Trait electrum_client::ElectrumApi

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pub trait ElectrumApi {
Show 33 methods // Required methods fn raw_call( &self, method_name: &str, params: impl IntoIterator<Item = Param>, ) -> Result<Value, Error>; fn batch_call(&self, batch: &Batch) -> Result<Vec<Value>, Error>; fn block_headers_subscribe_raw( &self, ) -> Result<RawHeaderNotification, Error>; fn block_headers_pop_raw( &self, ) -> Result<Option<RawHeaderNotification>, Error>; fn block_header_raw(&self, height: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>; fn block_headers( &self, start_height: usize, count: usize, ) -> Result<GetHeadersRes, Error>; fn estimate_fee(&self, number: usize) -> Result<f64, Error>; fn relay_fee(&self) -> Result<f64, Error>; fn script_subscribe( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<Option<ScriptStatus>, Error>; fn batch_script_subscribe<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Option<ScriptStatus>>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>; fn script_unsubscribe(&self, script: &Script) -> Result<bool, Error>; fn script_pop(&self, script: &Script) -> Result<Option<ScriptStatus>, Error>; fn script_get_balance( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<GetBalanceRes, Error>; fn batch_script_get_balance<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<GetBalanceRes>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>; fn script_get_history( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<Vec<GetHistoryRes>, Error>; fn batch_script_get_history<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<GetHistoryRes>>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>; fn script_list_unspent( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<Vec<ListUnspentRes>, Error>; fn batch_script_list_unspent<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<ListUnspentRes>>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>; fn transaction_get_raw(&self, txid: &Txid) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>; fn batch_transaction_get_raw<'t, I>( &self, txids: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'t Txid>; fn batch_block_header_raw<I>( &self, heights: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<u32>; fn batch_estimate_fee<I>(&self, numbers: I) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<usize>; fn transaction_broadcast_raw(&self, raw_tx: &[u8]) -> Result<Txid, Error>; fn transaction_get_merkle( &self, txid: &Txid, height: usize, ) -> Result<GetMerkleRes, Error>; fn server_features(&self) -> Result<ServerFeaturesRes, Error>; fn ping(&self) -> Result<(), Error>; // Provided methods fn block_header(&self, height: usize) -> Result<Header, Error> { ... } fn block_headers_subscribe(&self) -> Result<HeaderNotification, Error> { ... } fn block_headers_pop(&self) -> Result<Option<HeaderNotification>, Error> { ... } fn transaction_get(&self, txid: &Txid) -> Result<Transaction, Error> { ... } fn batch_transaction_get<'t, I>( &self, txids: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Transaction>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'t Txid> { ... } fn batch_block_header<I>(&self, heights: I) -> Result<Vec<Header>, Error> where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<u32> { ... } fn transaction_broadcast(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<Txid, Error> { ... }
Expand description

API calls exposed by an Electrum client

Required Methods§


fn raw_call( &self, method_name: &str, params: impl IntoIterator<Item = Param>, ) -> Result<Value, Error>

Executes the requested API call returning the raw answer.


fn batch_call(&self, batch: &Batch) -> Result<Vec<Value>, Error>

Execute a queue of calls stored in a Batch struct. Returns Ok() only if all of the calls are successful. The order of the JSON Values returned reflects the order in which the calls were made on the Batch struct.


fn block_headers_subscribe_raw(&self) -> Result<RawHeaderNotification, Error>

Subscribes to notifications for new block headers, by sending a blockchain.headers.subscribe call and returns the current tip as raw bytes instead of deserializing them.


fn block_headers_pop_raw(&self) -> Result<Option<RawHeaderNotification>, Error>

Tries to pop one queued notification for a new block header that we might have received. Returns a the header in raw bytes if a notification is found in the queue, None otherwise.


fn block_header_raw(&self, height: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>

Gets the raw bytes of block header for height height.


fn block_headers( &self, start_height: usize, count: usize, ) -> Result<GetHeadersRes, Error>

Tries to fetch count block headers starting from start_height.


fn estimate_fee(&self, number: usize) -> Result<f64, Error>

Estimates the fee required in Bitcoin per kilobyte to confirm a transaction in number blocks.


fn relay_fee(&self) -> Result<f64, Error>

Returns the minimum accepted fee by the server’s node in Bitcoin, not Satoshi.


fn script_subscribe( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<Option<ScriptStatus>, Error>

Subscribes to notifications for activity on a specific scriptPubKey.

Returns a ScriptStatus when successful that represents the current status for the requested script.

Returns Error::AlreadySubscribed if already subscribed to the script.


fn batch_script_subscribe<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Option<ScriptStatus>>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>,

Batch version of script_subscribe.

Takes a list of scripts and returns a list of script status responses.

Note you should pass a reference to a collection because otherwise an expensive clone is made


fn script_unsubscribe(&self, script: &Script) -> Result<bool, Error>

Subscribes to notifications for activity on a specific scriptPubKey.

Returns a bool with the server response when successful.

Returns Error::NotSubscribed if not subscribed to the script.


fn script_pop(&self, script: &Script) -> Result<Option<ScriptStatus>, Error>

Tries to pop one queued notification for a the requested script. Returns None if there are no items in the queue.


fn script_get_balance(&self, script: &Script) -> Result<GetBalanceRes, Error>

Returns the balance for a scriptPubKey.


fn batch_script_get_balance<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<GetBalanceRes>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>,

Batch version of script_get_balance.

Takes a list of scripts and returns a list of balance responses.


fn script_get_history( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<Vec<GetHistoryRes>, Error>

Returns the history for a scriptPubKey


fn batch_script_get_history<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<GetHistoryRes>>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>,

Batch version of script_get_history.

Takes a list of scripts and returns a list of history responses.


fn script_list_unspent( &self, script: &Script, ) -> Result<Vec<ListUnspentRes>, Error>

Returns the list of unspent outputs for a scriptPubKey


fn batch_script_list_unspent<'s, I>( &self, scripts: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<ListUnspentRes>>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'s Script>,

Batch version of script_list_unspent.

Takes a list of scripts and returns a list of a list of utxos.


fn transaction_get_raw(&self, txid: &Txid) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>

Gets the raw bytes of a transaction with txid. Returns an error if not found.


fn batch_transaction_get_raw<'t, I>( &self, txids: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'t Txid>,

Batch version of transaction_get_raw.

Takes a list of txids and returns a list of transactions raw bytes.


fn batch_block_header_raw<I>(&self, heights: I) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<u32>,

Batch version of block_header_raw.

Takes a list of heights of blocks and returns a list of block header raw bytes.


fn batch_estimate_fee<I>(&self, numbers: I) -> Result<Vec<f64>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<usize>,

Batch version of estimate_fee.

Takes a list of numbers of blocks and returns a list of fee required in Satoshis per kilobyte to confirm a transaction in the given number of blocks.


fn transaction_broadcast_raw(&self, raw_tx: &[u8]) -> Result<Txid, Error>

Broadcasts the raw bytes of a transaction to the network.


fn transaction_get_merkle( &self, txid: &Txid, height: usize, ) -> Result<GetMerkleRes, Error>

Returns the merkle path for the transaction txid confirmed in the block at height.


fn server_features(&self) -> Result<ServerFeaturesRes, Error>

Returns the capabilities of the server.


fn ping(&self) -> Result<(), Error>

Pings the server. This method can also be used as a “dummy” call to trigger the processing of incoming block header or script notifications.

Provided Methods§


fn block_header(&self, height: usize) -> Result<Header, Error>

Gets the block header for height height.


fn block_headers_subscribe(&self) -> Result<HeaderNotification, Error>

Subscribes to notifications for new block headers, by sending a blockchain.headers.subscribe call.


fn block_headers_pop(&self) -> Result<Option<HeaderNotification>, Error>

Tries to pop one queued notification for a new block header that we might have received. Returns None if there are no items in the queue.


fn transaction_get(&self, txid: &Txid) -> Result<Transaction, Error>

Gets the transaction with txid. Returns an error if not found.


fn batch_transaction_get<'t, I>( &self, txids: I, ) -> Result<Vec<Transaction>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<&'t Txid>,

Batch version of transaction_get.

Takes a list of txids and returns a list of transactions.


fn batch_block_header<I>(&self, heights: I) -> Result<Vec<Header>, Error>
where I: IntoIterator + Clone, I::Item: Borrow<u32>,

Batch version of block_header.

Takes a list of heights of blocks and returns a list of headers.


fn transaction_broadcast(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<Txid, Error>

Broadcasts a transaction to the network.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
