egg 0.7.1

An implementation of egraphs

egg: egraphs good Released Main branch docs

Are you using egg? Please cite using the BibTeX below and add your project to the egg website!

Check out the web demo for some quick e-graph action!

Using egg

Add egg to your Cargo.toml like this:

egg = "0.7.1"


It's written in Rust. Typically, you install Rust using rustup.

Run cargo doc --open to build and open the documentation in a browser.

Before committing/pushing, make sure to run make, which runs all the tests and lints that CI will.


You will need graphviz to run the tests. Running cargo test will run the tests. Some tests may time out; try cargo test --release if that happens.

There are a couple interesting tests in the tests directory:

  • implements propositional logic and proves some simple theorems.
  • implements real arithmetic, with a little bit of symbolic differentiation.
  • implements a small lambda calculus, using egg as a partial evaluator.