dynamodb_data 0.1.8

Serde based serialization support and misc utilities for working with Dynamodb via the rusoto_dynamodb crate

Serde based serialization support and misc utilities for working with Dynamodb via the rusoto_dynamodb crate.


  • Automatically convert your types to/from rusoto_dynamodb data types VIA serde_json. This is an alternative to serde_dynamodb (which is mostly unimplemented).
  • Query/Conversion Macros

API Example:

use dynamodb_data::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let payload: HashMap<String, rusoto_dynamodb::AttributeValue> = fields!{
    id => ::uuid::Uuid::new_v4(),
    name => "user name",
    counter => 0
let get_item_query = rusoto_dynamodb::GetItemInput {
    key: fields!{
        id => ::uuid::Uuid::new_v4()


As we all know and love, DynamoDB rejects empty strings in favor of null without any metadata as to what the original type is… As a workaround I’m experimenting with encoding emptying strings VIA the ASCII null character (unless anyone has a better idea).

This should presumably be more robust than using e.g. the suggested idea here. I haven’t read about this anywhere so perhaps I’m the first to use such a workaround. If the null encoding causes issues I can add a feature to disable the default behavior.