efi_signer 0.2.7

A crates for signing and parsing EFI image
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A pure rust library to sign/verify the EFI image.


see examples

how to sign a EFI image

  1. generate certificates

    bash -ex scripts/make_codesign_cert.sh
  2. sign a EFI image

    ./main sign --key key.pem --cert certificate.pem shimx64.efi shimx64.efi.signed
  3. sign a EFI image with detached signature

    ./main sign --key key.pem --cert certificate.pem -d shimx64.efi efi.signed

    the efi.signed file will onlyl contain the signature itself which can be used by set_authenticode

how to parse the EFI image

./main --verbose parse shimx64.efi