dsalgo 0.3.7

A package for Datastructures and Algorithms.
/// compute g := \gcd(modulus, n),
/// and modular inverse of n/g in Z_{modulus/g}.
/// we convert parameters to i64 internally.
/// so be careful not to pass modulus > 2^63 because it overflows.
/// it's `trivial` that inverse of 0 is undefined, so if n = 0, it panics.
pub fn euclidean_mod_gcd_inv(modulus: u64, n: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
    assert!(0 < n && n < modulus);
    let (mut a, mut b) = (n as i64, modulus as i64);
    let (mut x00, mut x01) = (1, 0);
    while b != 0 {
        // (x00, x01) = (x01, x00 - a / b * x01);
        // (a, b) = (b, a % b);

        x00 -= a / b * x01;
        std::mem::swap(&mut x00, &mut x01);
        a %= b;
        std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
    let gcd = a as u64;
    let u = (modulus / gcd) as i64;
    if x00 < 0 {
        x00 += u;
    debug_assert!(0 <= x00 && x00 < u);
    (gcd, x00 as u64)

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    fn test() {
        // euclidean_mod_gcd_inv(10, 0); // runtime error.
            euclidean_mod_gcd_inv(5, 2),
            (1, 3)
            euclidean_mod_gcd_inv(18, 12),
            (6, 2)
            euclidean_mod_gcd_inv(111, 30),
            (3, 26)
        // gcd(111, 30) = 3
        // 111 / 3 = 37, 30 / 3 = 10, 10^{-1} \equiv 26 \mod 37