duplicate 0.2.9

The attribute macro `duplicate` can duplicate an item with variable substitution.


Crate for easy code duplication with substitution.


If you find yourself in need of copying a block of code and then making some small changes to fit the new use case, this crate is for you.

The duplicate attribute macro will duplicate an item any number of times while inserting custom code in the designated places in each duplicate. The duplicate_inline function-like procedural macro will do the same for any code you give it.

For an in-depth explanation of the syntax and features, see the documentation.


use duplicate::duplicate;

/// Trait we want to implement for u8, u16, and u32
trait IsMax {
  /// Returns true if self is its maximum possible value.
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool;

  int_type  max_value;
  [ u8 ]    [ 255 ];
  [ u16 ]   [ 65_535 ];
  [ u32 ]   [ 4_294_967_295 ];
impl IsMax for int_type {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == max_value


Expands to:

use duplicate::duplicate;

/// Trait we want to implement for u8, u16, and u32
trait IsMax {
  /// Returns true if self is its maximum possible value.
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool;

impl IsMax for u8 {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == 255
impl IsMax for u16 {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == 65_535
impl IsMax for u32 {
  fn is_max(&self) -> bool {
    *self == 4_294_967_295


MSRV Policy

This crate's Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) depends on which features are enabled.

The Base MSRV is 1.34. It applies when no features are enabled and is the lowest possible MSRV. Enabling the following features increases the MSRV to the stated version:

  • module_disambiguation: 1.42

Enabling features not on the above list doesn't increase the MSRV.

Increasing the Base MSRV or the MSRV of any specific existing feature is a breaking change and will be accompanied by a major version bump. Adding new features doesn't count as a breaking change, even if they are enabled by default and thereby increase the commulative MSRV of the default features.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. During initial development (with versions 0.y.z), bumps to the minor version (y) signify breaking changes.


  • New Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) Policy. Briefly, MSRV is 1.34 but may be increased by enabling features. See #18.
  • The crate's readme now contains section on MSRV policy.
  • Parameterized substitution is now also available for the verbose syntax. See #8.

This changelog format is based on Keep a Changelog and shows only the changes since the previous version. See the full changelog for changes to all released versions.
