duckdb 0.6.1

Ergonomic wrapper for DuckDB
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;

use super::ffi;
use super::Result;
use crate::error::result_from_duckdb_arrow;

use arrow::array::{ArrayData, StructArray};
use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Schema, SchemaRef};
use arrow::ffi::{ArrowArray, FFI_ArrowArray, FFI_ArrowSchema};

// Private newtype for raw sqlite3_stmts that finalize themselves when dropped.
// TODO: destroy statement and result
pub struct RawStatement {
    ptr: ffi::duckdb_prepared_statement,
    result: Option<ffi::duckdb_arrow>,
    schema: Option<SchemaRef>,
    // Cached SQL (trimmed) that we use as the key when we're in the statement
    // cache. This is None for statements which didn't come from the statement
    // cache.
    // This is probably the same as `self.sql()` in most cases, but we don't
    // care either way -- It's a better cache key as it is anyway since it's the
    // actual source we got from rust.
    // One example of a case where the result of `sqlite_sql` and the value in
    // `statement_cache_key` might differ is if the statement has a `tail`.
    statement_cache_key: Option<Arc<str>>,

impl RawStatement {
    pub unsafe fn new(stmt: ffi::duckdb_prepared_statement) -> RawStatement {
        RawStatement {
            ptr: stmt,
            result: None,
            schema: None,
            statement_cache_key: None,

    pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool {

    pub unsafe fn ptr(&self) -> ffi::duckdb_prepared_statement {

    pub(crate) fn set_statement_cache_key(&mut self, p: impl Into<Arc<str>>) {
        self.statement_cache_key = Some(p.into());

    pub(crate) fn statement_cache_key(&self) -> Option<Arc<str>> {

    pub fn clear_bindings(&self) -> ffi::duckdb_state {
        unsafe { ffi::duckdb_clear_bindings(self.ptr) }

    pub fn result_unwrap(&self) -> ffi::duckdb_arrow {

    pub fn row_count(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { ffi::duckdb_arrow_row_count(self.result_unwrap()) as usize }

    pub fn step(&self) -> Option<StructArray> {
        unsafe {
            let mut arrays = &FFI_ArrowArray::empty();
            let arrays = &mut arrays;
            if ffi::duckdb_query_arrow_array(self.result_unwrap(), arrays as *mut _ as *mut *mut c_void)
                != ffi::DuckDBSuccess
                return None;
            if (**arrays).is_empty() {
                return None;

            let mut schema = &FFI_ArrowSchema::empty();
            let schema = &mut schema;
            if ffi::duckdb_query_arrow_schema(self.result_unwrap(), schema as *mut _ as *mut *mut c_void)
                != ffi::DuckDBSuccess
                return None;

            let arrow_array =
                ArrowArray::try_from_raw(*arrays as *const FFI_ArrowArray, *schema as *const FFI_ArrowSchema)
            let array_data = ArrayData::try_from(arrow_array).expect("ok");
            let struct_array = StructArray::from(array_data);

    pub fn column_count(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { ffi::duckdb_arrow_column_count(self.result_unwrap()) as usize }

    pub fn column_type(&self, idx: usize) -> DataType {

    pub fn schema(&self) -> SchemaRef {

    pub fn column_decltype(&self, _idx: usize) -> Option<&CStr> {
        panic!("not implemented")

    pub fn column_name(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&String> {
        if idx >= self.column_count() {
            return None;

    unsafe fn print_result(&self, mut result: ffi::duckdb_result) {
        use ffi::duckdb_column_count;
        use ffi::duckdb_column_name;
        use ffi::duckdb_row_count;

            "row-count: {}, column-count: {}",
            duckdb_row_count(&mut result),
            duckdb_column_count(&mut result)
        for i in 0..duckdb_column_count(&mut result) {
                "column-name:{} ",
                CStr::from_ptr(duckdb_column_name(&mut result, i)).to_string_lossy()
        // print the data of the result
        for row_idx in 0..duckdb_row_count(&mut result) {
            for col_idx in 0..duckdb_column_count(&mut result) {
                let val = ffi::duckdb_value_varchar(&mut result, col_idx, row_idx);
                print!("{} ", CStr::from_ptr(val).to_string_lossy());

    /// NOTE: if execute failed, we shouldn't call any other methods which depends on result
    pub fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<usize> {
        unsafe {
            let mut out: ffi::duckdb_arrow = ptr::null_mut();
            let rc = ffi::duckdb_execute_prepared_arrow(self.ptr, &mut out);
            result_from_duckdb_arrow(rc, out)?;

            let rows_changed = ffi::duckdb_arrow_rows_changed(out);
            let mut c_schema = Arc::into_raw(Arc::new(FFI_ArrowSchema::empty()));
            let rc = ffi::duckdb_query_arrow_schema(out, &mut c_schema as *mut _ as *mut *mut c_void);
            if rc != ffi::DuckDBSuccess {
                result_from_duckdb_arrow(rc, out)?;
            self.schema = Some(Arc::new(Schema::try_from(&*c_schema).unwrap()));

            self.result = Some(out);
            Ok(rows_changed as usize)

    pub fn reset_result(&mut self) {
        self.schema = None;
        if self.result.is_some() {
            unsafe {
                ffi::duckdb_destroy_arrow(&mut self.result_unwrap());
            self.result = None;

    pub fn bind_parameter_count(&self) -> usize {
        unsafe { ffi::duckdb_nparams(self.ptr) as usize }

    pub fn sql(&self) -> Option<&CStr> {
        panic!("not supported")

impl Drop for RawStatement {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if !self.ptr.is_null() {
            unsafe { ffi::duckdb_destroy_prepare(&mut self.ptr) };