emath 0.20.0

Minimal 2D math library for GUI work
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Sub, SubAssign};

/// A vector has a direction and length.
/// A [`Vec2`] is often used to represent a size.
/// emath represents positions using [`crate::Pos2`].
/// Normally the units are points (logical pixels).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "bytemuck", derive(bytemuck::Pod, bytemuck::Zeroable))]
pub struct Vec2 {
    /// Rightwards. Width.
    pub x: f32,

    /// Downwards. Height.
    pub y: f32,

/// `vec2(x, y) == Vec2::new(x, y)`
pub const fn vec2(x: f32, y: f32) -> Vec2 {
    Vec2 { x, y }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compatibility and convenience conversions to and from [f32; 2]:

impl From<[f32; 2]> for Vec2 {
    fn from(v: [f32; 2]) -> Self {
        Self { x: v[0], y: v[1] }

impl From<&[f32; 2]> for Vec2 {
    fn from(v: &[f32; 2]) -> Self {
        Self { x: v[0], y: v[1] }

impl From<Vec2> for [f32; 2] {
    fn from(v: Vec2) -> Self {
        [v.x, v.y]

impl From<&Vec2> for [f32; 2] {
    fn from(v: &Vec2) -> Self {
        [v.x, v.y]

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compatibility and convenience conversions to and from (f32, f32):

impl From<(f32, f32)> for Vec2 {
    fn from(v: (f32, f32)) -> Self {
        Self { x: v.0, y: v.1 }

impl From<&(f32, f32)> for Vec2 {
    fn from(v: &(f32, f32)) -> Self {
        Self { x: v.0, y: v.1 }

impl From<Vec2> for (f32, f32) {
    fn from(v: Vec2) -> Self {
        (v.x, v.y)

impl From<&Vec2> for (f32, f32) {
    fn from(v: &Vec2) -> Self {
        (v.x, v.y)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mint compatibility and convenience conversions

#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
impl From<mint::Vector2<f32>> for Vec2 {
    fn from(v: mint::Vector2<f32>) -> Self {
        Self::new(v.x, v.y)

#[cfg(feature = "mint")]
impl From<Vec2> for mint::Vector2<f32> {
    fn from(v: Vec2) -> Self {
        Self { x: v.x, y: v.y }

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

impl Vec2 {
    pub const X: Vec2 = Vec2 { x: 1.0, y: 0.0 };
    pub const Y: Vec2 = Vec2 { x: 0.0, y: 1.0 };

    pub const RIGHT: Vec2 = Vec2 { x: 1.0, y: 0.0 };
    pub const LEFT: Vec2 = Vec2 { x: -1.0, y: 0.0 };
    pub const UP: Vec2 = Vec2 { x: 0.0, y: -1.0 };
    pub const DOWN: Vec2 = Vec2 { x: 0.0, y: 1.0 };

    pub const ZERO: Self = Self { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
    pub const INFINITY: Self = Self::splat(f32::INFINITY);

    pub const fn new(x: f32, y: f32) -> Self {
        Self { x, y }

    /// Set both `x` and `y` to the same value.
    pub const fn splat(v: f32) -> Self {
        Self { x: v, y: v }

    /// Treat this vector as a position.
    /// `v.to_pos2()` is equivalent to `Pos2::default() + v`.
    pub fn to_pos2(self) -> crate::Pos2 {
        crate::Pos2 {
            x: self.x,
            y: self.y,

    /// Safe normalize: returns zero if input is zero.
    pub fn normalized(self) -> Self {
        let len = self.length();
        if len <= 0.0 {
        } else {
            self / len

    /// Rotates the vector by 90°, i.e positive X to positive Y
    /// (clockwise in egui coordinates).
    pub fn rot90(self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.y, -self.x)

    pub fn length(self) -> f32 {

    pub fn length_sq(self) -> f32 {
        self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y

    /// Measures the angle of the vector.
    /// ```
    /// # use emath::Vec2;
    /// use std::f32::consts::TAU;
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::ZERO.angle(), 0.0);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::angled(0.0).angle(), 0.0);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::angled(1.0).angle(), 1.0);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::X.angle(), 0.0);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::Y.angle(), 0.25 * TAU);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::RIGHT.angle(), 0.0);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::DOWN.angle(), 0.25 * TAU);
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::UP.angle(), -0.25 * TAU);
    /// ```
    pub fn angle(self) -> f32 {

    /// Create a unit vector with the given CW angle (in radians).
    /// * An angle of zero gives the unit X axis.
    /// * An angle of 𝞃/4 = 90° gives the unit Y axis.
    /// ```
    /// # use emath::Vec2;
    /// use std::f32::consts::TAU;
    /// assert_eq!(Vec2::angled(0.0), Vec2::X);
    /// assert!((Vec2::angled(0.25 * TAU) - Vec2::Y).length() < 1e-5);
    /// ```
    pub fn angled(angle: f32) -> Self {
        vec2(angle.cos(), angle.sin())

    pub fn floor(self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.x.floor(), self.y.floor())

    pub fn round(self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.x.round(), self.y.round())

    pub fn ceil(self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.x.ceil(), self.y.ceil())

    pub fn abs(self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.x.abs(), self.y.abs())

    /// True if all members are also finite.
    pub fn is_finite(self) -> bool {
        self.x.is_finite() && self.y.is_finite()

    /// True if any member is NaN.
    pub fn any_nan(self) -> bool {
        self.x.is_nan() || self.y.is_nan()

    pub fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.x.min(other.x), self.y.min(other.y))

    pub fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        vec2(self.x.max(other.x), self.y.max(other.y))

    /// The dot-product of two vectors.
    pub fn dot(self, other: Self) -> f32 {
        self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

    /// Returns the minimum of `self.x` and `self.y`.
    pub fn min_elem(self) -> f32 {

    /// Returns the maximum of `self.x` and `self.y`.
    pub fn max_elem(self) -> f32 {

    pub fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            x: self.x.clamp(min.x, max.x),
            y: self.y.clamp(min.y, max.y),

impl std::ops::Index<usize> for Vec2 {
    type Output = f32;

    fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &f32 {
        match index {
            0 => &self.x,
            1 => &self.y,
            _ => panic!("Vec2 index out of bounds: {}", index),

impl std::ops::IndexMut<usize> for Vec2 {
    fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut f32 {
        match index {
            0 => &mut self.x,
            1 => &mut self.y,
            _ => panic!("Vec2 index out of bounds: {}", index),

impl Eq for Vec2 {}

impl Neg for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn neg(self) -> Vec2 {
        vec2(-self.x, -self.y)

impl AddAssign for Vec2 {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Vec2) {
        *self = Vec2 {
            x: self.x + rhs.x,
            y: self.y + rhs.y,

impl SubAssign for Vec2 {
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Vec2) {
        *self = Vec2 {
            x: self.x - rhs.x,
            y: self.y - rhs.y,

impl Add for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn add(self, rhs: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self.x + rhs.x,
            y: self.y + rhs.y,

impl Sub for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn sub(self, rhs: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self.x - rhs.x,
            y: self.y - rhs.y,

/// Element-wise multiplication
impl Mul<Vec2> for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn mul(self, vec: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self.x * vec.x,
            y: self.y * vec.y,

/// Element-wise division
impl Div<Vec2> for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn div(self, rhs: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self.x / rhs.x,
            y: self.y / rhs.y,

impl MulAssign<f32> for Vec2 {
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: f32) {
        self.x *= rhs;
        self.y *= rhs;

impl Mul<f32> for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn mul(self, factor: f32) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self.x * factor,
            y: self.y * factor,

impl Mul<Vec2> for f32 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn mul(self, vec: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self * vec.x,
            y: self * vec.y,

impl Div<f32> for Vec2 {
    type Output = Vec2;

    fn div(self, factor: f32) -> Vec2 {
        Vec2 {
            x: self.x / factor,
            y: self.y / factor,

impl std::fmt::Debug for Vec2 {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "[{:.1} {:.1}]", self.x, self.y)

fn test_vec2() {
    macro_rules! almost_eq {
        ($left: expr, $right: expr) => {
            let left = $left;
            let right = $right;
            assert!((left - right).abs() < 1e-6, "{} != {}", left, right);
    use std::f32::consts::TAU;

    assert_eq!(Vec2::ZERO.angle(), 0.0);
    assert_eq!(Vec2::angled(0.0).angle(), 0.0);
    assert_eq!(Vec2::angled(1.0).angle(), 1.0);
    assert_eq!(Vec2::X.angle(), 0.0);
    assert_eq!(Vec2::Y.angle(), 0.25 * TAU);

    assert_eq!(Vec2::RIGHT.angle(), 0.0);
    assert_eq!(Vec2::DOWN.angle(), 0.25 * TAU);
    almost_eq!(Vec2::LEFT.angle(), 0.50 * TAU);
    assert_eq!(Vec2::UP.angle(), -0.25 * TAU);