dummy-rustwlc 0.4.3

A dummy version of the functions defined in rust-wlc, to be used in testing and for travis builds
## Dummy rustwlc

**Currently matching rustwlc v0.3.3**

This project exists so one can compile [rust-wlc](https://github.com/Immington-Industries/rust-wlc) without needing C library references.

It is used in [way-cooler](https://github.com/Immington-Industries/way-cooler)'s Travis build script.

### Usage

Methods with no return type are no-ops. Methods on `WlcView` and `WlcOutput` that would usually run with dummy handles will run, unsafe methods will panic.

Other methods with return types have been replaced with `unimplemented!()`.

The methods in `callbacks` will run without side effects and `rustwlc::init` returns a function that simply prints a message to the console.

Effectively, dropping in `dummy-rustwlc` and running your program _should_ cause your program to start, print the message, and exit successfully.

### Build Script

To replace a project's `rustwlc` depenency, one can run this script from the project root to swap dependencies in `Cargo.toml`.

sed 's/rustwlc = .*/rustwlc = { git = "https:\/\/github.com\/SnirkImmington\/dummy-rustwlc.git" }/g' Cargo.toml -i