Enum easyfix_messages::messages::FieldTag

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pub enum FieldTag {
Show 1452 variants Account = 1, AdvId = 2, AdvRefId = 3, AdvSide = 4, AdvTransType = 5, AvgPx = 6, BeginSeqNo = 7, BeginString = 8, BodyLength = 9, CheckSum = 10, ClOrdId = 11, Commission = 12, CommType = 13, CumQty = 14, Currency = 15, EndSeqNo = 16, ExecId = 17, ExecInst = 18, ExecRefId = 19, HandlInst = 21, SecurityIdSource = 22, Ioiid = 23, IoiQltyInd = 25, IoiRefId = 26, IoiQty = 27, IoiTransType = 28, LastCapacity = 29, LastMkt = 30, LastPx = 31, LastQty = 32, NoLinesOfText = 33, MsgSeqNum = 34, MsgType = 35, NewSeqNo = 36, OrderId = 37, OrderQty = 38, OrdStatus = 39, OrdType = 40, OrigClOrdId = 41, OrigTime = 42, PossDupFlag = 43, Price = 44, RefSeqNum = 45, SecurityId = 48, SenderCompId = 49, SenderSubId = 50, SendingTime = 52, Quantity = 53, Side = 54, Symbol = 55, TargetCompId = 56, TargetSubId = 57, Text = 58, TimeInForce = 59, TransactTime = 60, Urgency = 61, ValidUntilTime = 62, SettlType = 63, SettlDate = 64, SymbolSfx = 65, ListId = 66, ListSeqNo = 67, TotNoOrders = 68, ListExecInst = 69, AllocId = 70, AllocTransType = 71, RefAllocId = 72, NoOrders = 73, AvgPxPrecision = 74, TradeDate = 75, PositionEffect = 77, NoAllocs = 78, AllocAccount = 79, AllocQty = 80, ProcessCode = 81, NoRpts = 82, RptSeq = 83, CxlQty = 84, NoDlvyInst = 85, AllocStatus = 87, AllocRejCode = 88, Signature = 89, SecureDataLen = 90, SecureData = 91, SignatureLength = 93, EmailType = 94, RawDataLength = 95, RawData = 96, PossResend = 97, EncryptMethod = 98, StopPx = 99, ExDestination = 100, CxlRejReason = 102, OrdRejReason = 103, IoiQualifier = 104, Issuer = 106, SecurityDesc = 107, HeartBtInt = 108, MinQty = 110, MaxFloor = 111, TestReqId = 112, ReportToExch = 113, LocateReqd = 114, OnBehalfOfCompId = 115, OnBehalfOfSubId = 116, QuoteId = 117, NetMoney = 118, SettlCurrAmt = 119, SettlCurrency = 120, ForexReq = 121, OrigSendingTime = 122, GapFillFlag = 123, NoExecs = 124, ExpireTime = 126, DkReason = 127, DeliverToCompId = 128, DeliverToSubId = 129, IoiNaturalFlag = 130, QuoteReqId = 131, BidPx = 132, OfferPx = 133, BidSize = 134, OfferSize = 135, NoMiscFees = 136, MiscFeeAmt = 137, MiscFeeCurr = 138, MiscFeeType = 139, PrevClosePx = 140, ResetSeqNumFlag = 141, SenderLocationId = 142, TargetLocationId = 143, OnBehalfOfLocationId = 144, DeliverToLocationId = 145, NoRelatedSym = 146, Subject = 147, Headline = 148, UrlLink = 149, ExecType = 150, LeavesQty = 151, CashOrderQty = 152, AllocAvgPx = 153, AllocNetMoney = 154, SettlCurrFxRate = 155, SettlCurrFxRateCalc = 156, NumDaysInterest = 157, AccruedInterestRate = 158, AccruedInterestAmt = 159, SettlInstMode = 160, AllocText = 161, SettlInstId = 162, SettlInstTransType = 163, EmailThreadId = 164, SettlInstSource = 165, SecurityType = 167, EffectiveTime = 168, StandInstDbType = 169, StandInstDbName = 170, StandInstDbId = 171, SettlDeliveryType = 172, BidSpotRate = 188, BidForwardPoints = 189, OfferSpotRate = 190, OfferForwardPoints = 191, OrderQty2 = 192, SettlDate2 = 193, LastSpotRate = 194, LastForwardPoints = 195, AllocLinkId = 196, AllocLinkType = 197, SecondaryOrderId = 198, NoIoiQualifiers = 199, MaturityMonthYear = 200, PutOrCall = 201, StrikePrice = 202, CoveredOrUncovered = 203, OptAttribute = 206, SecurityExchange = 207, NotifyBrokerOfCredit = 208, AllocHandlInst = 209, MaxShow = 210, PegOffsetValue = 211, XmlDataLen = 212, XmlData = 213, SettlInstRefId = 214, NoRoutingIDs = 215, RoutingType = 216, RoutingId = 217, Spread = 218, BenchmarkCurveCurrency = 220, BenchmarkCurveName = 221, BenchmarkCurvePoint = 222, CouponRate = 223, CouponPaymentDate = 224, IssueDate = 225, RepurchaseTerm = 226, RepurchaseRate = 227, Factor = 228, TradeOriginationDate = 229, ExDate = 230, ContractMultiplier = 231, NoStipulations = 232, StipulationType = 233, StipulationValue = 234, YieldType = 235, Yield = 236, TotalTakedown = 237, Concession = 238, RepoCollateralSecurityType = 239, RedemptionDate = 240, UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate = 241, UnderlyingIssueDate = 242, UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType = 243, UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm = 244, UnderlyingRepurchaseRate = 245, UnderlyingFactor = 246, UnderlyingRedemptionDate = 247, LegCouponPaymentDate = 248, LegIssueDate = 249, LegRepoCollateralSecurityType = 250, LegRepurchaseTerm = 251, LegRepurchaseRate = 252, LegFactor = 253, LegRedemptionDate = 254, CreditRating = 255, UnderlyingCreditRating = 256, LegCreditRating = 257, TradedFlatSwitch = 258, BasisFeatureDate = 259, BasisFeaturePrice = 260, MdReqId = 262, SubscriptionRequestType = 263, MarketDepth = 264, MdUpdateType = 265, AggregatedBook = 266, NoMdEntryTypes = 267, NoMdEntries = 268, MdEntryType = 269, MdEntryPx = 270, MdEntrySize = 271, MdEntryDate = 272, MdEntryTime = 273, TickDirection = 274, MdMkt = 275, QuoteCondition = 276, TradeCondition = 277, MdEntryId = 278, MdUpdateAction = 279, MdEntryRefId = 280, MdReqRejReason = 281, MdEntryOriginator = 282, LocationId = 283, DeskId = 284, DeleteReason = 285, OpenCloseSettlFlag = 286, SellerDays = 287, MdEntryBuyer = 288, MdEntrySeller = 289, MdEntryPositionNo = 290, FinancialStatus = 291, CorporateAction = 292, DefBidSize = 293, DefOfferSize = 294, NoQuoteEntries = 295, NoQuoteSets = 296, QuoteStatus = 297, QuoteCancelType = 298, QuoteEntryId = 299, QuoteRejectReason = 300, QuoteResponseLevel = 301, QuoteSetId = 302, QuoteRequestType = 303, TotNoQuoteEntries = 304, UnderlyingSecurityIdSource = 305, UnderlyingIssuer = 306, UnderlyingSecurityDesc = 307, UnderlyingSecurityExchange = 308, UnderlyingSecurityId = 309, UnderlyingSecurityType = 310, UnderlyingSymbol = 311, UnderlyingSymbolSfx = 312, UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear = 313, UnderlyingPutOrCall = 315, UnderlyingStrikePrice = 316, UnderlyingOptAttribute = 317, UnderlyingCurrency = 318, SecurityReqId = 320, SecurityRequestType = 321, SecurityResponseId = 322, SecurityResponseType = 323, SecurityStatusReqId = 324, UnsolicitedIndicator = 325, SecurityTradingStatus = 326, HaltReasonInt = 327, InViewOfCommon = 328, DueToRelated = 329, BuyVolume = 330, SellVolume = 331, HighPx = 332, LowPx = 333, Adjustment = 334, TradSesReqId = 335, TradingSessionId = 336, ContraTrader = 337, TradSesMethod = 338, TradSesMode = 339, TradSesStatus = 340, TradSesStartTime = 341, TradSesOpenTime = 342, TradSesPreCloseTime = 343, TradSesCloseTime = 344, TradSesEndTime = 345, NumberOfOrders = 346, MessageEncoding = 347, EncodedIssuerLen = 348, EncodedIssuer = 349, EncodedSecurityDescLen = 350, EncodedSecurityDesc = 351, EncodedListExecInstLen = 352, EncodedListExecInst = 353, EncodedTextLen = 354, EncodedText = 355, EncodedSubjectLen = 356, EncodedSubject = 357, EncodedHeadlineLen = 358, EncodedHeadline = 359, EncodedAllocTextLen = 360, EncodedAllocText = 361, EncodedUnderlyingIssuerLen = 362, EncodedUnderlyingIssuer = 363, EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen = 364, EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc = 365, AllocPrice = 366, QuoteSetValidUntilTime = 367, QuoteEntryRejectReason = 368, LastMsgSeqNumProcessed = 369, RefTagId = 371, RefMsgType = 372, SessionRejectReason = 373, BidRequestTransType = 374, ContraBroker = 375, ComplianceId = 376, SolicitedFlag = 377, ExecRestatementReason = 378, BusinessRejectRefId = 379, BusinessRejectReason = 380, GrossTradeAmt = 381, NoContraBrokers = 382, MaxMessageSize = 383, NoMsgTypes = 384, MsgDirection = 385, NoTradingSessions = 386, TotalVolumeTraded = 387, DiscretionInst = 388, DiscretionOffsetValue = 389, BidId = 390, ClientBidId = 391, ListName = 392, TotNoRelatedSym = 393, BidType = 394, NumTickets = 395, SideValue1 = 396, SideValue2 = 397, NoBidDescriptors = 398, BidDescriptorType = 399, BidDescriptor = 400, SideValueInd = 401, LiquidityPctLow = 402, LiquidityPctHigh = 403, LiquidityValue = 404, EfpTrackingError = 405, FairValue = 406, OutsideIndexPct = 407, ValueOfFutures = 408, LiquidityIndType = 409, WtAverageLiquidity = 410, ExchangeForPhysical = 411, OutMainCntryUIndex = 412, CrossPercent = 413, ProgRptReqs = 414, ProgPeriodInterval = 415, IncTaxInd = 416, NumBidders = 417, BidTradeType = 418, BasisPxType = 419, NoBidComponents = 420, Country = 421, TotNoStrikes = 422, PriceType = 423, DayOrderQty = 424, DayCumQty = 425, DayAvgPx = 426, GtBookingInst = 427, NoStrikes = 428, ListStatusType = 429, NetGrossInd = 430, ListOrderStatus = 431, ExpireDate = 432, ListExecInstType = 433, CxlRejResponseTo = 434, UnderlyingCouponRate = 435, UnderlyingContractMultiplier = 436, ContraTradeQty = 437, ContraTradeTime = 438, LiquidityNumSecurities = 441, MultiLegReportingType = 442, StrikeTime = 443, ListStatusText = 444, EncodedListStatusTextLen = 445, EncodedListStatusText = 446, PartyIdSource = 447, PartyId = 448, NetChgPrevDay = 451, PartyRole = 452, NoPartyIDs = 453, NoSecurityAltId = 454, SecurityAltId = 455, SecurityAltIdSource = 456, NoUnderlyingSecurityAltId = 457, UnderlyingSecurityAltId = 458, UnderlyingSecurityAltIdSource = 459, Product = 460, CfiCode = 461, UnderlyingProduct = 462, UnderlyingCfiCode = 463, TestMessageIndicator = 464, BookingRefId = 466, IndividualAllocId = 467, RoundingDirection = 468, RoundingModulus = 469, CountryOfIssue = 470, StateOrProvinceOfIssue = 471, LocaleOfIssue = 472, NoRegistDtls = 473, MailingDtls = 474, InvestorCountryOfResidence = 475, PaymentRef = 476, DistribPaymentMethod = 477, CashDistribCurr = 478, CommCurrency = 479, CancellationRights = 480, MoneyLaunderingStatus = 481, MailingInst = 482, TransBkdTime = 483, ExecPriceType = 484, ExecPriceAdjustment = 485, DateOfBirth = 486, TradeReportTransType = 487, CardHolderName = 488, CardNumber = 489, CardExpDate = 490, CardIssNum = 491, PaymentMethod = 492, RegistAcctType = 493, Designation = 494, TaxAdvantageType = 495, RegistRejReasonText = 496, FundRenewWaiv = 497, CashDistribAgentName = 498, CashDistribAgentCode = 499, CashDistribAgentAcctNumber = 500, CashDistribPayRef = 501, CashDistribAgentAcctName = 502, CardStartDate = 503, PaymentDate = 504, PaymentRemitterId = 505, RegistStatus = 506, RegistRejReasonCode = 507, RegistRefId = 508, RegistDtls = 509, NoDistribInsts = 510, RegistEmail = 511, DistribPercentage = 512, RegistId = 513, RegistTransType = 514, ExecValuationPoint = 515, OrderPercent = 516, OwnershipType = 517, NoContAmts = 518, ContAmtType = 519, ContAmtValue = 520, ContAmtCurr = 521, OwnerType = 522, PartySubId = 523, NestedPartyId = 524, NestedPartyIdSource = 525, SecondaryClOrdId = 526, SecondaryExecId = 527, OrderCapacity = 528, OrderRestrictions = 529, MassCancelRequestType = 530, MassCancelResponse = 531, MassCancelRejectReason = 532, TotalAffectedOrders = 533, NoAffectedOrders = 534, AffectedOrderId = 535, AffectedSecondaryOrderId = 536, QuoteType = 537, NestedPartyRole = 538, NoNestedPartyIDs = 539, TotalAccruedInterestAmt = 540, MaturityDate = 541, UnderlyingMaturityDate = 542, InstrRegistry = 543, CashMargin = 544, NestedPartySubId = 545, Scope = 546, MdImplicitDelete = 547, CrossId = 548, CrossType = 549, CrossPrioritization = 550, OrigCrossId = 551, NoSides = 552, Username = 553, Password = 554, NoLegs = 555, LegCurrency = 556, TotNoSecurityTypes = 557, NoSecurityTypes = 558, SecurityListRequestType = 559, SecurityRequestResult = 560, RoundLot = 561, MinTradeVol = 562, MultiLegRptTypeReq = 563, LegPositionEffect = 564, LegCoveredOrUncovered = 565, LegPrice = 566, TradSesStatusRejReason = 567, TradeRequestId = 568, TradeRequestType = 569, PreviouslyReported = 570, TradeReportId = 571, TradeReportRefId = 572, MatchStatus = 573, MatchType = 574, OddLot = 575, NoClearingInstructions = 576, ClearingInstruction = 577, TradeInputSource = 578, TradeInputDevice = 579, NoDates = 580, AccountType = 581, CustOrderCapacity = 582, ClOrdLinkId = 583, MassStatusReqId = 584, MassStatusReqType = 585, OrigOrdModTime = 586, LegSettlType = 587, LegSettlDate = 588, DayBookingInst = 589, BookingUnit = 590, PreallocMethod = 591, UnderlyingCountryOfIssue = 592, UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue = 593, UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue = 594, UnderlyingInstrRegistry = 595, LegCountryOfIssue = 596, LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue = 597, LegLocaleOfIssue = 598, LegInstrRegistry = 599, LegSymbol = 600, LegSymbolSfx = 601, LegSecurityId = 602, LegSecurityIdSource = 603, NoLegSecurityAltId = 604, LegSecurityAltId = 605, LegSecurityAltIdSource = 606, LegProduct = 607, LegCfiCode = 608, LegSecurityType = 609, LegMaturityMonthYear = 610, LegMaturityDate = 611, LegStrikePrice = 612, LegOptAttribute = 613, LegContractMultiplier = 614, LegCouponRate = 615, LegSecurityExchange = 616, LegIssuer = 617, EncodedLegIssuerLen = 618, EncodedLegIssuer = 619, LegSecurityDesc = 620, EncodedLegSecurityDescLen = 621, EncodedLegSecurityDesc = 622, LegRatioQty = 623, LegSide = 624, TradingSessionSubId = 625, AllocType = 626, NoHops = 627, HopCompId = 628, HopSendingTime = 629, HopRefId = 630, MidPx = 631, BidYield = 632, MidYield = 633, OfferYield = 634, ClearingFeeIndicator = 635, WorkingIndicator = 636, LegLastPx = 637, PriorityIndicator = 638, PriceImprovement = 639, Price2 = 640, LastForwardPoints2 = 641, BidForwardPoints2 = 642, OfferForwardPoints2 = 643, RfqReqId = 644, MktBidPx = 645, MktOfferPx = 646, MinBidSize = 647, MinOfferSize = 648, QuoteStatusReqId = 649, LegalConfirm = 650, UnderlyingLastPx = 651, UnderlyingLastQty = 652, LegRefId = 654, ContraLegRefId = 655, SettlCurrBidFxRate = 656, SettlCurrOfferFxRate = 657, QuoteRequestRejectReason = 658, SideComplianceId = 659, AcctIdSource = 660, AllocAcctIdSource = 661, BenchmarkPrice = 662, BenchmarkPriceType = 663, ConfirmId = 664, ConfirmStatus = 665, ConfirmTransType = 666, ContractSettlMonth = 667, DeliveryForm = 668, LastParPx = 669, NoLegAllocs = 670, LegAllocAccount = 671, LegIndividualAllocId = 672, LegAllocQty = 673, LegAllocAcctIdSource = 674, LegSettlCurrency = 675, LegBenchmarkCurveCurrency = 676, LegBenchmarkCurveName = 677, LegBenchmarkCurvePoint = 678, LegBenchmarkPrice = 679, LegBenchmarkPriceType = 680, LegBidPx = 681, LegIoiQty = 682, NoLegStipulations = 683, LegOfferPx = 684, LegOrderQty = 685, LegPriceType = 686, LegQty = 687, LegStipulationType = 688, LegStipulationValue = 689, LegSwapType = 690, Pool = 691, QuotePriceType = 692, QuoteRespId = 693, QuoteRespType = 694, QuoteQualifier = 695, YieldRedemptionDate = 696, YieldRedemptionPrice = 697, YieldRedemptionPriceType = 698, BenchmarkSecurityId = 699, ReversalIndicator = 700, YieldCalcDate = 701, NoPositions = 702, PosType = 703, LongQty = 704, ShortQty = 705, PosQtyStatus = 706, PosAmtType = 707, PosAmt = 708, PosTransType = 709, PosReqId = 710, NoUnderlyings = 711, PosMaintAction = 712, OrigPosReqRefId = 713, PosMaintRptRefId = 714, ClearingBusinessDate = 715, SettlSessId = 716, SettlSessSubId = 717, AdjustmentType = 718, ContraryInstructionIndicator = 719, PriorSpreadIndicator = 720, PosMaintRptId = 721, PosMaintStatus = 722, PosMaintResult = 723, PosReqType = 724, ResponseTransportType = 725, ResponseDestination = 726, TotalNumPosReports = 727, PosReqResult = 728, PosReqStatus = 729, SettlPrice = 730, SettlPriceType = 731, UnderlyingSettlPrice = 732, UnderlyingSettlPriceType = 733, PriorSettlPrice = 734, NoQuoteQualifiers = 735, AllocSettlCurrency = 736, AllocSettlCurrAmt = 737, InterestAtMaturity = 738, LegDatedDate = 739, LegPool = 740, AllocInterestAtMaturity = 741, AllocAccruedInterestAmt = 742, DeliveryDate = 743, AssignmentMethod = 744, AssignmentUnit = 745, OpenInterest = 746, ExerciseMethod = 747, TotNumTradeReports = 748, TradeRequestResult = 749, TradeRequestStatus = 750, TradeReportRejectReason = 751, SideMultiLegReportingType = 752, NoPosAmt = 753, AutoAcceptIndicator = 754, AllocReportId = 755, NoNested2PartyIDs = 756, Nested2PartyId = 757, Nested2PartyIdSource = 758, Nested2PartyRole = 759, Nested2PartySubId = 760, BenchmarkSecurityIdSource = 761, SecuritySubType = 762, UnderlyingSecuritySubType = 763, LegSecuritySubType = 764, AllowableOneSidednessPct = 765, AllowableOneSidednessValue = 766, AllowableOneSidednessCurr = 767, NoTrdRegTimestamps = 768, TrdRegTimestamp = 769, TrdRegTimestampType = 770, TrdRegTimestampOrigin = 771, ConfirmRefId = 772, ConfirmType = 773, ConfirmRejReason = 774, BookingType = 775, IndividualAllocRejCode = 776, SettlInstMsgId = 777, NoSettlInst = 778, LastUpdateTime = 779, AllocSettlInstType = 780, NoSettlPartyIDs = 781, SettlPartyId = 782, SettlPartyIdSource = 783, SettlPartyRole = 784, SettlPartySubId = 785, SettlPartySubIdType = 786, DlvyInstType = 787, TerminationType = 788, NextExpectedMsgSeqNum = 789, OrdStatusReqId = 790, SettlInstReqId = 791, SettlInstReqRejCode = 792, SecondaryAllocId = 793, AllocReportType = 794, AllocReportRefId = 795, AllocCancReplaceReason = 796, CopyMsgIndicator = 797, AllocAccountType = 798, OrderAvgPx = 799, OrderBookingQty = 800, NoSettlPartySubIDs = 801, NoPartySubIDs = 802, PartySubIdType = 803, NoNestedPartySubIDs = 804, NestedPartySubIdType = 805, NoNested2PartySubIDs = 806, Nested2PartySubIdType = 807, AllocIntermedReqType = 808, NoUsernames = 809, UnderlyingPx = 810, PriceDelta = 811, ApplQueueMax = 812, ApplQueueDepth = 813, ApplQueueResolution = 814, ApplQueueAction = 815, NoAltMdSource = 816, AltMdSourceId = 817, SecondaryTradeReportId = 818, AvgPxIndicator = 819, TradeLinkId = 820, OrderInputDevice = 821, UnderlyingTradingSessionId = 822, UnderlyingTradingSessionSubId = 823, TradeLegRefId = 824, ExchangeRule = 825, TradeAllocIndicator = 826, ExpirationCycle = 827, TrdType = 828, TrdSubType = 829, TransferReason = 830, TotNumAssignmentReports = 832, AsgnRptId = 833, ThresholdAmount = 834, PegMoveType = 835, PegOffsetType = 836, PegLimitType = 837, PegRoundDirection = 838, PeggedPrice = 839, PegScope = 840, DiscretionMoveType = 841, DiscretionOffsetType = 842, DiscretionLimitType = 843, DiscretionRoundDirection = 844, DiscretionPrice = 845, DiscretionScope = 846, TargetStrategy = 847, TargetStrategyParameters = 848, ParticipationRate = 849, TargetStrategyPerformance = 850, LastLiquidityInd = 851, PublishTrdIndicator = 852, ShortSaleReason = 853, QtyType = 854, SecondaryTrdType = 855, TradeReportType = 856, AllocNoOrdersType = 857, SharedCommission = 858, ConfirmReqId = 859, AvgParPx = 860, ReportedPx = 861, NoCapacities = 862, OrderCapacityQty = 863, NoEvents = 864, EventType = 865, EventDate = 866, EventPx = 867, EventText = 868, PctAtRisk = 869, NoInstrAttrib = 870, InstrAttribType = 871, InstrAttribValue = 872, DatedDate = 873, InterestAccrualDate = 874, CpProgram = 875, CpRegType = 876, UnderlyingCpProgram = 877, UnderlyingCpRegType = 878, UnderlyingQty = 879, TrdMatchId = 880, SecondaryTradeReportRefId = 881, UnderlyingDirtyPrice = 882, UnderlyingEndPrice = 883, UnderlyingStartValue = 884, UnderlyingCurrentValue = 885, UnderlyingEndValue = 886, NoUnderlyingStips = 887, UnderlyingStipType = 888, UnderlyingStipValue = 889, MaturityNetMoney = 890, MiscFeeBasis = 891, TotNoAllocs = 892, LastFragment = 893, CollReqId = 894, CollAsgnReason = 895, CollInquiryQualifier = 896, NoTrades = 897, MarginRatio = 898, MarginExcess = 899, TotalNetValue = 900, CashOutstanding = 901, CollAsgnId = 902, CollAsgnTransType = 903, CollRespId = 904, CollAsgnRespType = 905, CollAsgnRejectReason = 906, CollAsgnRefId = 907, CollRptId = 908, CollInquiryId = 909, CollStatus = 910, TotNumReports = 911, LastRptRequested = 912, AgreementDesc = 913, AgreementId = 914, AgreementDate = 915, StartDate = 916, EndDate = 917, AgreementCurrency = 918, DeliveryType = 919, EndAccruedInterestAmt = 920, StartCash = 921, EndCash = 922, UserRequestId = 923, UserRequestType = 924, NewPassword = 925, UserStatus = 926, UserStatusText = 927, StatusValue = 928, StatusText = 929, RefCompId = 930, RefSubId = 931, NetworkResponseId = 932, NetworkRequestId = 933, LastNetworkResponseId = 934, NetworkRequestType = 935, NoCompIDs = 936, NetworkStatusResponseType = 937, NoCollInquiryQualifier = 938, TrdRptStatus = 939, AffirmStatus = 940, UnderlyingStrikeCurrency = 941, LegStrikeCurrency = 942, TimeBracket = 943, CollAction = 944, CollInquiryStatus = 945, CollInquiryResult = 946, StrikeCurrency = 947, NoNested3PartyIDs = 948, Nested3PartyId = 949, Nested3PartyIdSource = 950, Nested3PartyRole = 951, NoNested3PartySubIDs = 952, Nested3PartySubId = 953, Nested3PartySubIdType = 954, LegContractSettlMonth = 955, LegInterestAccrualDate = 956, NoStrategyParameters = 957, StrategyParameterName = 958, StrategyParameterType = 959, StrategyParameterValue = 960, HostCrossId = 961, SideTimeInForce = 962, MdReportId = 963, SecurityReportId = 964, SecurityStatus = 965, SettleOnOpenFlag = 966, StrikeMultiplier = 967, StrikeValue = 968, MinPriceIncrement = 969, PositionLimit = 970, NtPositionLimit = 971, UnderlyingAllocationPercent = 972, UnderlyingCashAmount = 973, UnderlyingCashType = 974, UnderlyingSettlementType = 975, QuantityDate = 976, ContIntRptId = 977, LateIndicator = 978, InputSource = 979, SecurityUpdateAction = 980, NoExpiration = 981, ExpirationQtyType = 982, ExpQty = 983, NoUnderlyingAmounts = 984, UnderlyingPayAmount = 985, UnderlyingCollectAmount = 986, UnderlyingSettlementDate = 987, UnderlyingSettlementStatus = 988, SecondaryIndividualAllocId = 989, LegReportId = 990, RndPx = 991, IndividualAllocType = 992, AllocCustomerCapacity = 993, TierCode = 994, UnitOfMeasure = 996, TimeUnit = 997, UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure = 998, LegUnitOfMeasure = 999, UnderlyingTimeUnit = 1_000, LegTimeUnit = 1_001, AllocMethod = 1_002, TradeId = 1_003, SideTradeReportId = 1_005, SideFillStationCd = 1_006, SideReasonCd = 1_007, SideTrdSubTyp = 1_008, SideLastQty = 1_009, MessageEventSource = 1_011, SideTrdRegTimestamp = 1_012, SideTrdRegTimestampType = 1_013, SideTrdRegTimestampSrc = 1_014, AsOfIndicator = 1_015, NoSideTrdRegTs = 1_016, LegOptionRatio = 1_017, NoInstrumentParties = 1_018, InstrumentPartyId = 1_019, TradeVolume = 1_020, MdBookType = 1_021, MdFeedType = 1_022, MdPriceLevel = 1_023, MdOriginType = 1_024, FirstPx = 1_025, MdEntrySpotRate = 1_026, MdEntryForwardPoints = 1_027, ManualOrderIndicator = 1_028, CustDirectedOrder = 1_029, ReceivedDeptId = 1_030, CustOrderHandlingInst = 1_031, OrderHandlingInstSource = 1_032, DeskType = 1_033, DeskTypeSource = 1_034, DeskOrderHandlingInst = 1_035, ExecAckStatus = 1_036, UnderlyingDeliveryAmount = 1_037, UnderlyingCapValue = 1_038, UnderlyingSettlMethod = 1_039, SecondaryTradeId = 1_040, FirmTradeId = 1_041, SecondaryFirmTradeId = 1_042, CollApplType = 1_043, UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity = 1_044, UnderlyingFxRate = 1_045, UnderlyingFxRateCalc = 1_046, AllocPositionEffect = 1_047, DealingCapacity = 1_048, InstrmtAssignmentMethod = 1_049, InstrumentPartyIdSource = 1_050, InstrumentPartyRole = 1_051, NoInstrumentPartySubIDs = 1_052, InstrumentPartySubId = 1_053, InstrumentPartySubIdType = 1_054, PositionCurrency = 1_055, CalculatedCcyLastQty = 1_056, AggressorIndicator = 1_057, NoUndlyInstrumentParties = 1_058, UnderlyingInstrumentPartyId = 1_059, UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIdSource = 1_060, UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole = 1_061, NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs = 1_062, UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubId = 1_063, UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIdType = 1_064, BidSwapPoints = 1_065, OfferSwapPoints = 1_066, LegBidForwardPoints = 1_067, LegOfferForwardPoints = 1_068, SwapPoints = 1_069, MdQuoteType = 1_070, LastSwapPoints = 1_071, SideGrossTradeAmt = 1_072, LegLastForwardPoints = 1_073, LegCalculatedCcyLastQty = 1_074, LegGrossTradeAmt = 1_075, MaturityTime = 1_079, RefOrderId = 1_080, RefOrderIdSource = 1_081, SecondaryDisplayQty = 1_082, DisplayWhen = 1_083, DisplayMethod = 1_084, DisplayLowQty = 1_085, DisplayHighQty = 1_086, DisplayMinIncr = 1_087, RefreshQty = 1_088, MatchIncrement = 1_089, MaxPriceLevels = 1_090, PreTradeAnonymity = 1_091, PriceProtectionScope = 1_092, LotType = 1_093, PegPriceType = 1_094, PeggedRefPrice = 1_095, PegSecurityIdSource = 1_096, PegSecurityId = 1_097, PegSymbol = 1_098, PegSecurityDesc = 1_099, TriggerType = 1_100, TriggerAction = 1_101, TriggerPrice = 1_102, TriggerSymbol = 1_103, TriggerSecurityId = 1_104, TriggerSecurityIdSource = 1_105, TriggerSecurityDesc = 1_106, TriggerPriceType = 1_107, TriggerPriceTypeScope = 1_108, TriggerPriceDirection = 1_109, TriggerNewPrice = 1_110, TriggerOrderType = 1_111, TriggerNewQty = 1_112, TriggerTradingSessionId = 1_113, TriggerTradingSessionSubId = 1_114, OrderCategory = 1_115, NoRootPartyIDs = 1_116, RootPartyId = 1_117, RootPartyIdSource = 1_118, RootPartyRole = 1_119, NoRootPartySubIDs = 1_120, RootPartySubId = 1_121, RootPartySubIdType = 1_122, TradeHandlingInstr = 1_123, OrigTradeHandlingInstr = 1_124, OrigTradeDate = 1_125, OrigTradeId = 1_126, OrigSecondaryTradeId = 1_127, ApplVerId = 1_128, CstmApplVerId = 1_129, RefApplVerId = 1_130, RefCstmApplVerId = 1_131, TzTransactTime = 1_132, ExDestinationIdSource = 1_133, ReportedPxDiff = 1_134, RptSys = 1_135, AllocClearingFeeIndicator = 1_136, DefaultApplVerId = 1_137, DisplayQty = 1_138, ExchangeSpecialInstructions = 1_139, MaxTradeVol = 1_140, NoMdFeedTypes = 1_141, MatchAlgorithm = 1_142, MaxPriceVariation = 1_143, ImpliedMarketIndicator = 1_144, EventTime = 1_145, MinPriceIncrementAmount = 1_146, UnitOfMeasureQty = 1_147, LowLimitPrice = 1_148, HighLimitPrice = 1_149, TradingReferencePrice = 1_150, SecurityGroup = 1_151, LegNumber = 1_152, SettlementCycleNo = 1_153, SideCurrency = 1_154, SideSettlCurrency = 1_155, ApplExtId = 1_156, CcyAmt = 1_157, NoSettlDetails = 1_158, SettlObligMode = 1_159, SettlObligMsgId = 1_160, SettlObligId = 1_161, SettlObligTransType = 1_162, SettlObligRefId = 1_163, SettlObligSource = 1_164, NoSettlOblig = 1_165, QuoteMsgId = 1_166, QuoteEntryStatus = 1_167, TotNoCxldQuotes = 1_168, TotNoAccQuotes = 1_169, TotNoRejQuotes = 1_170, PrivateQuote = 1_171, RespondentType = 1_172, MdSubBookType = 1_173, SecurityTradingEvent = 1_174, NoStatsIndicators = 1_175, StatsType = 1_176, NoOfSecSizes = 1_177, MdSecSizeType = 1_178, MdSecSize = 1_179, ApplId = 1_180, ApplSeqNum = 1_181, ApplBegSeqNum = 1_182, ApplEndSeqNum = 1_183, SecurityXmlLen = 1_184, SecurityXml = 1_185, SecurityXmlSchema = 1_186, RefreshIndicator = 1_187, Volatility = 1_188, TimeToExpiration = 1_189, RiskFreeRate = 1_190, PriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_191, PriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_192, SettlMethod = 1_193, ExerciseStyle = 1_194, OptPayoutAmount = 1_195, PriceQuoteMethod = 1_196, ValuationMethod = 1_197, ListMethod = 1_198, CapPrice = 1_199, FloorPrice = 1_200, NoStrikeRules = 1_201, StartStrikePxRange = 1_202, EndStrikePxRange = 1_203, StrikeIncrement = 1_204, NoTickRules = 1_205, StartTickPriceRange = 1_206, EndTickPriceRange = 1_207, TickIncrement = 1_208, TickRuleType = 1_209, NestedInstrAttribType = 1_210, NestedInstrAttribValue = 1_211, LegMaturityTime = 1_212, UnderlyingMaturityTime = 1_213, DerivativeSymbol = 1_214, DerivativeSymbolSfx = 1_215, DerivativeSecurityId = 1_216, DerivativeSecurityIdSource = 1_217, NoDerivativeSecurityAltId = 1_218, DerivativeSecurityAltId = 1_219, DerivativeSecurityAltIdSource = 1_220, SecondaryLowLimitPrice = 1_221, MaturityRuleId = 1_222, StrikeRuleId = 1_223, LegUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_224, DerivativeOptPayAmount = 1_225, EndMaturityMonthYear = 1_226, ProductComplex = 1_227, DerivativeProductComplex = 1_228, MaturityMonthYearIncrement = 1_229, SecondaryHighLimitPrice = 1_230, MinLotSize = 1_231, NoExecInstRules = 1_232, NoLotTypeRules = 1_234, NoMatchRules = 1_235, NoMaturityRules = 1_236, NoOrdTypeRules = 1_237, NoTimeInForceRules = 1_239, SecondaryTradingReferencePrice = 1_240, StartMaturityMonthYear = 1_241, FlexProductEligibilityIndicator = 1_242, DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator = 1_243, FlexibleIndicator = 1_244, TradingCurrency = 1_245, DerivativeProduct = 1_246, DerivativeSecurityGroup = 1_247, DerivativeCfiCode = 1_248, DerivativeSecurityType = 1_249, DerivativeSecuritySubType = 1_250, DerivativeMaturityMonthYear = 1_251, DerivativeMaturityDate = 1_252, DerivativeMaturityTime = 1_253, DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag = 1_254, DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod = 1_255, DerivativeSecurityStatus = 1_256, DerivativeInstrRegistry = 1_257, DerivativeCountryOfIssue = 1_258, DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue = 1_259, DerivativeLocaleOfIssue = 1_260, DerivativeStrikePrice = 1_261, DerivativeStrikeCurrency = 1_262, DerivativeStrikeMultiplier = 1_263, DerivativeStrikeValue = 1_264, DerivativeOptAttribute = 1_265, DerivativeContractMultiplier = 1_266, DerivativeMinPriceIncrement = 1_267, DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount = 1_268, DerivativeUnitOfMeasure = 1_269, DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_270, DerivativeTimeUnit = 1_271, DerivativeSecurityExchange = 1_272, DerivativePositionLimit = 1_273, DerivativeNtPositionLimit = 1_274, DerivativeIssuer = 1_275, DerivativeIssueDate = 1_276, DerivativeEncodedIssuerLen = 1_277, DerivativeEncodedIssuer = 1_278, DerivativeSecurityDesc = 1_279, DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen = 1_280, DerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc = 1_281, DerivativeSecurityXmlLen = 1_282, DerivativeSecurityXml = 1_283, DerivativeSecurityXmlSchema = 1_284, DerivativeContractSettlMonth = 1_285, NoDerivativeEvents = 1_286, DerivativeEventType = 1_287, DerivativeEventDate = 1_288, DerivativeEventTime = 1_289, DerivativeEventPx = 1_290, DerivativeEventText = 1_291, NoDerivativeInstrumentParties = 1_292, DerivativeInstrumentPartyId = 1_293, DerivativeInstrumentPartyIdSource = 1_294, DerivativeInstrumentPartyRole = 1_295, NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs = 1_296, DerivativeInstrumentPartySubId = 1_297, DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIdType = 1_298, DerivativeExerciseStyle = 1_299, MarketSegmentId = 1_300, MarketId = 1_301, MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits = 1_302, MaturityMonthYearFormat = 1_303, StrikeExerciseStyle = 1_304, SecondaryPriceLimitType = 1_305, PriceLimitType = 1_306, ExecInstValue = 1_308, NoTradingSessionRules = 1_309, NoMarketSegments = 1_310, NoDerivativeInstrAttrib = 1_311, NoNestedInstrAttrib = 1_312, DerivativeInstrAttribType = 1_313, DerivativeInstrAttribValue = 1_314, DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_315, DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_316, DerivativeSettlMethod = 1_317, DerivativePriceQuoteMethod = 1_318, DerivativeValuationMethod = 1_319, DerivativeListMethod = 1_320, DerivativeCapPrice = 1_321, DerivativeFloorPrice = 1_322, DerivativePutOrCall = 1_323, ListUpdateAction = 1_324, ParentMktSegmId = 1_325, TradingSessionDesc = 1_326, TradSesUpdateAction = 1_327, RejectText = 1_328, FeeMultiplier = 1_329, UnderlyingLegSymbol = 1_330, UnderlyingLegSymbolSfx = 1_331, UnderlyingLegSecurityId = 1_332, UnderlyingLegSecurityIdSource = 1_333, NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltId = 1_334, UnderlyingLegSecurityAltId = 1_335, UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIdSource = 1_336, UnderlyingLegSecurityType = 1_337, UnderlyingLegSecuritySubType = 1_338, UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYear = 1_339, UnderlyingLegStrikePrice = 1_340, UnderlyingLegSecurityExchange = 1_341, NoOfLegUnderlyings = 1_342, UnderlyingLegPutOrCall = 1_343, UnderlyingLegCfiCode = 1_344, UnderlyingLegMaturityDate = 1_345, ApplReqId = 1_346, ApplReqType = 1_347, ApplResponseType = 1_348, ApplTotalMessageCount = 1_349, ApplLastSeqNum = 1_350, NoApplIDs = 1_351, ApplResendFlag = 1_352, ApplResponseId = 1_353, ApplResponseError = 1_354, RefApplId = 1_355, ApplReportId = 1_356, RefApplLastSeqNum = 1_357, LegPutOrCall = 1_358, TotNoFills = 1_361, NoFills = 1_362, FillExecId = 1_363, FillPx = 1_364, FillQty = 1_365, LegAllocId = 1_366, LegAllocSettlCurrency = 1_367, TradSesEvent = 1_368, MassActionReportId = 1_369, NoNotAffectedOrders = 1_370, NotAffectedOrderId = 1_371, NotAffOrigClOrdId = 1_372, MassActionType = 1_373, MassActionScope = 1_374, MassActionResponse = 1_375, MassActionRejectReason = 1_376, MultilegModel = 1_377, MultilegPriceMethod = 1_378, LegVolatility = 1_379, DividendYield = 1_380, LegDividendYield = 1_381, CurrencyRatio = 1_382, LegCurrencyRatio = 1_383, LegExecInst = 1_384, ContingencyType = 1_385, ListRejectReason = 1_386, NoTrdRepIndicators = 1_387, TrdRepPartyRole = 1_388, TrdRepIndicator = 1_389, TradePublishIndicator = 1_390, UnderlyingLegOptAttribute = 1_391, UnderlyingLegSecurityDesc = 1_392, MarketReqId = 1_393, MarketReportId = 1_394, MarketUpdateAction = 1_395, MarketSegmentDesc = 1_396, EncodedMktSegmDescLen = 1_397, EncodedMktSegmDesc = 1_398, ApplNewSeqNum = 1_399, EncryptedPasswordMethod = 1_400, EncryptedPasswordLen = 1_401, EncryptedPassword = 1_402, EncryptedNewPasswordLen = 1_403, EncryptedNewPassword = 1_404, UnderlyingLegMaturityTime = 1_405, RefApplExtId = 1_406, DefaultApplExtId = 1_407, DefaultCstmApplVerId = 1_408, SessionStatus = 1_409, DefaultVerIndicator = 1_410, Nested4PartySubIdType = 1_411, Nested4PartySubId = 1_412, NoNested4PartySubIDs = 1_413, NoNested4PartyIDs = 1_414, Nested4PartyId = 1_415, Nested4PartyIdSource = 1_416, Nested4PartyRole = 1_417, LegLastQty = 1_418, UnderlyingExerciseStyle = 1_419, LegExerciseStyle = 1_420, LegPriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_421, LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_422, UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_423, UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_424, UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_425, ApplReportType = 1_426, SideExecId = 1_427, OrderDelay = 1_428, OrderDelayUnit = 1_429, VenueType = 1_430, RefOrdIdReason = 1_431, OrigCustOrderCapacity = 1_432, RefApplReqId = 1_433, ModelType = 1_434, ContractMultiplierUnit = 1_435, LegContractMultiplierUnit = 1_436, UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit = 1_437, DerivativeContractMultiplierUnit = 1_438, FlowScheduleType = 1_439, LegFlowScheduleType = 1_440, UnderlyingFlowScheduleType = 1_441, DerivativeFlowScheduleType = 1_442, FillLiquidityInd = 1_443, SideLiquidityInd = 1_444, NoRateSources = 1_445, RateSource = 1_446, RateSourceType = 1_447, ReferencePage = 1_448, RestructuringType = 1_449, Seniority = 1_450, NotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_451, OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_452, UnderlyingRestructuringType = 1_453, UnderlyingSeniority = 1_454, UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_455, UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_456, AttachmentPoint = 1_457, DetachmentPoint = 1_458, UnderlyingAttachmentPoint = 1_459, UnderlyingDetachmentPoint = 1_460, NoTargetPartyIDs = 1_461, TargetPartyId = 1_462, TargetPartyIdSource = 1_463, TargetPartyRole = 1_464, SecurityListId = 1_465, SecurityListRefId = 1_466, SecurityListDesc = 1_467, EncodedSecurityListDescLen = 1_468, EncodedSecurityListDesc = 1_469, SecurityListType = 1_470, SecurityListTypeSource = 1_471, NewsId = 1_472, NewsCategory = 1_473, LanguageCode = 1_474, NoNewsRefIDs = 1_475, NewsRefId = 1_476, NewsRefType = 1_477, StrikePriceDeterminationMethod = 1_478, StrikePriceBoundaryMethod = 1_479, StrikePriceBoundaryPrecision = 1_480, UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod = 1_481, OptPayoutType = 1_482, NoComplexEvents = 1_483, ComplexEventType = 1_484, ComplexOptPayoutAmount = 1_485, ComplexEventPrice = 1_486, ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod = 1_487, ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision = 1_488, ComplexEventPriceTimeType = 1_489, ComplexEventCondition = 1_490, NoComplexEventDates = 1_491, ComplexEventStartDate = 1_492, ComplexEventEndDate = 1_493, NoComplexEventTimes = 1_494, ComplexEventStartTime = 1_495, ComplexEventEndTime = 1_496, StreamAsgnReqId = 1_497, StreamAsgnReqType = 1_498, NoAsgnReqs = 1_499, MdStreamId = 1_500, StreamAsgnRptId = 1_501, StreamAsgnRejReason = 1_502, StreamAsgnAckType = 1_503, RelSymTransactTime = 1_504, StreamAsgnType = 1_617,



Account = 1


AdvId = 2


AdvRefId = 3


AdvSide = 4


AdvTransType = 5


AvgPx = 6


BeginSeqNo = 7


BeginString = 8


BodyLength = 9


CheckSum = 10


ClOrdId = 11


Commission = 12


CommType = 13


CumQty = 14


Currency = 15


EndSeqNo = 16


ExecId = 17


ExecInst = 18


ExecRefId = 19


HandlInst = 21


SecurityIdSource = 22


Ioiid = 23


IoiQltyInd = 25


IoiRefId = 26


IoiQty = 27


IoiTransType = 28


LastCapacity = 29


LastMkt = 30


LastPx = 31


LastQty = 32


NoLinesOfText = 33


MsgSeqNum = 34


MsgType = 35


NewSeqNo = 36


OrderId = 37


OrderQty = 38


OrdStatus = 39


OrdType = 40


OrigClOrdId = 41


OrigTime = 42


PossDupFlag = 43


Price = 44


RefSeqNum = 45


SecurityId = 48


SenderCompId = 49


SenderSubId = 50


SendingTime = 52


Quantity = 53


Side = 54


Symbol = 55


TargetCompId = 56


TargetSubId = 57


Text = 58


TimeInForce = 59


TransactTime = 60


Urgency = 61


ValidUntilTime = 62


SettlType = 63


SettlDate = 64


SymbolSfx = 65


ListId = 66


ListSeqNo = 67


TotNoOrders = 68


ListExecInst = 69


AllocId = 70


AllocTransType = 71


RefAllocId = 72


NoOrders = 73


AvgPxPrecision = 74


TradeDate = 75


PositionEffect = 77


NoAllocs = 78


AllocAccount = 79


AllocQty = 80


ProcessCode = 81


NoRpts = 82


RptSeq = 83


CxlQty = 84


NoDlvyInst = 85


AllocStatus = 87


AllocRejCode = 88


Signature = 89


SecureDataLen = 90


SecureData = 91


SignatureLength = 93


EmailType = 94


RawDataLength = 95


RawData = 96


PossResend = 97


EncryptMethod = 98


StopPx = 99


ExDestination = 100


CxlRejReason = 102


OrdRejReason = 103


IoiQualifier = 104


Issuer = 106


SecurityDesc = 107


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MinQty = 110


MaxFloor = 111


TestReqId = 112


ReportToExch = 113


LocateReqd = 114


OnBehalfOfCompId = 115


OnBehalfOfSubId = 116


QuoteId = 117


NetMoney = 118


SettlCurrAmt = 119


SettlCurrency = 120


ForexReq = 121


OrigSendingTime = 122


GapFillFlag = 123


NoExecs = 124


ExpireTime = 126


DkReason = 127


DeliverToCompId = 128


DeliverToSubId = 129


IoiNaturalFlag = 130


QuoteReqId = 131


BidPx = 132


OfferPx = 133


BidSize = 134


OfferSize = 135


NoMiscFees = 136


MiscFeeAmt = 137


MiscFeeCurr = 138


MiscFeeType = 139


PrevClosePx = 140


ResetSeqNumFlag = 141


SenderLocationId = 142


TargetLocationId = 143


OnBehalfOfLocationId = 144


DeliverToLocationId = 145


NoRelatedSym = 146


Subject = 147


Headline = 148


ExecType = 150


LeavesQty = 151


CashOrderQty = 152


AllocAvgPx = 153


AllocNetMoney = 154


SettlCurrFxRate = 155


SettlCurrFxRateCalc = 156


NumDaysInterest = 157


AccruedInterestRate = 158


AccruedInterestAmt = 159


SettlInstMode = 160


AllocText = 161


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EmailThreadId = 164


SettlInstSource = 165


SecurityType = 167


EffectiveTime = 168


StandInstDbType = 169


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BidSpotRate = 188


BidForwardPoints = 189


OfferSpotRate = 190


OfferForwardPoints = 191


OrderQty2 = 192


SettlDate2 = 193


LastSpotRate = 194


LastForwardPoints = 195


AllocLinkId = 196


AllocLinkType = 197


SecondaryOrderId = 198


NoIoiQualifiers = 199


MaturityMonthYear = 200


PutOrCall = 201


StrikePrice = 202


CoveredOrUncovered = 203


OptAttribute = 206


SecurityExchange = 207


NotifyBrokerOfCredit = 208


AllocHandlInst = 209


MaxShow = 210


PegOffsetValue = 211


XmlDataLen = 212


XmlData = 213


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RoutingType = 216


RoutingId = 217


Spread = 218


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BenchmarkCurveName = 221


BenchmarkCurvePoint = 222


CouponRate = 223


CouponPaymentDate = 224


IssueDate = 225


RepurchaseTerm = 226


RepurchaseRate = 227


Factor = 228


TradeOriginationDate = 229


ExDate = 230


ContractMultiplier = 231


NoStipulations = 232


StipulationType = 233


StipulationValue = 234


YieldType = 235


Yield = 236


TotalTakedown = 237


Concession = 238


RepoCollateralSecurityType = 239


RedemptionDate = 240


UnderlyingCouponPaymentDate = 241


UnderlyingIssueDate = 242


UnderlyingRepoCollateralSecurityType = 243


UnderlyingRepurchaseTerm = 244


UnderlyingRepurchaseRate = 245


UnderlyingFactor = 246


UnderlyingRedemptionDate = 247


LegCouponPaymentDate = 248


LegIssueDate = 249


LegRepoCollateralSecurityType = 250


LegRepurchaseTerm = 251


LegRepurchaseRate = 252


LegFactor = 253


LegRedemptionDate = 254


CreditRating = 255


UnderlyingCreditRating = 256


LegCreditRating = 257


TradedFlatSwitch = 258


BasisFeatureDate = 259


BasisFeaturePrice = 260


MdReqId = 262


SubscriptionRequestType = 263


MarketDepth = 264


MdUpdateType = 265


AggregatedBook = 266


NoMdEntryTypes = 267


NoMdEntries = 268


MdEntryType = 269


MdEntryPx = 270


MdEntrySize = 271


MdEntryDate = 272


MdEntryTime = 273


TickDirection = 274


MdMkt = 275


QuoteCondition = 276


TradeCondition = 277


MdEntryId = 278


MdUpdateAction = 279


MdEntryRefId = 280


MdReqRejReason = 281


MdEntryOriginator = 282


LocationId = 283


DeskId = 284


DeleteReason = 285


OpenCloseSettlFlag = 286


SellerDays = 287


MdEntryBuyer = 288


MdEntrySeller = 289


MdEntryPositionNo = 290


FinancialStatus = 291


CorporateAction = 292


DefBidSize = 293


DefOfferSize = 294


NoQuoteEntries = 295


NoQuoteSets = 296


QuoteStatus = 297


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QuoteEntryId = 299


QuoteRejectReason = 300


QuoteResponseLevel = 301


QuoteSetId = 302


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UnderlyingIssuer = 306


UnderlyingSecurityDesc = 307


UnderlyingSecurityExchange = 308


UnderlyingSecurityId = 309


UnderlyingSecurityType = 310


UnderlyingSymbol = 311


UnderlyingSymbolSfx = 312


UnderlyingMaturityMonthYear = 313


UnderlyingPutOrCall = 315


UnderlyingStrikePrice = 316


UnderlyingOptAttribute = 317


UnderlyingCurrency = 318


SecurityReqId = 320


SecurityRequestType = 321


SecurityResponseId = 322


SecurityResponseType = 323


SecurityStatusReqId = 324


UnsolicitedIndicator = 325


SecurityTradingStatus = 326


HaltReasonInt = 327


InViewOfCommon = 328


DueToRelated = 329


BuyVolume = 330


SellVolume = 331


HighPx = 332


LowPx = 333


Adjustment = 334


TradSesReqId = 335


TradingSessionId = 336


ContraTrader = 337


TradSesMethod = 338


TradSesMode = 339


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TradSesStartTime = 341


TradSesOpenTime = 342


TradSesPreCloseTime = 343


TradSesCloseTime = 344


TradSesEndTime = 345


NumberOfOrders = 346


MessageEncoding = 347


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EncodedIssuer = 349


EncodedSecurityDescLen = 350


EncodedSecurityDesc = 351


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EncodedListExecInst = 353


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EncodedAllocText = 361


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EncodedUnderlyingIssuer = 363


EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDescLen = 364


EncodedUnderlyingSecurityDesc = 365


AllocPrice = 366


QuoteSetValidUntilTime = 367


QuoteEntryRejectReason = 368


LastMsgSeqNumProcessed = 369


RefTagId = 371


RefMsgType = 372


SessionRejectReason = 373


BidRequestTransType = 374


ContraBroker = 375


ComplianceId = 376


SolicitedFlag = 377


ExecRestatementReason = 378


BusinessRejectRefId = 379


BusinessRejectReason = 380


GrossTradeAmt = 381


NoContraBrokers = 382


MaxMessageSize = 383


NoMsgTypes = 384


MsgDirection = 385


NoTradingSessions = 386


TotalVolumeTraded = 387


DiscretionInst = 388


DiscretionOffsetValue = 389


BidId = 390


ClientBidId = 391


ListName = 392


TotNoRelatedSym = 393


BidType = 394


NumTickets = 395


SideValue1 = 396


SideValue2 = 397


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BidDescriptor = 400


SideValueInd = 401


LiquidityPctLow = 402


LiquidityPctHigh = 403


LiquidityValue = 404


EfpTrackingError = 405


FairValue = 406


OutsideIndexPct = 407


ValueOfFutures = 408


LiquidityIndType = 409


WtAverageLiquidity = 410


ExchangeForPhysical = 411


OutMainCntryUIndex = 412


CrossPercent = 413


ProgRptReqs = 414


ProgPeriodInterval = 415


IncTaxInd = 416


NumBidders = 417


BidTradeType = 418


BasisPxType = 419


NoBidComponents = 420


Country = 421


TotNoStrikes = 422


PriceType = 423


DayOrderQty = 424


DayCumQty = 425


DayAvgPx = 426


GtBookingInst = 427


NoStrikes = 428


ListStatusType = 429


NetGrossInd = 430


ListOrderStatus = 431


ExpireDate = 432


ListExecInstType = 433


CxlRejResponseTo = 434


UnderlyingCouponRate = 435


UnderlyingContractMultiplier = 436


ContraTradeQty = 437


ContraTradeTime = 438


LiquidityNumSecurities = 441


MultiLegReportingType = 442


StrikeTime = 443


ListStatusText = 444


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EncodedListStatusText = 446


PartyIdSource = 447


PartyId = 448


NetChgPrevDay = 451


PartyRole = 452


NoPartyIDs = 453


NoSecurityAltId = 454


SecurityAltId = 455


SecurityAltIdSource = 456


NoUnderlyingSecurityAltId = 457


UnderlyingSecurityAltId = 458


UnderlyingSecurityAltIdSource = 459


Product = 460


CfiCode = 461


UnderlyingProduct = 462


UnderlyingCfiCode = 463


TestMessageIndicator = 464


BookingRefId = 466


IndividualAllocId = 467


RoundingDirection = 468


RoundingModulus = 469


CountryOfIssue = 470


StateOrProvinceOfIssue = 471


LocaleOfIssue = 472


NoRegistDtls = 473


MailingDtls = 474


InvestorCountryOfResidence = 475


PaymentRef = 476


DistribPaymentMethod = 477


CashDistribCurr = 478


CommCurrency = 479


CancellationRights = 480


MoneyLaunderingStatus = 481


MailingInst = 482


TransBkdTime = 483


ExecPriceType = 484


ExecPriceAdjustment = 485


DateOfBirth = 486


TradeReportTransType = 487


CardHolderName = 488


CardNumber = 489


CardExpDate = 490


CardIssNum = 491


PaymentMethod = 492


RegistAcctType = 493


Designation = 494


TaxAdvantageType = 495


RegistRejReasonText = 496


FundRenewWaiv = 497


CashDistribAgentName = 498


CashDistribAgentCode = 499


CashDistribAgentAcctNumber = 500


CashDistribPayRef = 501


CashDistribAgentAcctName = 502


CardStartDate = 503


PaymentDate = 504


PaymentRemitterId = 505


RegistStatus = 506


RegistRejReasonCode = 507


RegistRefId = 508


RegistDtls = 509


NoDistribInsts = 510


RegistEmail = 511


DistribPercentage = 512


RegistId = 513


RegistTransType = 514


ExecValuationPoint = 515


OrderPercent = 516


OwnershipType = 517


NoContAmts = 518


ContAmtType = 519


ContAmtValue = 520


ContAmtCurr = 521


OwnerType = 522


PartySubId = 523


NestedPartyId = 524


NestedPartyIdSource = 525


SecondaryClOrdId = 526


SecondaryExecId = 527


OrderCapacity = 528


OrderRestrictions = 529


MassCancelRequestType = 530


MassCancelResponse = 531


MassCancelRejectReason = 532


TotalAffectedOrders = 533


NoAffectedOrders = 534


AffectedOrderId = 535


AffectedSecondaryOrderId = 536


QuoteType = 537


NestedPartyRole = 538


NoNestedPartyIDs = 539


TotalAccruedInterestAmt = 540


MaturityDate = 541


UnderlyingMaturityDate = 542


InstrRegistry = 543


CashMargin = 544


NestedPartySubId = 545


Scope = 546


MdImplicitDelete = 547


CrossId = 548


CrossType = 549


CrossPrioritization = 550


OrigCrossId = 551


NoSides = 552


Username = 553


Password = 554


NoLegs = 555


LegCurrency = 556


TotNoSecurityTypes = 557


NoSecurityTypes = 558


SecurityListRequestType = 559


SecurityRequestResult = 560


RoundLot = 561


MinTradeVol = 562


MultiLegRptTypeReq = 563


LegPositionEffect = 564


LegCoveredOrUncovered = 565


LegPrice = 566


TradSesStatusRejReason = 567


TradeRequestId = 568


TradeRequestType = 569


PreviouslyReported = 570


TradeReportId = 571


TradeReportRefId = 572


MatchStatus = 573


MatchType = 574


OddLot = 575


NoClearingInstructions = 576


ClearingInstruction = 577


TradeInputSource = 578


TradeInputDevice = 579


NoDates = 580


AccountType = 581


CustOrderCapacity = 582


ClOrdLinkId = 583


MassStatusReqId = 584


MassStatusReqType = 585


OrigOrdModTime = 586


LegSettlType = 587


LegSettlDate = 588


DayBookingInst = 589


BookingUnit = 590


PreallocMethod = 591


UnderlyingCountryOfIssue = 592


UnderlyingStateOrProvinceOfIssue = 593


UnderlyingLocaleOfIssue = 594


UnderlyingInstrRegistry = 595


LegCountryOfIssue = 596


LegStateOrProvinceOfIssue = 597


LegLocaleOfIssue = 598


LegInstrRegistry = 599


LegSymbol = 600


LegSymbolSfx = 601


LegSecurityId = 602


LegSecurityIdSource = 603


NoLegSecurityAltId = 604


LegSecurityAltId = 605


LegSecurityAltIdSource = 606


LegProduct = 607


LegCfiCode = 608


LegSecurityType = 609


LegMaturityMonthYear = 610


LegMaturityDate = 611


LegStrikePrice = 612


LegOptAttribute = 613


LegContractMultiplier = 614


LegCouponRate = 615


LegSecurityExchange = 616


LegIssuer = 617


EncodedLegIssuerLen = 618


EncodedLegIssuer = 619


LegSecurityDesc = 620


EncodedLegSecurityDescLen = 621


EncodedLegSecurityDesc = 622


LegRatioQty = 623


LegSide = 624


TradingSessionSubId = 625


AllocType = 626


NoHops = 627


HopCompId = 628


HopSendingTime = 629


HopRefId = 630


MidPx = 631


BidYield = 632


MidYield = 633


OfferYield = 634


ClearingFeeIndicator = 635


WorkingIndicator = 636


LegLastPx = 637


PriorityIndicator = 638


PriceImprovement = 639


Price2 = 640


LastForwardPoints2 = 641


BidForwardPoints2 = 642


OfferForwardPoints2 = 643


RfqReqId = 644


MktBidPx = 645


MktOfferPx = 646


MinBidSize = 647


MinOfferSize = 648


QuoteStatusReqId = 649


LegalConfirm = 650


UnderlyingLastPx = 651


UnderlyingLastQty = 652


LegRefId = 654


ContraLegRefId = 655


SettlCurrBidFxRate = 656


SettlCurrOfferFxRate = 657


QuoteRequestRejectReason = 658


SideComplianceId = 659


AcctIdSource = 660


AllocAcctIdSource = 661


BenchmarkPrice = 662


BenchmarkPriceType = 663


ConfirmId = 664


ConfirmStatus = 665


ConfirmTransType = 666


ContractSettlMonth = 667


DeliveryForm = 668


LastParPx = 669


NoLegAllocs = 670


LegAllocAccount = 671


LegIndividualAllocId = 672


LegAllocQty = 673


LegAllocAcctIdSource = 674


LegSettlCurrency = 675


LegBenchmarkCurveCurrency = 676


LegBenchmarkCurveName = 677


LegBenchmarkCurvePoint = 678


LegBenchmarkPrice = 679


LegBenchmarkPriceType = 680


LegBidPx = 681


LegIoiQty = 682


NoLegStipulations = 683


LegOfferPx = 684


LegOrderQty = 685


LegPriceType = 686


LegQty = 687


LegStipulationType = 688


LegStipulationValue = 689


LegSwapType = 690


Pool = 691


QuotePriceType = 692


QuoteRespId = 693


QuoteRespType = 694


QuoteQualifier = 695


YieldRedemptionDate = 696


YieldRedemptionPrice = 697


YieldRedemptionPriceType = 698


BenchmarkSecurityId = 699


ReversalIndicator = 700


YieldCalcDate = 701


NoPositions = 702


PosType = 703


LongQty = 704


ShortQty = 705


PosQtyStatus = 706


PosAmtType = 707


PosAmt = 708


PosTransType = 709


PosReqId = 710


NoUnderlyings = 711


PosMaintAction = 712


OrigPosReqRefId = 713


PosMaintRptRefId = 714


ClearingBusinessDate = 715


SettlSessId = 716


SettlSessSubId = 717


AdjustmentType = 718


ContraryInstructionIndicator = 719


PriorSpreadIndicator = 720


PosMaintRptId = 721


PosMaintStatus = 722


PosMaintResult = 723


PosReqType = 724


ResponseTransportType = 725


ResponseDestination = 726


TotalNumPosReports = 727


PosReqResult = 728


PosReqStatus = 729


SettlPrice = 730


SettlPriceType = 731


UnderlyingSettlPrice = 732


UnderlyingSettlPriceType = 733


PriorSettlPrice = 734


NoQuoteQualifiers = 735


AllocSettlCurrency = 736


AllocSettlCurrAmt = 737


InterestAtMaturity = 738


LegDatedDate = 739


LegPool = 740


AllocInterestAtMaturity = 741


AllocAccruedInterestAmt = 742


DeliveryDate = 743


AssignmentMethod = 744


AssignmentUnit = 745


OpenInterest = 746


ExerciseMethod = 747


TotNumTradeReports = 748


TradeRequestResult = 749


TradeRequestStatus = 750


TradeReportRejectReason = 751


SideMultiLegReportingType = 752


NoPosAmt = 753


AutoAcceptIndicator = 754


AllocReportId = 755


NoNested2PartyIDs = 756


Nested2PartyId = 757


Nested2PartyIdSource = 758


Nested2PartyRole = 759


Nested2PartySubId = 760


BenchmarkSecurityIdSource = 761


SecuritySubType = 762


UnderlyingSecuritySubType = 763


LegSecuritySubType = 764


AllowableOneSidednessPct = 765


AllowableOneSidednessValue = 766


AllowableOneSidednessCurr = 767


NoTrdRegTimestamps = 768


TrdRegTimestamp = 769


TrdRegTimestampType = 770


TrdRegTimestampOrigin = 771


ConfirmRefId = 772


ConfirmType = 773


ConfirmRejReason = 774


BookingType = 775


IndividualAllocRejCode = 776


SettlInstMsgId = 777


NoSettlInst = 778


LastUpdateTime = 779


AllocSettlInstType = 780


NoSettlPartyIDs = 781


SettlPartyId = 782


SettlPartyIdSource = 783


SettlPartyRole = 784


SettlPartySubId = 785


SettlPartySubIdType = 786


DlvyInstType = 787


TerminationType = 788


NextExpectedMsgSeqNum = 789


OrdStatusReqId = 790


SettlInstReqId = 791


SettlInstReqRejCode = 792


SecondaryAllocId = 793


AllocReportType = 794


AllocReportRefId = 795


AllocCancReplaceReason = 796


CopyMsgIndicator = 797


AllocAccountType = 798


OrderAvgPx = 799


OrderBookingQty = 800


NoSettlPartySubIDs = 801


NoPartySubIDs = 802


PartySubIdType = 803


NoNestedPartySubIDs = 804


NestedPartySubIdType = 805


NoNested2PartySubIDs = 806


Nested2PartySubIdType = 807


AllocIntermedReqType = 808


NoUsernames = 809


UnderlyingPx = 810


PriceDelta = 811


ApplQueueMax = 812


ApplQueueDepth = 813


ApplQueueResolution = 814


ApplQueueAction = 815


NoAltMdSource = 816


AltMdSourceId = 817


SecondaryTradeReportId = 818


AvgPxIndicator = 819


TradeLinkId = 820


OrderInputDevice = 821


UnderlyingTradingSessionId = 822


UnderlyingTradingSessionSubId = 823


TradeLegRefId = 824


ExchangeRule = 825


TradeAllocIndicator = 826


ExpirationCycle = 827


TrdType = 828


TrdSubType = 829


TransferReason = 830


TotNumAssignmentReports = 832


AsgnRptId = 833


ThresholdAmount = 834


PegMoveType = 835


PegOffsetType = 836


PegLimitType = 837


PegRoundDirection = 838


PeggedPrice = 839


PegScope = 840


DiscretionMoveType = 841


DiscretionOffsetType = 842


DiscretionLimitType = 843


DiscretionRoundDirection = 844


DiscretionPrice = 845


DiscretionScope = 846


TargetStrategy = 847


TargetStrategyParameters = 848


ParticipationRate = 849


TargetStrategyPerformance = 850


LastLiquidityInd = 851


PublishTrdIndicator = 852


ShortSaleReason = 853


QtyType = 854


SecondaryTrdType = 855


TradeReportType = 856


AllocNoOrdersType = 857


SharedCommission = 858


ConfirmReqId = 859


AvgParPx = 860


ReportedPx = 861


NoCapacities = 862


OrderCapacityQty = 863


NoEvents = 864


EventType = 865


EventDate = 866


EventPx = 867


EventText = 868


PctAtRisk = 869


NoInstrAttrib = 870


InstrAttribType = 871


InstrAttribValue = 872


DatedDate = 873


InterestAccrualDate = 874


CpProgram = 875


CpRegType = 876


UnderlyingCpProgram = 877


UnderlyingCpRegType = 878


UnderlyingQty = 879


TrdMatchId = 880


SecondaryTradeReportRefId = 881


UnderlyingDirtyPrice = 882


UnderlyingEndPrice = 883


UnderlyingStartValue = 884


UnderlyingCurrentValue = 885


UnderlyingEndValue = 886


NoUnderlyingStips = 887


UnderlyingStipType = 888


UnderlyingStipValue = 889


MaturityNetMoney = 890


MiscFeeBasis = 891


TotNoAllocs = 892


LastFragment = 893


CollReqId = 894


CollAsgnReason = 895


CollInquiryQualifier = 896


NoTrades = 897


MarginRatio = 898


MarginExcess = 899


TotalNetValue = 900


CashOutstanding = 901


CollAsgnId = 902


CollAsgnTransType = 903


CollRespId = 904


CollAsgnRespType = 905


CollAsgnRejectReason = 906


CollAsgnRefId = 907


CollRptId = 908


CollInquiryId = 909


CollStatus = 910


TotNumReports = 911


LastRptRequested = 912


AgreementDesc = 913


AgreementId = 914


AgreementDate = 915


StartDate = 916


EndDate = 917


AgreementCurrency = 918


DeliveryType = 919


EndAccruedInterestAmt = 920


StartCash = 921


EndCash = 922


UserRequestId = 923


UserRequestType = 924


NewPassword = 925


UserStatus = 926


UserStatusText = 927


StatusValue = 928


StatusText = 929


RefCompId = 930


RefSubId = 931


NetworkResponseId = 932


NetworkRequestId = 933


LastNetworkResponseId = 934


NetworkRequestType = 935


NoCompIDs = 936


NetworkStatusResponseType = 937


NoCollInquiryQualifier = 938


TrdRptStatus = 939


AffirmStatus = 940


UnderlyingStrikeCurrency = 941


LegStrikeCurrency = 942


TimeBracket = 943


CollAction = 944


CollInquiryStatus = 945


CollInquiryResult = 946


StrikeCurrency = 947


NoNested3PartyIDs = 948


Nested3PartyId = 949


Nested3PartyIdSource = 950


Nested3PartyRole = 951


NoNested3PartySubIDs = 952


Nested3PartySubId = 953


Nested3PartySubIdType = 954


LegContractSettlMonth = 955


LegInterestAccrualDate = 956


NoStrategyParameters = 957


StrategyParameterName = 958


StrategyParameterType = 959


StrategyParameterValue = 960


HostCrossId = 961


SideTimeInForce = 962


MdReportId = 963


SecurityReportId = 964


SecurityStatus = 965


SettleOnOpenFlag = 966


StrikeMultiplier = 967


StrikeValue = 968


MinPriceIncrement = 969


PositionLimit = 970


NtPositionLimit = 971


UnderlyingAllocationPercent = 972


UnderlyingCashAmount = 973


UnderlyingCashType = 974


UnderlyingSettlementType = 975


QuantityDate = 976


ContIntRptId = 977


LateIndicator = 978


InputSource = 979


SecurityUpdateAction = 980


NoExpiration = 981


ExpirationQtyType = 982


ExpQty = 983


NoUnderlyingAmounts = 984


UnderlyingPayAmount = 985


UnderlyingCollectAmount = 986


UnderlyingSettlementDate = 987


UnderlyingSettlementStatus = 988


SecondaryIndividualAllocId = 989


LegReportId = 990


RndPx = 991


IndividualAllocType = 992


AllocCustomerCapacity = 993


TierCode = 994


UnitOfMeasure = 996


TimeUnit = 997


UnderlyingUnitOfMeasure = 998


LegUnitOfMeasure = 999


UnderlyingTimeUnit = 1_000


LegTimeUnit = 1_001


AllocMethod = 1_002


TradeId = 1_003


SideTradeReportId = 1_005


SideFillStationCd = 1_006


SideReasonCd = 1_007


SideTrdSubTyp = 1_008


SideLastQty = 1_009


MessageEventSource = 1_011


SideTrdRegTimestamp = 1_012


SideTrdRegTimestampType = 1_013


SideTrdRegTimestampSrc = 1_014


AsOfIndicator = 1_015


NoSideTrdRegTs = 1_016


LegOptionRatio = 1_017


NoInstrumentParties = 1_018


InstrumentPartyId = 1_019


TradeVolume = 1_020


MdBookType = 1_021


MdFeedType = 1_022


MdPriceLevel = 1_023


MdOriginType = 1_024


FirstPx = 1_025


MdEntrySpotRate = 1_026


MdEntryForwardPoints = 1_027


ManualOrderIndicator = 1_028


CustDirectedOrder = 1_029


ReceivedDeptId = 1_030


CustOrderHandlingInst = 1_031


OrderHandlingInstSource = 1_032


DeskType = 1_033


DeskTypeSource = 1_034


DeskOrderHandlingInst = 1_035


ExecAckStatus = 1_036


UnderlyingDeliveryAmount = 1_037


UnderlyingCapValue = 1_038


UnderlyingSettlMethod = 1_039


SecondaryTradeId = 1_040


FirmTradeId = 1_041


SecondaryFirmTradeId = 1_042


CollApplType = 1_043


UnderlyingAdjustedQuantity = 1_044


UnderlyingFxRate = 1_045


UnderlyingFxRateCalc = 1_046


AllocPositionEffect = 1_047


DealingCapacity = 1_048


InstrmtAssignmentMethod = 1_049


InstrumentPartyIdSource = 1_050


InstrumentPartyRole = 1_051


NoInstrumentPartySubIDs = 1_052


InstrumentPartySubId = 1_053


InstrumentPartySubIdType = 1_054


PositionCurrency = 1_055


CalculatedCcyLastQty = 1_056


AggressorIndicator = 1_057


NoUndlyInstrumentParties = 1_058


UnderlyingInstrumentPartyId = 1_059


UnderlyingInstrumentPartyIdSource = 1_060


UnderlyingInstrumentPartyRole = 1_061


NoUndlyInstrumentPartySubIDs = 1_062


UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubId = 1_063


UnderlyingInstrumentPartySubIdType = 1_064


BidSwapPoints = 1_065


OfferSwapPoints = 1_066


LegBidForwardPoints = 1_067


LegOfferForwardPoints = 1_068


SwapPoints = 1_069


MdQuoteType = 1_070


LastSwapPoints = 1_071


SideGrossTradeAmt = 1_072


LegLastForwardPoints = 1_073


LegCalculatedCcyLastQty = 1_074


LegGrossTradeAmt = 1_075


MaturityTime = 1_079


RefOrderId = 1_080


RefOrderIdSource = 1_081


SecondaryDisplayQty = 1_082


DisplayWhen = 1_083


DisplayMethod = 1_084


DisplayLowQty = 1_085


DisplayHighQty = 1_086


DisplayMinIncr = 1_087


RefreshQty = 1_088


MatchIncrement = 1_089


MaxPriceLevels = 1_090


PreTradeAnonymity = 1_091


PriceProtectionScope = 1_092


LotType = 1_093


PegPriceType = 1_094


PeggedRefPrice = 1_095


PegSecurityIdSource = 1_096


PegSecurityId = 1_097


PegSymbol = 1_098


PegSecurityDesc = 1_099


TriggerType = 1_100


TriggerAction = 1_101


TriggerPrice = 1_102


TriggerSymbol = 1_103


TriggerSecurityId = 1_104


TriggerSecurityIdSource = 1_105


TriggerSecurityDesc = 1_106


TriggerPriceType = 1_107


TriggerPriceTypeScope = 1_108


TriggerPriceDirection = 1_109


TriggerNewPrice = 1_110


TriggerOrderType = 1_111


TriggerNewQty = 1_112


TriggerTradingSessionId = 1_113


TriggerTradingSessionSubId = 1_114


OrderCategory = 1_115


NoRootPartyIDs = 1_116


RootPartyId = 1_117


RootPartyIdSource = 1_118


RootPartyRole = 1_119


NoRootPartySubIDs = 1_120


RootPartySubId = 1_121


RootPartySubIdType = 1_122


TradeHandlingInstr = 1_123


OrigTradeHandlingInstr = 1_124


OrigTradeDate = 1_125


OrigTradeId = 1_126


OrigSecondaryTradeId = 1_127


ApplVerId = 1_128


CstmApplVerId = 1_129


RefApplVerId = 1_130


RefCstmApplVerId = 1_131


TzTransactTime = 1_132


ExDestinationIdSource = 1_133


ReportedPxDiff = 1_134


RptSys = 1_135


AllocClearingFeeIndicator = 1_136


DefaultApplVerId = 1_137


DisplayQty = 1_138


ExchangeSpecialInstructions = 1_139


MaxTradeVol = 1_140


NoMdFeedTypes = 1_141


MatchAlgorithm = 1_142


MaxPriceVariation = 1_143


ImpliedMarketIndicator = 1_144


EventTime = 1_145


MinPriceIncrementAmount = 1_146


UnitOfMeasureQty = 1_147


LowLimitPrice = 1_148


HighLimitPrice = 1_149


TradingReferencePrice = 1_150


SecurityGroup = 1_151


LegNumber = 1_152


SettlementCycleNo = 1_153


SideCurrency = 1_154


SideSettlCurrency = 1_155


ApplExtId = 1_156


CcyAmt = 1_157


NoSettlDetails = 1_158


SettlObligMode = 1_159


SettlObligMsgId = 1_160


SettlObligId = 1_161


SettlObligTransType = 1_162


SettlObligRefId = 1_163


SettlObligSource = 1_164


NoSettlOblig = 1_165


QuoteMsgId = 1_166


QuoteEntryStatus = 1_167


TotNoCxldQuotes = 1_168


TotNoAccQuotes = 1_169


TotNoRejQuotes = 1_170


PrivateQuote = 1_171


RespondentType = 1_172


MdSubBookType = 1_173


SecurityTradingEvent = 1_174


NoStatsIndicators = 1_175


StatsType = 1_176


NoOfSecSizes = 1_177


MdSecSizeType = 1_178


MdSecSize = 1_179


ApplId = 1_180


ApplSeqNum = 1_181


ApplBegSeqNum = 1_182


ApplEndSeqNum = 1_183


SecurityXmlLen = 1_184


SecurityXml = 1_185


SecurityXmlSchema = 1_186


RefreshIndicator = 1_187


Volatility = 1_188


TimeToExpiration = 1_189


RiskFreeRate = 1_190


PriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_191


PriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_192


SettlMethod = 1_193


ExerciseStyle = 1_194


OptPayoutAmount = 1_195


PriceQuoteMethod = 1_196


ValuationMethod = 1_197


ListMethod = 1_198


CapPrice = 1_199


FloorPrice = 1_200


NoStrikeRules = 1_201


StartStrikePxRange = 1_202


EndStrikePxRange = 1_203


StrikeIncrement = 1_204


NoTickRules = 1_205


StartTickPriceRange = 1_206


EndTickPriceRange = 1_207


TickIncrement = 1_208


TickRuleType = 1_209


NestedInstrAttribType = 1_210


NestedInstrAttribValue = 1_211


LegMaturityTime = 1_212


UnderlyingMaturityTime = 1_213


DerivativeSymbol = 1_214


DerivativeSymbolSfx = 1_215


DerivativeSecurityId = 1_216


DerivativeSecurityIdSource = 1_217


NoDerivativeSecurityAltId = 1_218


DerivativeSecurityAltId = 1_219


DerivativeSecurityAltIdSource = 1_220


SecondaryLowLimitPrice = 1_221


MaturityRuleId = 1_222


StrikeRuleId = 1_223


LegUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_224


DerivativeOptPayAmount = 1_225


EndMaturityMonthYear = 1_226


ProductComplex = 1_227


DerivativeProductComplex = 1_228


MaturityMonthYearIncrement = 1_229


SecondaryHighLimitPrice = 1_230


MinLotSize = 1_231


NoExecInstRules = 1_232


NoLotTypeRules = 1_234


NoMatchRules = 1_235


NoMaturityRules = 1_236


NoOrdTypeRules = 1_237


NoTimeInForceRules = 1_239


SecondaryTradingReferencePrice = 1_240


StartMaturityMonthYear = 1_241


FlexProductEligibilityIndicator = 1_242


DerivFlexProductEligibilityIndicator = 1_243


FlexibleIndicator = 1_244


TradingCurrency = 1_245


DerivativeProduct = 1_246


DerivativeSecurityGroup = 1_247


DerivativeCfiCode = 1_248


DerivativeSecurityType = 1_249


DerivativeSecuritySubType = 1_250


DerivativeMaturityMonthYear = 1_251


DerivativeMaturityDate = 1_252


DerivativeMaturityTime = 1_253


DerivativeSettleOnOpenFlag = 1_254


DerivativeInstrmtAssignmentMethod = 1_255


DerivativeSecurityStatus = 1_256


DerivativeInstrRegistry = 1_257


DerivativeCountryOfIssue = 1_258


DerivativeStateOrProvinceOfIssue = 1_259


DerivativeLocaleOfIssue = 1_260


DerivativeStrikePrice = 1_261


DerivativeStrikeCurrency = 1_262


DerivativeStrikeMultiplier = 1_263


DerivativeStrikeValue = 1_264


DerivativeOptAttribute = 1_265


DerivativeContractMultiplier = 1_266


DerivativeMinPriceIncrement = 1_267


DerivativeMinPriceIncrementAmount = 1_268


DerivativeUnitOfMeasure = 1_269


DerivativeUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_270


DerivativeTimeUnit = 1_271


DerivativeSecurityExchange = 1_272


DerivativePositionLimit = 1_273


DerivativeNtPositionLimit = 1_274


DerivativeIssuer = 1_275


DerivativeIssueDate = 1_276


DerivativeEncodedIssuerLen = 1_277


DerivativeEncodedIssuer = 1_278


DerivativeSecurityDesc = 1_279


DerivativeEncodedSecurityDescLen = 1_280


DerivativeEncodedSecurityDesc = 1_281


DerivativeSecurityXmlLen = 1_282


DerivativeSecurityXml = 1_283


DerivativeSecurityXmlSchema = 1_284


DerivativeContractSettlMonth = 1_285


NoDerivativeEvents = 1_286


DerivativeEventType = 1_287


DerivativeEventDate = 1_288


DerivativeEventTime = 1_289


DerivativeEventPx = 1_290


DerivativeEventText = 1_291


NoDerivativeInstrumentParties = 1_292


DerivativeInstrumentPartyId = 1_293


DerivativeInstrumentPartyIdSource = 1_294


DerivativeInstrumentPartyRole = 1_295


NoDerivativeInstrumentPartySubIDs = 1_296


DerivativeInstrumentPartySubId = 1_297


DerivativeInstrumentPartySubIdType = 1_298


DerivativeExerciseStyle = 1_299


MarketSegmentId = 1_300


MarketId = 1_301


MaturityMonthYearIncrementUnits = 1_302


MaturityMonthYearFormat = 1_303


StrikeExerciseStyle = 1_304


SecondaryPriceLimitType = 1_305


PriceLimitType = 1_306


ExecInstValue = 1_308


NoTradingSessionRules = 1_309


NoMarketSegments = 1_310


NoDerivativeInstrAttrib = 1_311


NoNestedInstrAttrib = 1_312


DerivativeInstrAttribType = 1_313


DerivativeInstrAttribValue = 1_314


DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_315


DerivativePriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_316


DerivativeSettlMethod = 1_317


DerivativePriceQuoteMethod = 1_318


DerivativeValuationMethod = 1_319


DerivativeListMethod = 1_320


DerivativeCapPrice = 1_321


DerivativeFloorPrice = 1_322


DerivativePutOrCall = 1_323


ListUpdateAction = 1_324


ParentMktSegmId = 1_325


TradingSessionDesc = 1_326


TradSesUpdateAction = 1_327


RejectText = 1_328


FeeMultiplier = 1_329


UnderlyingLegSymbol = 1_330


UnderlyingLegSymbolSfx = 1_331


UnderlyingLegSecurityId = 1_332


UnderlyingLegSecurityIdSource = 1_333


NoUnderlyingLegSecurityAltId = 1_334


UnderlyingLegSecurityAltId = 1_335


UnderlyingLegSecurityAltIdSource = 1_336


UnderlyingLegSecurityType = 1_337


UnderlyingLegSecuritySubType = 1_338


UnderlyingLegMaturityMonthYear = 1_339


UnderlyingLegStrikePrice = 1_340


UnderlyingLegSecurityExchange = 1_341


NoOfLegUnderlyings = 1_342


UnderlyingLegPutOrCall = 1_343


UnderlyingLegCfiCode = 1_344


UnderlyingLegMaturityDate = 1_345


ApplReqId = 1_346


ApplReqType = 1_347


ApplResponseType = 1_348


ApplTotalMessageCount = 1_349


ApplLastSeqNum = 1_350


NoApplIDs = 1_351


ApplResendFlag = 1_352


ApplResponseId = 1_353


ApplResponseError = 1_354


RefApplId = 1_355


ApplReportId = 1_356


RefApplLastSeqNum = 1_357


LegPutOrCall = 1_358


TotNoFills = 1_361


NoFills = 1_362


FillExecId = 1_363


FillPx = 1_364


FillQty = 1_365


LegAllocId = 1_366


LegAllocSettlCurrency = 1_367


TradSesEvent = 1_368


MassActionReportId = 1_369


NoNotAffectedOrders = 1_370


NotAffectedOrderId = 1_371


NotAffOrigClOrdId = 1_372


MassActionType = 1_373


MassActionScope = 1_374


MassActionResponse = 1_375


MassActionRejectReason = 1_376


MultilegModel = 1_377


MultilegPriceMethod = 1_378


LegVolatility = 1_379


DividendYield = 1_380


LegDividendYield = 1_381


CurrencyRatio = 1_382


LegCurrencyRatio = 1_383


LegExecInst = 1_384


ContingencyType = 1_385


ListRejectReason = 1_386


NoTrdRepIndicators = 1_387


TrdRepPartyRole = 1_388


TrdRepIndicator = 1_389


TradePublishIndicator = 1_390


UnderlyingLegOptAttribute = 1_391


UnderlyingLegSecurityDesc = 1_392


MarketReqId = 1_393


MarketReportId = 1_394


MarketUpdateAction = 1_395


MarketSegmentDesc = 1_396


EncodedMktSegmDescLen = 1_397


EncodedMktSegmDesc = 1_398


ApplNewSeqNum = 1_399


EncryptedPasswordMethod = 1_400


EncryptedPasswordLen = 1_401


EncryptedPassword = 1_402


EncryptedNewPasswordLen = 1_403


EncryptedNewPassword = 1_404


UnderlyingLegMaturityTime = 1_405


RefApplExtId = 1_406


DefaultApplExtId = 1_407


DefaultCstmApplVerId = 1_408


SessionStatus = 1_409


DefaultVerIndicator = 1_410


Nested4PartySubIdType = 1_411


Nested4PartySubId = 1_412


NoNested4PartySubIDs = 1_413


NoNested4PartyIDs = 1_414


Nested4PartyId = 1_415


Nested4PartyIdSource = 1_416


Nested4PartyRole = 1_417


LegLastQty = 1_418


UnderlyingExerciseStyle = 1_419


LegExerciseStyle = 1_420


LegPriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_421


LegPriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_422


UnderlyingUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_423


UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasure = 1_424


UnderlyingPriceUnitOfMeasureQty = 1_425


ApplReportType = 1_426


SideExecId = 1_427


OrderDelay = 1_428


OrderDelayUnit = 1_429


VenueType = 1_430


RefOrdIdReason = 1_431


OrigCustOrderCapacity = 1_432


RefApplReqId = 1_433


ModelType = 1_434


ContractMultiplierUnit = 1_435


LegContractMultiplierUnit = 1_436


UnderlyingContractMultiplierUnit = 1_437


DerivativeContractMultiplierUnit = 1_438


FlowScheduleType = 1_439


LegFlowScheduleType = 1_440


UnderlyingFlowScheduleType = 1_441


DerivativeFlowScheduleType = 1_442


FillLiquidityInd = 1_443


SideLiquidityInd = 1_444


NoRateSources = 1_445


RateSource = 1_446


RateSourceType = 1_447


ReferencePage = 1_448


RestructuringType = 1_449


Seniority = 1_450


NotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_451


OriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_452


UnderlyingRestructuringType = 1_453


UnderlyingSeniority = 1_454


UnderlyingNotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_455


UnderlyingOriginalNotionalPercentageOutstanding = 1_456


AttachmentPoint = 1_457


DetachmentPoint = 1_458


UnderlyingAttachmentPoint = 1_459


UnderlyingDetachmentPoint = 1_460


NoTargetPartyIDs = 1_461


TargetPartyId = 1_462


TargetPartyIdSource = 1_463


TargetPartyRole = 1_464


SecurityListId = 1_465


SecurityListRefId = 1_466


SecurityListDesc = 1_467


EncodedSecurityListDescLen = 1_468


EncodedSecurityListDesc = 1_469


SecurityListType = 1_470


SecurityListTypeSource = 1_471


NewsId = 1_472


NewsCategory = 1_473


LanguageCode = 1_474


NoNewsRefIDs = 1_475


NewsRefId = 1_476


NewsRefType = 1_477


StrikePriceDeterminationMethod = 1_478


StrikePriceBoundaryMethod = 1_479


StrikePriceBoundaryPrecision = 1_480


UnderlyingPriceDeterminationMethod = 1_481


OptPayoutType = 1_482


NoComplexEvents = 1_483


ComplexEventType = 1_484


ComplexOptPayoutAmount = 1_485


ComplexEventPrice = 1_486


ComplexEventPriceBoundaryMethod = 1_487


ComplexEventPriceBoundaryPrecision = 1_488


ComplexEventPriceTimeType = 1_489


ComplexEventCondition = 1_490


NoComplexEventDates = 1_491


ComplexEventStartDate = 1_492


ComplexEventEndDate = 1_493


NoComplexEventTimes = 1_494


ComplexEventStartTime = 1_495


ComplexEventEndTime = 1_496


StreamAsgnReqId = 1_497


StreamAsgnReqType = 1_498


NoAsgnReqs = 1_499


MdStreamId = 1_500


StreamAsgnRptId = 1_501


StreamAsgnRejReason = 1_502


StreamAsgnAckType = 1_503


RelSymTransactTime = 1_504


StreamAsgnType = 1_617



impl FieldTag


pub const fn from_tag_num(tag_num: TagNum) -> Option<FieldTag>


pub const fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'static [u8]


pub const fn as_fix_str(&self) -> &'static FixStr

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for FieldTag


fn clone(&self) -> FieldTag

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for FieldTag


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Display for FieldTag


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl PartialEq for FieldTag


fn eq(&self, other: &FieldTag) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Serialize for FieldTag


fn serialize<__S>(&self, __serializer: __S) -> Result<__S::Ok, __S::Error>
where __S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl ToFixString for FieldTag


impl Copy for FieldTag


impl Eq for FieldTag


impl StructuralPartialEq for FieldTag

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


default fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more