dumbnet 0.1.0

a [no_std] neural network library

//! A Neural Network library that does not make use of allocations or the standard library at all.
//! It does all its work on the stack.
//! This has some advantages:
//! ## Embedded
//! Embedded devices without any operating system are now able to run at least simple neural
//! networks.
//! ## Compile-Time checks
//! Since the whole network layout needs to be known at compile time the dimensions of inputs and
//! outputs are checked.
//! ## Easy to get started
//! No need for OpenCL or CUDA, it just runs on your CPU. Or basically any other CPU for that
//! matter.
//! ## Optimization
//! The whole network being known to the compiler might enable some optimizations. That said the
//! library is currently not very well optimized.
//! Also it was a fun challenge and actually worked out :)
//! Check the examples directory for some simple networks to get started.

extern crate serde_derive;

extern crate generic_array;

pub mod activation;
//pub mod convolution;
pub mod layers;
//pub mod loss;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod softmax;