dynec 0.2.0-alpha.1

An opinionated ECS-like framework
//! The world stores the states of the game.

use std::any::{self, TypeId};
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::entity::{deletion, ealloc, generation, rctrack, Ealloc, Raw};
use crate::scheduler::Scheduler;
use crate::tracer::Tracer;
use crate::{comp, entity, system, Archetype, Entity, Global, Storage};

mod builder;
pub use builder::Builder;

pub(crate) mod global;
pub use global::{SyncGlobals, UnsyncGlobals};

pub(crate) mod accessor;
pub use accessor::Components;

pub(crate) mod typed;

pub mod offline;

/// A bundle encapsulates the systems and resources for a specific feature.
/// This can be used by library crates to expose their features as a single API.
pub trait Bundle {
    /// Schedules the systems used by this bundle.
    /// Scheduling a system automatically registers the archetypes and components used by the system.
    fn register(&mut self, _builder: &mut Builder) {}

    /// Populates the world with entities and global states.
    fn populate(&mut self, _world: &mut World) {}

/// Creates a dynec world from bundles.
pub fn new(bundles: impl IntoIterator<Item = Box<dyn Bundle>>) -> World {
        match std::thread::available_parallelism() {
            Ok(c) => c.get(),
            Err(err) => {
                log::error!("Cannot detect number of CPUs ({err}), parallelism disabled");

/// Creates a dynec world from bundles with threading disabled.
pub fn new_unthreaded(bundles: impl IntoIterator<Item = Box<dyn Bundle>>) -> World {
    new_with_concurrency(bundles, 0)

/// Creates a dynec world from bundles and specify the number of worker threads
/// (not counting the main thread, which only executes thread-local tasks).
pub fn new_with_concurrency(
    bundles: impl IntoIterator<Item = Box<dyn Bundle>>,
    concurrency: usize,
) -> World {
    let mut bundles: Vec<_> = bundles.into_iter().collect();

    let mut builder = Builder::new(concurrency);

    for bundle in &mut bundles {
        bundle.register(&mut builder);

    let mut world = builder.build();

    for bundle in &mut bundles {
        bundle.populate(&mut world);


/// The data structure that stores all states in the game.
pub struct World {
    /// Stores the [`entity::Ealloc`] implementations for each archetype.
    ealloc_map:         ealloc::Map,
    /// Stores the component states in a world.
    pub components:     Components,
    /// Stores the system-local states and the scheduler topology.
    scheduler:          Scheduler,
    /// Global states that can be concurrently accessed by systems on other threads.
    pub sync_globals:   SyncGlobals,
    /// Global states that must be accessed on the main thread.
    pub unsync_globals: UnsyncGlobals,
    /// Tracks the refcounts of entities.
    pub rctrack:        rctrack::MaybeStoreMap,

impl World {
    /// Executes all systems in the world.
    pub fn execute(&mut self, tracer: &impl Tracer) {
            &mut self.components,
            &mut self.sync_globals,
            &mut self.unsync_globals,
            &mut self.rctrack,
            &mut self.ealloc_map,

    /// Adds an entity to the world.
    pub fn create<A: Archetype>(&mut self, comp_map: comp::Map<A>) -> Entity<A> {
        self.create_with_hint::<A>(Default::default(), comp_map)

    /// Adds an entity to the world near another entity.
    pub fn create_with_hint<A: Archetype>(
        &mut self,
        hint: <A::Ealloc as Ealloc>::AllocHint,
        comp_map: comp::Map<A>,
    ) -> Entity<A> {
        let ealloc = match self.ealloc_map.map.get_mut(&TypeId::of::<A>()) {
            Some(ealloc) => ealloc,
            None => panic!(
                "Cannot create entity for archetype {} because it is not used in any systems",
        let ealloc = ealloc.as_any_mut().downcast_mut::<A::Ealloc>().expect("TypeId mismatch");
        let id = ealloc.allocate(hint);

        let allocated = Entity::new_allocated(id);

            &mut self.sync_globals,
            &mut self.rctrack,
            &mut self.components,


    pub(crate) fn as_mut(&mut self) -> (WorldMut<'_>, Vec<(&str, &mut dyn system::Descriptor)>) {
        let system_refs = self.scheduler.get_system_refs();

            WorldMut {
                ealloc_map:     &mut self.ealloc_map,
                components:     &mut self.components,
                sync_globals:   &mut self.sync_globals,
                unsync_globals: &mut self.unsync_globals,
                rctrack:        &mut self.rctrack,

    /// Tries to delete an entity from the world.
    /// If the entity contains finalizer components,
    /// a deletion operation is pushed to the offline buffer
    /// so that deletion will be checked again in the next cycle.
    /// The return value indicates whether the entity can be deleted *immediately*.
    pub fn delete<E: entity::Ref>(&mut self, entity: E) -> DeleteResult {
        let id = entity.id();
        drop(entity); // drop `entity` so that its refcount is removed

        let (world, mut systems) = self.as_mut();
        let result = flag_delete_entity::<E::Archetype>(id, world, &mut systems[..]);
        if let DeleteResult::Terminating = result {
            > {
                entity: id,
                as Box<dyn offline::Operation>);


    /// Gets a thread-safe global state in offline mode.
    pub fn get_global<G: Global + Send + Sync>(&mut self) -> &mut G {
        let global = match self.sync_globals.sync_globals.get_mut(&TypeId::of::<G>()) {
            Some((_, global)) => global,
            None => panic!(
                "The global state {} cannot be retrieved because it is not used in any systems, \
                 or was registered as an unsync global instead of a sync global",
        global.get_mut().downcast_mut::<G>().expect("TypeId mismatch")

    /// Gets a thread-unsafe global state in offline mode.
    /// Although permitted by the compiler, this method does not support types
    /// registered as thread-safe global states.
    pub fn get_global_unsync<G: Global>(&mut self) -> &mut G {
        let global = match self.unsync_globals.unsync_globals.get_mut(&TypeId::of::<G>()) {
            Some((_, global)) => global,
            None => panic!(
                "The global state {} cannot be retrieved because it is not used in any systems, \
                 or was registered as a sync global instead of an unsync global",
        global.downcast_mut::<G>().expect("TypeId mismatch")

/// Borrows a world mutably.
pub(crate) struct WorldMut<'t> {
    pub(crate) ealloc_map:     &'t mut ealloc::Map,
    pub(crate) components:     &'t mut Components,
    pub(crate) sync_globals:   &'t mut SyncGlobals,
    pub(crate) unsync_globals: &'t mut UnsyncGlobals,
    pub(crate) rctrack:        &'t mut rctrack::MaybeStoreMap,

impl<'t> WorldMut<'t> {
    pub(crate) fn as_mut(&mut self) -> WorldMut<'_> {
        WorldMut {
            ealloc_map:     &mut *self.ealloc_map,
            components:     &mut *self.components,
            sync_globals:   &mut *self.sync_globals,
            unsync_globals: &mut *self.unsync_globals,
            rctrack:        &mut *self.rctrack,

/// Initializes an entity after allocation.
fn init_entity<A: Archetype>(
    sync_globals: &mut SyncGlobals,
    id: A::RawEntity,
    _rc: entity::MaybeArc,
    _rctrack: &mut rctrack::MaybeStoreMap,
    components: &mut Components,
    comp_map: comp::Map<A>,
) {

        all(debug_assertions, feature = "debug-entity-rc"),
        all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "release-entity-rc"),
        _rctrack.0.set::<A>(id.to_primitive(), _rc);

    let typed = components.archetype_mut::<A>();
    typed.init_entity(id, comp_map);

/// Result of deleting an entity.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum DeleteResult {
    /// The entity has been immediately deleted.
    /// There are pending finalizers for the entity.
    /// The entity is queued to recheck finalizer state in the next cycle.

/// Flags an entity for deletion, and deletes it immediately if there are no finalizers.
fn flag_delete_entity<'t, A: Archetype>(
    id: A::RawEntity,
    world: WorldMut<'t>,
    systems: &mut [(&str, &mut dyn system::Descriptor)],
) -> DeleteResult {
    let storage = world
        .expect("deletion::Flags storage is always available");
    storage.get_storage::<deletion::Flag>().set(id, Some(deletion::Flag(())));

    try_real_delete_entity::<A>(id, world, systems)

/// Deletes an entity immediately if there are no finalizers.
fn try_real_delete_entity<'t, A: Archetype>(
    entity: <A as Archetype>::RawEntity,
    world: WorldMut<'t>,
    systems: &mut [(&str, &mut dyn system::Descriptor)],
) -> DeleteResult {
    let storages = &mut world.components.archetype_mut::<A>().simple_storages;
    let has_finalizer = storages.values_mut().any(|storage| {
        Arc::get_mut(&mut storage.storage)
            .expect("storage arc was leaked")
    if has_finalizer {
        return DeleteResult::Terminating;

    for storage in storages.values_mut() {
        Arc::get_mut(&mut storage.storage)
            .expect("storage arc was leaked")

        all(debug_assertions, feature = "debug-entity-rc"),
        all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "release-entity-rc"),
        use crate::util::DbgTypeId;

        let rc = world.rctrack.0.remove::<A>(entity.to_primitive());
        if Arc::try_unwrap(rc).is_err() {
            let found = search_references(
                "Detected dangling strong reference to entity {}#{entity:?} in {}. All strong \
                 references to an entity must be dropped before queuing for deletion and removing \
                 all finalizers.",
                found.join(", ")

    let ealloc = world
        .expect("Attempted to delete entity of unknown archetype");
    let ealloc: &mut A::Ealloc = ealloc.as_any_mut().downcast_mut().expect("TypeId mismatch");



    all(debug_assertions, feature = "debug-entity-rc"),
    all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "release-entity-rc"),
fn search_references(
    components: &mut Components,
    sync_globals: &mut SyncGlobals,
    unsync_globals: &mut UnsyncGlobals,
    systems: &mut [(&str, &mut dyn system::Descriptor)],
    archetype: crate::util::DbgTypeId,
    entity: usize,
) -> Vec<String> {
    use std::any::Any;

    use crate::entity::referrer::search_single::SearchSingleStrong;
    use crate::entity::referrer::VisitMutArg;

    let mut state = SearchSingleStrong::new(archetype, entity);

    for (name, system) in systems {
        let mut object = system.visit_mut();
        state._set_debug_name(format!("system {name}"));
        object.0.search_single_strong(&mut state);

    let globals = sync_globals
        .map(|(global_ty, (vtable, value))| {
            (global_ty, vtable, &mut **value.get_mut() as &mut dyn Any)
                .map(|(global_ty, (vtable, value))| (global_ty, vtable, &mut **value)),
    for (global_ty, vtable, value) in globals {
        state._set_debug_name(format!("global state {global_ty}"));
        vtable.search_single_strong(value, &mut state);

    for (iter_archetype, typed) in &mut components.archetypes {
        typed.referrer_dyn_iter(&iter_archetype.to_string()).search_single_strong(&mut state);


pub(crate) mod tests;