpha.2

### Changed

- **(breaking)** `Coord` and `UnsignedCoord` are replaced by [`Point`] and [`Size`].

- **(breaking)** The `Image` struct is removed from the prelude. Import it with `use embedded_graphics::image::Image` instead.

- **(breaking)** Integration with Nalgebra through the `nalgebra_support` feature is now achieved by converting Nalgebra types into `Point` or `Size` instead of Embedded Graphics aliasing [`Point`] and [`Size`] to [`nalgebra::Vector2<i32>`] and [`nalgebra::Vector2<u32>`] respectively. Integration now requires calling `Point::from(my_nalgebra_var)` or `my_nalgebra_var.into()`.

  The benefit of this change is to allow more integer primitive types in [`Vector2`]. Embedded Graphics should now support `u8`, `u16` and `u32` conversions to `Size`, and `u8`, `u16`, `i8`, `i16` and `i32` conversions to [`Point`]. It also reduces coupling between Nalgebra and Embedded Graphics.

- **(breaking)** `Point`s can no longer be created from `(u32, u32)`, `[u32; 2]` or `&[u32; 2]`; these conversions are dangerous as the full range of `u32` values cannot be represented by the `i32` used for storage inside [`Point`].

* **(breaking)** `Pixel` now uses the signed [`Point`] type as the first element. Display drivers need to implement an additional check if `x` and `y` are greater or equal to zero.

* **(breaking)** The image module has been rewritten to support big- and little-endian image formats. [`Image1BPP`], [`Image8BPP`] and [`Image16BPP`] are no longer available, and have been replaced with the single [`Image`] type. To migrate from the previous image types, use [`Image`] with a specified pixel color, like this:

  use embedded_graphics::{
    pixelcolor::{BinaryColor, Gray8, Rgb565}

  // Image1BPP
  let image: Image<BinaryColor> = Image::new(DATA, 12, 5);

  // Image8BPP
  let image: Image<Gray8> = Image::new(DATA, 12, 5);

  // Image16BPP
  let image: Image<Rgb565> = Image::new(DATA, 12, 5);

  There are other pixel color types available. Take a look at the [`pixelcolor`] module for a full list.

  If you need to specify an endianness for the image data (like when using multiple bytes per pixel), the [`ImageLE`] and [`ImageBE`] type aliases have been added.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** `Coord::clamp_positive` is removed.

- **(breaking)** The `icoord!()` and `ucoord!()` macros are removed. Use [`Point::new()`] or [`Size::new()`] respectively instead.

### Fixed

- The code examples `README.md` are now checked in CI during crate compilation. They were woefully outdated and have now been fixed.

[`point`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/geometry/struct.Point.html
[`point::new()`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/geometry/struct.Point.html#method.new
[`size`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/geometry/struct.Size.html
[`size::new()`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/geometry/struct.Size.html#method.new
[`pixelcolor`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/pixelcolor/index.html
[`image1bpp`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.5.1/embedded_graphics/image/type.Image1BPP.html
[`image8bpp`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.5.1/embedded_graphics/image/type.Image8BPP.html
[`image16bpp`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.5.1/embedded_graphics/image/type.Image16BPP.html
[`image`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/image/struct.Image.html
[`imagele`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/image/type.ImageLE.html
[`imagebe`]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics/0.6.0-alpha.2/embedded_graphics/image/type.ImageBE.html
[`nalgebra::vector2<i32>`]: https://docs.rs/nalgebra/0.18.0/nalgebra/base/type.Vector2.html
[`nalgebra::vector2<u32>`]: https://docs.rs/nalgebra/0.18.0/nalgebra/base/type.Vector2.html
[`vector2`]: https://docs.rs/nalgebra/0.18.0/nalgebra/base/type.Vector2.html

## 0.6.0-alpha.1

Major breaking changes ahead! @rfuest has been hard at work making the colours story in Embedded Graphics much richer and easier to use.

As this is an alpha version, please give it a test and report back any issues you find!

### Changed

- **(breaking)** Added many colour types

## 0.5.2

Small doc fixes and other minor changes.

### Added

- Added low-effort Embedded Graphics logo for <https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics>

### Fixed

- Wrap `Coord` code example in backticks so it's rendered as code by Rustdoc

## 0.5.1

A couple of breaking changes around naming, mostly polish around public APIs

### Added

### Changed

- **(breaking)** Primitives macros have been renamed. This is primarily to fix conflicts with `std`'s `line!()` macro, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to make the names a bit better/more consistent at the same time:
  - `line` -> `egline`
  - `triangle` -> `egtriangle`
  - `rect` -> `egrectangle`
  - `circle` -> `egcircle`
- **(breaking)** The `Rect` primitive is now renamed to `Rectangle` to fit with the other non-truncated primitive names.

## 0.5.0

A big release, focussed on ergonomics. There are new macros to make drawing and positioning primitives and text much less noisy, as well as changes to the `Drawing` trait to remove the explicit `.into_iter()` call when passing objects to it.

### Added

- Add `SizedDrawing` trait. This is useful for displays that support partial screen updates. If the passed object has known dimensions (via the `Dimensions`) trait, a smaller draw area can be specified, reducing the number of bytes sent over the wire. This also opens up the possibility of bufferless display drivers!
- Macros for primitives, text, `UnsignedCoord` and `Coord`! This should make graphics-heavy code much quicker to write, and much cleaner to read. For example, to create a line and a circle:

  Code that looked like this:

      Circle::new(Coord::new(10, 10), 10 as u32)
      Circle::new(Coord::new(10, 10), 10 as u32)
          .translate(Coord::new(10, 10))
      Rect::new(Coord::new(0, 0), Coord::new(64, 64))
          .translate(Coord::new(96 + 32, 32))
      Triangle::new(Coord::new(32, 0), Coord::new(0, 64), Coord::new(64, 64))
          .translate(Coord::new(96 * 2 + 16, 16))

  Now looks like this:

  display.draw(circle!((10, 10), 10 as u32, stroke = Some(0u8), fill = Some(1u8)));
      circle!((10, 10), 10 as u32, stroke = Some(0u8), fill = Some(0u8))
          .translate(icoord!(10, 10)),
      rect!((0, 0), (64, 64), stroke = Some(0u8), fill = Some(1u8))
          .translate(icoord!(96 + 16, 16)),
          (32, 0),
          (0, 64),
          (64, 64),
          stroke = Some(0u8),
          fill = Some(1u8)
      .translate(icoord!(96 * 2 + 16, 16)),

- Added `pixelcolor::RGB565` to make working with displays and images in the common [RGB565]http://www.barth-dev.de/online/rgb565-color-picker/ pixel format.

### Changed

- `Drawing#draw` now accepts `IntoIterator` instead of `Iter`.

  **This is a breaking change for driver implementors. Client code should still be fine, as `.into_iter()` can still be called.**

  This allows passing of embedded_graphics objects without having to explicitly call `.into_iter`:

  // Before (still works)
      Circle::new(Coord::new(10, 10), 10 as u32)

  // After
      Circle::new(Coord::new(10, 10), 10 as u32)

  This also means that objects can be passed by reference too:

  let circle = Circle::new(Coord::new(10, 10), 10 as u32);


  // Reuse `circle` here

- **(breaking)** All `with_<prop>()` style methods are replaced by their unprefixed `<prop>()` counterparts - #106
  - `with_style()` -> `style()`
  - `with_stroke()` -> `stroke()`
  - `with_stroke_width()` -> `stroke_width()`
  - `with_fill()` -> `fill()`
- **(breaking)** `ImageBMP` and `ImageTGA` are now disabled by default behind Cargo features
  - Get `ImageBMP` by adding the `bmp` feature to your `Cargo.toml`
  - Get `ImageTGA` by adding the `tga` feature to your `Cargo.toml`
- **(breaking)** fonts now render with a transparent background by default. To get the old behaviour back, add a `fill` like this:

  // Without macros
  Font6x8::render_str("Hello Rust!").fill(Some(1u8.into()));

  // With macros
  text_6x8!("Hello Rust!", fill = Some(1u8.into()));

- Added a bunch of examples and docs. I hope it makes the crate easier to use! Please open an issue if anything is missing or hard to understand.
- `From` is implemented for a few more types for `Coord` and `UnsignedCoord`. Among other things, they can now be converted to tuples by calling `.into()`.

### Removed

- **(breaking)** `PixelColorU*` types. Use vanilla `u8`, `u16` or `u32` instead.
  - `PixelColorU8` -> `u8`
  - `PixelColorU16` -> `u16`
  - `PixelColorU32` -> `u32`
- **(breaking)** The deprecated `.dimensions()` method for fonts is replaced by the `.size()` method from the `WithStyle` trait. This makes fonts consistent with other embedded-graphics objects

### Fixed

- Circles with no stroke but `Some(...)` fill are now rendered instead of skipped.
- Embedded graphics objects can now be returned from functions, chained or not. For example:

  fn multi() -> impl Iterator<Item = Pixel<u8>> {
      let line = Line::new(Coord::new(0, 1), Coord::new(2, 3))

      let circle = Circle::new(Coord::new(5, 5), 3)


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[unreleased]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.8.0...HEAD
[0.8.0]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.1...embedded-graphics-v0.8.0

[0.7.1]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.0...embedded-graphics-v0.7.1
[0.7.0]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-beta.2...embedded-graphics-v0.7.0
[0.7.0-beta.2]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-beta.1...embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-beta.2
[0.7.0-beta.1]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-alpha.3...embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-beta.1
[0.7.0-alpha.3]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-alpha.2...embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-alpha.3
[0.7.0-alpha.2]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-alpha.1...embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-alpha.2
[0.7.0-alpha.1]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.6.2...embedded-graphics-v0.7.0-alpha.1
[0.6.2]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.6.1...embedded-graphics-v0.6.2
[0.6.1]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.6.0...embedded-graphics-v0.6.1
[0.6.0]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.6.0-beta.2...embedded-graphics-v0.6.0
[0.6.0-beta.2]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.6.0-beta.1...embedded-graphics-v0.6.0-beta.2
[0.6.0-beta.1]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/compare/embedded-graphics-v0.6.0-alpha.3...embedded-graphics-v0.6.0-beta.1