Crate dust_dds

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Native Rust implementation of the OMG Data Distribution Services (DDS) standard.

Note: This crate is a work-in-progress and so far only the most basic functionality is expected to be working

DDS is a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity. The main goal of DDS is to share the right data at the right place at the right time, even between time-decoupled publishers and consumers.


Contains the built-in topics used by the service to propagate information needed for discovery and other data.
Contains the DomainParticipantFactory which is responsible for creating the DomainParticipant. The DomainParticipant acts as an entry-point of the Service and a factory and contained for many of the classes that make up the Service.
Contains all the basic types used in the other modules including e.g. qos policies and communication statuses.
Contains the Publisher and DataWriter classes as well as its listener traits, and more generally, all that is needed on the publication side.
Contains the Subscriber and DataReader classes as well as its listener traits, and more generally, all that is needed on the subscription side.
Contains the Topic class as well as its listener trait, and more generally, all that is needed by the application to define topics and attach qos policies.