dyer 1.1.1

Dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast web-crawling, providing some high-level, comprehensive features without compromising speed. By means of event-driven, non-blocking I/O tokio and powerful, reliable Rust programming language.

dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast web-crawling, providing some high-level, comprehensive features without compromising speed.

By means of event-driven, non-blocking I/O tokio and powerful, reliable Rust programming language, inspired by scrapy, dyer provides some high-level features:

  • asynchronous, concurrent streamimg and I/O, make the best of thread pool, network, and system resource.
  • event-driven, once you set the initials and recursive generator of Task, dyer will handle the rest of it.
  • user-friendly, considering the philosophy of rust programming language, more source code, proper architecture may set up yourself in a dilemma when efficiency and learning cost are taken into consideration. dyer offers high-level,flexible wrappers and APIs what does a lot for you.

Get started by looking over the examples.

Main Functionalities

Dyer is newly developed rust library, and has achieved some basic functionalities for building a crawer, web service and data processing. Nevertheless, it can tackle most common problems you meet.

Real-browser Customization

For each feeded Task, dyer will fake a Profile and combines them into a Request to satisfy the requirement of the target site. By means of powerful ffi interface of and web assemble of rust, intergration is not hard.

Signal Handling

Think about a scenario that errors, bugs and unexpected accidents are found when your app is running, what would you do? Stop the app, the entire program and the data are corupted. Nope, the result is not reliable. dyer will backup your history between certain gap, resumption is at your choice.

Run-time Control

Each Task and each Profile is scheduled with some gap, has a time stamp for validation, only the expired can be feeded to engine of dyer. Nevertheless dyer will limit the Request sent to poll, the Profile to make, Task to load or store and so on see AppArg.