email_pass 0.5.0

Email and Password Type in Rust


Email and Password Type in Rust

Safe Email Constructor

use email_pass::Email;
fn main() {
    let correct_email = Email::new("");
    let incorrect_email = Email::new("");

Safe Password Type

The type Password differentiates the raw password from encrypted passwords and provides only the correct methods for each.

use email_pass::Password;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let encrypt_password = password::Password::new("ThisIsAPassPhrase.And.Secure.Password")
        .check()? // raw password method
        .to_encrypt()?; // raw password method
    // encrypted passwords implements the Deref trait
    let password = password::Password::from_encrypt(&encrypt_password)?;
    println!("{}", password);


The next code don't compile, because the raw passwords do not implement either the Display trait or the Debug trait.

use email_pass::Password;
fn main() {
    let password = password::Password::new("ThisIsAPassPhrase.And.Secure.Password");
    println!("{}", &password); //    println!("{:?}", &password); //}

Legacy Safe Passwords Constructor

WARNING: This type is until available in password/ The feature legacy only modifies the access of type.

use email_pass::password::legacy::Password;
fn main() {
    let unsafe_password = Password::new("01234".to_string());
    let safe_password = Password::new(


If the password is not encrypted, you can't access the inner value.

use email_pass::password::legacy::Password;
fn main() {
    let mut password = Password::from_raw(
    assert_eq!(password.try_to_str(), Err(Error::InexistentEncryptPassword));


The Password type implements the Debug trait securely.

fn main(){
    let safe_password = Password::from_raw("ThisIsAPassPhrase.And.Secure.Password".to_string());
    let str_password = format!("{:?}", &safe_password);

Migration from v0.4.1 to v0.5.0

If you don't want break your code, just use the featue legacy:

email_pass = { version = "0.5.0", features = ["legacy"] }

Then, you can try the new Password type with the import:

use email_pass::password::safe::Password;


Thanks to letsgetrusty for the repo that inspired the Password type.