elastic_requests 0.3.0

Code generated request types for the Elasticsearch REST API.

elastic_requests Latest Version

elastic_requests is a strongly-typed, code-generated implementation of the Elasticsearch REST API for Rust.

This library doesn't provide HTTP transport directly, it's used by elastic_hyper for that.

Build Status

Platform Channel Status
Linux / OSX Stable / Nightly Build Status


Version Docs
master Documentation
current Documentation

The goal is to be zero-allocation where possible, so request types are just wrappers around potentially owned data. A structure is generated for each REST endpoint, that generate url paths from the given parameters.


Add elastic_requests to your Cargo.toml:

elastic_requests = "*"

And reference it in your crate root:

extern crate elastic_requests as requests;

There's a request type for each REST API endpoint with constructor functions for each valid set of parameters:

let req = requests::SearchRequest::for_index_ty(
	"myindex", "mytype", 
		query: { 
			match_all: {}

assert_eq!("/myindex/mytype/_search", *req.url);

Parameters can be supplied as owned or borrowed strings and the body as an owned or borrowed byte array:

let index_suffix = get_a_suffix();

let req = requests::SimpleSearchRequest::for_index_ty(
	format!("index-{}", index_suffix), "mytype"

There's also a more general HttpRequest structure that represents a typical request. All request types implement Into<HttpRequest> for owned or borrowed references, so you can work with an arbitrary request through this type bound:

fn do_something_with_a_request<'a, I: Into<HttpRequest<'a>>>(req: I) {}

// Use a borrowed request

// Take ownership of the request

HttpRequest<'static> implements Send so it can be shared across threads.


The types in this library are generated from the Elasticsearch REST API spec. This can be run from the codegen directory:

$ cd codegen
$ cargo run > ../src/genned.rs