dyn-slice 3.2.2

&dyn [Trait] implementation, inspired by a Reddit thread.



An implementation of a &dyn [Trait]-like reference, inspired by a Reddit thread.

dyn-slices are slices of trait objects. Indexing into one yields a trait object reference. The vtable pointer is only stored once.

cargo add dyn-slice

Latest documentation

dyn-slice on crates.io
dyn-slice on lib.rs
dyn-slice on GitHub


This was originally just a proof of concept and may has some bugs, so it may be best not to use it in production (or any important) code.

With that said, feel free to use it in code that does not have to be reliable and to open an issue if you find any bugs.


Dyn-Slice is dual-licensed under either the Apache License Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.