[][src]Trait dxplr::Interface

pub trait Interface {
    type APIType: Interface;
    fn new(p: ComPtr<Self::APIType>) -> Self;
fn uuidof() -> Guid;
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut Self::APIType;
fn as_com_ptr(&self) -> &ComPtr<Self::APIType>;
fn as_unknown(&self) -> *mut IUnknown;
fn from_com_ptr(p: ComPtr<Self::APIType>) -> Self;
fn query_interface<T: Interface>(&self) -> Result<T, HResult>; }

Defines the IUnknown interface and utility methods for Rust.

Associated Types

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Required methods

fn new(p: ComPtr<Self::APIType>) -> Self

fn uuidof() -> Guid

fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut Self::APIType

fn as_com_ptr(&self) -> &ComPtr<Self::APIType>

fn as_unknown(&self) -> *mut IUnknown

fn from_com_ptr(p: ComPtr<Self::APIType>) -> Self

fn query_interface<T: Interface>(&self) -> Result<T, HResult>

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impl Interface for Blob[src]

type APIType = ID3DBlob

impl Interface for Asynchronous[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Asynchronous

impl Interface for AuthenticatedChannel[src]

type APIType = ID3D11AuthenticatedChannel

impl Interface for BlendState[src]

type APIType = ID3D11BlendState

impl Interface for Buffer[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Buffer

impl Interface for ClassInstance[src]

type APIType = ID3D11ClassInstance

impl Interface for ClassLinkage[src]

type APIType = ID3D11ClassLinkage

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d11::CommandList[src]

type APIType = ID3D11CommandList

impl Interface for ComputeShader[src]

type APIType = ID3D11ComputeShader

impl Interface for Counter[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Counter

impl Interface for CryptoSession[src]

type APIType = ID3D11CryptoSession

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d11::Debug[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Debug

impl Interface for DepthStencilState[src]

type APIType = ID3D11DepthStencilState

impl Interface for DepthStencilView[src]

type APIType = ID3D11DepthStencilView

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d11::Device[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Device

impl Interface for DeviceContext[src]

type APIType = ID3D11DeviceContext

impl Interface for DomainShader[src]

type APIType = ID3D11DomainShader

impl Interface for GeometryShader[src]

type APIType = ID3D11GeometryShader

impl Interface for HullShader[src]

type APIType = ID3D11HullShader

impl Interface for InputLayout[src]

type APIType = ID3D11InputLayout

impl Interface for PixelShader[src]

type APIType = ID3D11PixelShader

impl Interface for Predicate[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Predicate

impl Interface for Query[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Query

impl Interface for RasterizerState[src]

type APIType = ID3D11RasterizerState

impl Interface for RenderTargetView[src]

type APIType = ID3D11RenderTargetView

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d11::Resource[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Resource

impl Interface for SamplerState[src]

type APIType = ID3D11SamplerState

impl Interface for ShaderResourceView[src]

type APIType = ID3D11ShaderResourceView

impl Interface for Texture1D[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Texture1D

impl Interface for Texture2D[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Texture2D

impl Interface for Texture3D[src]

type APIType = ID3D11Texture3D

impl Interface for UnorderedAccessView[src]

type APIType = ID3D11UnorderedAccessView

impl Interface for VertexShader[src]

type APIType = ID3D11VertexShader

impl Interface for View[src]

type APIType = ID3D11View

impl Interface for CommandAllocator[src]

type APIType = ID3D12CommandAllocator

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d12::CommandList[src]

type APIType = ID3D12CommandList

impl Interface for CommandQueue[src]

type APIType = ID3D12CommandQueue

impl Interface for CommandSignature[src]

type APIType = ID3D12CommandSignature

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d12::Debug[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Debug

impl Interface for DescriptorHeap[src]

type APIType = ID3D12DescriptorHeap

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d12::Device[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Device

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d12::Device1[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Device1

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d12::Device2[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Device2

impl Interface for Fence[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Fence

impl Interface for GraphicsCommandList[src]

type APIType = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList

impl Interface for Heap[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Heap

impl Interface for PipelineLibrary[src]

type APIType = ID3D12PipelineLibrary

impl Interface for PipelineState[src]

type APIType = ID3D12PipelineState

impl Interface for QueryHeap[src]

type APIType = ID3D12QueryHeap

impl Interface for dxplr::d3d12::Resource[src]

type APIType = ID3D12Resource

impl Interface for RootSignature[src]

type APIType = ID3D12RootSignature

impl Interface for RootSignatureDeserializer[src]

impl Interface for VersionedRootSignatureDeserializer[src]

impl Interface for Adapter[src]

type APIType = IDXGIAdapter

impl Interface for Adapter1[src]

type APIType = IDXGIAdapter1

impl Interface for Adapter2[src]

type APIType = IDXGIAdapter2

impl Interface for Adapter3[src]

type APIType = IDXGIAdapter3

impl Interface for Adapter4[src]

type APIType = IDXGIAdapter4

impl Interface for dxplr::dxgi::Debug[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDebug

impl Interface for Debug1[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDebug1

impl Interface for DecodeSwapChain[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDecodeSwapChain

impl Interface for dxplr::dxgi::Device[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDevice

impl Interface for dxplr::dxgi::Device1[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDevice1

impl Interface for dxplr::dxgi::Device2[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDevice2

impl Interface for Device3[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDevice3

impl Interface for Device4[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDevice4

impl Interface for DisplayControl[src]

type APIType = IDXGIDisplayControl

impl Interface for Factory[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory

impl Interface for Factory1[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory1

impl Interface for Factory2[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory2

impl Interface for Factory3[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory3

impl Interface for Factory4[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory4

impl Interface for Factory5[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory5

impl Interface for Factory6[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactory6

impl Interface for FactoryMedia[src]

type APIType = IDXGIFactoryMedia

impl Interface for KeyedMutex[src]

type APIType = IDXGIKeyedMutex

impl Interface for Output[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput

impl Interface for Output1[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput1

impl Interface for Output2[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput2

impl Interface for Output3[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput3

impl Interface for Output4[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput4

impl Interface for Output5[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput5

impl Interface for Output6[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutput6

impl Interface for OutputDuplication[src]

type APIType = IDXGIOutputDuplication

impl Interface for dxplr::dxgi::Resource[src]

type APIType = IDXGIResource

impl Interface for Resource1[src]

type APIType = IDXGIResource1

impl Interface for Surface[src]

type APIType = IDXGISurface

impl Interface for Surface1[src]

type APIType = IDXGISurface1

impl Interface for Surface2[src]

type APIType = IDXGISurface2

impl Interface for SwapChain[src]

type APIType = IDXGISwapChain

impl Interface for SwapChain1[src]

type APIType = IDXGISwapChain1

impl Interface for SwapChain2[src]

type APIType = IDXGISwapChain2

impl Interface for SwapChain3[src]

type APIType = IDXGISwapChain3

impl Interface for SwapChain4[src]

type APIType = IDXGISwapChain4

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