easy_process 0.1.6

Easy to use process runner

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Allow running external commands and properly handle its success and failures.

This creates provides a run function that does inline parsing of literal command line strings (handling escape codes and splitting at whitespace) and checks the ExitStatus of the command. If it didn't succeed they will return a Err(...) instead of a Ok(...).

Note that the provided functions do return their own Output struct instead of std::process::Output.


use easy_process;

// stdout
let output = easy_process::run(r#"sh -c 'echo "1 2 3 4"'"#)?;
assert_eq!(&output.stdout, "1 2 3 4\n");

// stderr
let output = easy_process::run(r#"sh -c 'echo "1 2 3 4" >&2'"#)?;
assert_eq!(&output.stderr, "1 2 3 4\n");


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