dynec 0.2.0-alpha.1

An opinionated ECS-like framework
//! Systems are actions performed every frame to manipulate entities and components.
//! A system can declare mutable or immutable access
//! to archetype-specific components and global states.
//! dynec will schedule systems such that systems have unique access to mutable resources they
//! request.
//! Furthermore, systems can request relative execution order through [`Partition`]s.
//! Systems that use thread-unsafe resources (systems that are not [`Send`])
//! are always executed on the main thread.

use std::any::TypeId;

use crate::entity::{ealloc, referrer};
use crate::world;
use crate::world::offline;

mod rw;
pub use rw::{
    Mut, Read, ReadChunk, ReadIsotope, ReadSimple, Write, WriteChunk, WriteIsotope, WriteSimple,

pub(crate) mod accessor;
pub use accessor::{Accessor, Chunked as ChunkedAccessor};

pub mod partition;
pub use partition::{EntityCreationPartition, Partition};

mod entity;
pub use entity::{entity_iterator, EntityCreatorImpl, EntityDeleterImpl};
pub use entity::{EntityCreator, EntityDeleter, EntityIterator};

pub mod spec;
pub use spec::Spec;

/// Describes a system.
pub trait Descriptor {
    /// Describes the resource requirements of this system.
    /// The method is only called when the system was initially scheduled,
    /// but it should return a consistent value.
    fn get_spec(&self) -> Spec;

    /// Delegates to [`Referrer::visit_type`](referrer::Referrer::visit_type)
    /// for the states of this system.
    fn visit_type(&self, arg: &mut referrer::VisitTypeArg);

    /// By default, systems with states that strongly reference entities always execute
    /// before systems that create those entities to ensure the entities initialized.
    /// If references to uninitialized entities are tolerable,
    /// include the TypeId of the archetype in the returned vector.
    fn state_maybe_uninit(&self) -> Vec<TypeId> { Vec::new() }

    /// Executes the mutable visitor
    fn visit_mut(&mut self) -> referrer::AsObject<'_>;

/// A system requests some resources, stores some states of its own and is runnable with the
/// requested resources.
/// There may be multiple instances of the same implementor type.
/// This is meaningful as they may have different states.
pub trait Sendable: Send + Descriptor {
    /// Runs the system.
    fn run(
        &mut self,
        globals: &world::SyncGlobals,
        components: &world::Components,
        ealloc_shard_map: &mut ealloc::ShardMap,
        offline_shard: &mut offline::BufferShard,

    /// Returns self upcast to [`Descriptor`] as a trait object.
    fn as_descriptor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Descriptor;

/// A variant of [`Sendable`] that runs on the main thread only,
/// but allows storing [`Send`] states
/// and accessing non-<code>[Send] + [Sync]</code> global states.
pub trait Unsendable: Descriptor {
    /// Runs the system.
    fn run(
        &mut self,
        sync_globals: &world::SyncGlobals,
        unsync_globals: &mut world::UnsyncGlobals,
        components: &world::Components,
        ealloc_shard_map: &mut ealloc::ShardMap,
        offline_shard: &mut offline::BufferShard,

    /// Returns self upcast to [`Descriptor`] as a trait object.
    fn as_descriptor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Descriptor;