dust_dds 0.1.0

Data Distribution Service (DDS) implementation

Dust DDS

This repository contains the S2E Software Systems implementation of the OMG Data Distribution Services (DDS) and Real-time Publisher-Subscriber (RTPS) protocols using the Rust programming language.

The aim is to provide a high-quality Rust implementation of the minimum DDS profile. For high-quality it is meant that the implementation is done using stable Rust and without unsafe code and with large unit test code coverage.

Note: This crate is a work-in-progress and so far only the most basic functionality is expected to be working


A basic example on how to use Dust DDS. Make sure you import the crate into your

dust_dds = "0.1.0"

Then the publisher side can be implemented as:

    use dust_dds::{
        infrastructure::{qos::QosKind, status::NO_STATUS},
        topic_definition::type_support::{DdsSerde, DdsType},

    use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

    #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, DdsType, DdsSerde)]
    struct HelloWorldType {
        id: u8,
        msg: String,

    fn main() {
        let domain_id = 0;
        let participant_factory = DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance();

        let participant = participant_factory
            .create_participant(domain_id, QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let topic = participant
            .create_topic::<HelloWorldType>("HelloWorld", QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let publisher = participant
            .create_publisher(QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let writer = publisher
            .create_datawriter(&topic, QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let hello_world = HelloWorldType {
            id: 8,
            msg: "Hello world!".to_string(),
        writer.write(&hello_world, None).unwrap();

The subscriber side can be implemented as:

    use dust_dds::{
        infrastructure::{qos::QosKind, status::NO_STATUS},
        subscription::sample_info::{ANY_INSTANCE_STATE, ANY_SAMPLE_STATE, ANY_VIEW_STATE},
        topic_definition::type_support::{DdsSerde, DdsType},

    use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

    #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, DdsType, DdsSerde)]
    struct HelloWorldType {
        id: u8,
        msg: String,

    fn main() {
        let domain_id = 0;
        let participant_factory = DomainParticipantFactory::get_instance();

        let participant = participant_factory
            .create_participant(domain_id, QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let topic = participant
            .create_topic::<HelloWorldType>("HelloWorld", QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let subscriber = participant
            .create_subscriber(QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let reader = subscriber
            .create_datareader(&topic, QosKind::Default, None, NO_STATUS)

        let samples = reader

        let hello_world = samples[0].data.as_ref().unwrap();
        println!("Received: {:?}", hello_world);

Release schedule

Dust DDS doesn't follow a fixed release schedule but we will make releases as new features are implemented. Until we are out of the experimental phase we will not provide separate bugfix versions.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.