docopt 0.6.35

Command line argument parsing.
// I am overall pretty displeased with the quality of code in this module.
// I wrote it while simultaneously trying to build a mental model of Docopt's
// specification (hint: one does not exist in written form). As a result, there
// is a lot of coupling and some duplication.
// Some things that I think are good about the following code:
//   - The representation of a "usage pattern." I think it is a minimal
//     representation of a pattern's syntax. (One possible tweak:
//     `Optional<Vec<Pattern>>` -> `Optional<Box<Pattern>>`.)
//   - Some disciplined use of regexes. I use a pretty basic state machine
//     for parsing patterns, but for teasing out the patterns and options
//     from the Docopt string and for picking out flags with arguments, I
//     think regexes aren't too bad. There may be one or two scary ones though.
//   - The core matching algorithm is reasonably simple and concise, but I
//     think writing down some contracts will help me figure out how to make
//     the code clearer.
// Some bad things:
//   - I tried several times to split some of the pieces in this module into
//     separate modules. I could find no clear separation. This suggests that
//     there is too much coupling between parsing components. I'm not convinced
//     that the coupling is necessary.
//   - The parsers for patterns and argv share some structure. There may be
//     an easy abstraction waiting there.
//   - It is not efficient in the slightest. I tried to be conservative with
//     copying strings, but I think I failed. (It may not be worthwhile to fix
//     this if it makes the code more awkward. Docopt does not need to be
//     efficient.)
// Some things to do immediately:
//   - Document representation and invariants.
//   - Less important: write contracts for functions.
// Long term:
//   - Write a specification for Docopt.

pub use self::Argument::{Zero, One};
pub use self::Atom::{Short,Long,Command,Positional};
use self::Pattern::{Alternates,Sequence,Optional,Repeat,PatAtom};

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::{Vacant, Occupied};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use regex;
use regex::Regex;

use Value::{self, Switch, Counted, Plain, List};
use synonym::SynonymMap;

macro_rules! err(
    ($($arg:tt)*) => (return Err(format!($($arg)*)))

pub struct Parser {
    pub program: String,
    pub full_doc: String,
    pub usage: String,
    pub descs: SynonymMap<Atom, Options>,
    usages: Vec<Pattern>,
    last_atom_added: Option<Atom>, // context for [default: ...]

impl Parser {
    pub fn new(doc: &str) -> Result<Parser, String> {
        let mut d = Parser {
            program: "".to_string(),
            full_doc: doc.to_string(),
            usage: "".to_string(),
            usages: vec!(),
            descs: SynonymMap::new(),
            last_atom_added: None,

    pub fn matches(&self, argv: &Argv) -> Option<SynonymMap<String, Value>> {
        for usage in self.usages.iter() {
            match Matcher::matches(argv, usage) {
                None => continue,
                Some(vals) => return Some(vals),

    pub fn parse_argv<'a>(&'a self, argv: Vec<String>, options_first: bool)
                         -> Result<Argv<'a>, String> {
        Argv::new(self, argv, options_first)

impl Parser {
    fn options_atoms(&self) -> Vec<Atom> {
        let mut atoms = vec!();
        for (atom, _) in self.descs.iter().filter(|&(_, opts)| opts.is_desc) {

    fn has_arg(&self, atom: &Atom) -> bool {
        match self.descs.find(atom) {
            None => false,
            Some(opts) => opts.arg.has_arg(),

    fn parse(&mut self, doc: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
        let musage = regex!(r"(?is)usage:\s*(?P<prog>\S+)(?P<pats>.*?)(?:$|\n\s*\n)");
        let caps = match musage.captures(doc) {
            None => err!("Could not find usage patterns in doc string."),
            Some(caps) => caps,
        if"prog").unwrap_or("").is_empty() {
            err!("Could not find program name in doc string.")
        self.program ="prog").unwrap_or("").to_string();
        self.usage ="").to_string();

        // Before we parse the usage patterns, we look for option descriptions.
        // We do this because the information in option descriptions can be
        // used to resolve ambiguities in usage patterns (i.e., whether
        // `--flag ARG` is a flag with an argument or not).
        // From the docopt page, "every" line starting with a `-` or a `--`
        // is considered an option description. Instead, we restrict the lines
        // to any line *not* in the usage pattern section.
        // *sigh* Apparently the above is not true. The official test suite
        // includes `Options: -a ...`, which means some lines not beginning
        // with `-` can actually have options.
        let (pstart, pend) = caps.pos(0).unwrap();
        let (before, after) = (&doc[..pstart], &doc[pend..]);
        // We process every line here (instead of restricting to lines starting
        // with "-") because we need to check every line for a default value.
        // The default value always belongs to the most recently defined desc.
        for line in before.lines().chain(after.lines()) {

        let mprog = format!(
            "^(?:{})?\\s*(.*?)\\s*$", regex::quote("prog").unwrap_or("")));
        let pats = Regex::new(&*mprog).unwrap();

        if"pats").unwrap_or("") == "" {
            let pattern = try!(
                PatParser::new(self, "").parse());
        } else {
            for line in"pats").unwrap_or("").lines() {
                for pat in pats.captures_iter(line.trim()) {
                    let pattern = try!(

    fn parse_desc(&mut self, full_desc: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
        let desc =
            regex!(r"(?i)^\s*options:\s*").replace(full_desc.trim(), "");
        let desc = &*desc;
        if !regex!(r"^(-\S|--\S)").is_match(desc) {
            return Ok(())

        // Get rid of the description, which must be at least two spaces
        // after the flag or argument.
        let desc = regex!("  .*$").replace(desc, "");
        // Normalize `-x, --xyz` to `-x --xyz`.
        let desc = regex!(r"([^-\s]), -").replace(&*desc, "$1 -");
        let desc = desc.trim();

        let rflags = regex!("(?:(?P<long>--[^ \t=]+)|(?P<short>-[^ \t=]+))\
                             (?:(?: |=)(?P<arg>[^-]\\S*))?");
        let (mut short, mut long) = ("".to_string(), "".to_string());
        let mut has_arg = false;
        let mut last_end = 0;
        for flags in rflags.captures_iter(desc) {
            last_end = flags.pos(0).unwrap().1;
            let (s, l) = (
            if !s.is_empty() {
                if !short.is_empty() {
                    err!("Only one short flag is allowed in an option \
                          description, but found '{}' and '{}'.", short, s)
                short = s.to_string()
            if !l.is_empty() {
                if !long.is_empty() {
                    err!("Only one long flag is allowed in an option \
                          description, but found '{}' and '{}'.", long, l)
                long = l.to_string()
            if !"arg").unwrap_or("").is_empty() {
                let arg ="arg").unwrap_or("");
                if !Atom::is_arg(arg) {
                    err!("Argument '{}' is not of the form ARG or <arg>.", arg)
                has_arg = true; // may be changed to default later
        // Make sure that we consumed everything. If there are leftovers,
        // then there is some malformed description. Alert the user.
        assert!(last_end <= desc.len());
        if last_end < desc.len() {
            err!("Extraneous text '{}' in option description '{}'.",
                 &desc[last_end..], desc)
        try!(self.add_desc(&*short, &*long, has_arg));
        // Looking for default in this line must come after adding the
        // description, otherwise `parse_default` won't know which option
        // to assign it to.

    fn parse_default(&mut self, desc: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
        let rdefault = regex!(r"(?i)\[default:(?P<val>[^]]*)\]");
        let defval =
            match rdefault.captures(desc) {
                None => return Ok(()),
                Some(c) =>"val").unwrap_or("").trim(),
        let last_atom =
            match self.last_atom_added {
                None => err!("Found default value '{}' in '{}' before first \
                              option description.", defval, desc),
                Some(ref atom) => atom,
        let opts =
            .expect(&*format!("BUG: last opt desc key ('{:?}') is invalid.",
        match opts.arg {
            One(None) => {}, // OK
            Zero =>
                err!("Cannot assign default value '{}' to flag '{}' \
                      that has no arguments.", defval, last_atom),
            One(Some(ref curval)) =>
                err!("Flag '{}' already has a default value \
                      of '{}' (second default value: '{}').",
                     last_atom, curval, defval),
        opts.arg = One(Some(defval.to_string()));

    fn add_desc(&mut self, short: &str, long: &str, has_arg: bool)
               -> Result<(), String> {
        assert!(!short.is_empty() || !long.is_empty());
        if !short.is_empty() && short.chars().count() != 2 {
            // It looks like the reference implementation just ignores
            // these lines.
            return Ok(());
            // err!("Short flag '{}' is not of the form '-x'.", short);
        let mut opts = Options::new(false,
                                    if has_arg { One(None) } else { Zero });
        opts.is_desc = true;

        if !short.is_empty() && !long.is_empty() {
            let (short, long) = (Atom::new(short), Atom::new(long));
            self.descs.insert(long.clone(), opts);
            self.descs.insert_synonym(short, long.clone());
            self.last_atom_added = Some(long);
        } else if !short.is_empty() {
            let short = Atom::new(short);
            self.descs.insert(short.clone(), opts);
            self.last_atom_added = Some(short);
        } else if !long.is_empty() {
            let long = Atom::new(long);
            self.descs.insert(long.clone(), opts);
            self.last_atom_added = Some(long);

impl fmt::Debug for Parser {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        fn sorted<T: Ord>(mut xs: Vec<T>) -> Vec<T> {
            xs.sort(); xs

        try!(writeln!(f, "====="));
        try!(writeln!(f, "Program: {}", self.program));

        try!(writeln!(f, "Option descriptions:"));
        let keys = sorted(self.descs.keys().collect());
        for &k in keys.iter() {
            try!(writeln!(f, "  '{}' => {:?}", k, self.descs.get(k)));

        try!(writeln!(f, "Synonyms:"));
        let keys: Vec<(&Atom, &Atom)> =
        for &(from, to) in keys.iter() {
            try!(writeln!(f, "  {:?} => {:?}", from, to));

        try!(writeln!(f, "Usages:"));
        for pat in self.usages.iter() {
            try!(writeln!(f, "  {:?}", pat));
        writeln!(f, "=====")

struct PatParser<'a> {
    dopt: &'a mut Parser,
    tokens: Vec<String>, // used while parsing a single usage pattern
    curi: usize, // ^^ index into pattern chars
    expecting: Vec<char>, // stack of expected ']' or ')'

impl<'a> PatParser<'a> {
    fn new(dopt: &'a mut Parser, pat: &str) -> PatParser<'a> {
        PatParser {
            dopt: dopt,
            tokens: pattern_tokens(pat),
            curi: 0,
            expecting: vec!(),

    fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<Pattern, String> {
        // let mut seen = HashSet::new();
        let mut p = try!(self.pattern());
        match self.expecting.pop() {
            None => {},
            Some(c) => err!("Unclosed group. Expected '{}'.", c),
        p.tag_repeats(&mut self.dopt.descs);

    fn pattern(&mut self) -> Result<Pattern, String> {
        let mut alts = vec!();
        let mut seq = vec!();
        while !self.is_eof() {
            match self.cur() {
                "..." => {
                    err!("'...' must appear directly after a group, argument, \
                          flag or command.")
                "-" | "--" => {
                    // As per specification, `-` and `--` by themselves are
                    // just commands that should be interpreted conventionally.
                "|" => {
                    if seq.is_empty() {
                        err!("Unexpected '|'. Not in form 'a | b | c'.")
                    seq = vec!();
                "]" | ")" => {
                    if seq.is_empty() {
                        err!("Unexpected '{}'. Empty groups are not allowed.",
                    match self.expecting.pop() {
                        None => err!("Unexpected '{}'. No open bracket found.",
                        Some(c) => {
                            if c != self.cur().char_at(0) {
                                err!("Expected '{}' but got '{}'.",
                                     c, self.cur())
                    let mk = if self.cur() == "]" {
                        Optional as fn(Vec<Pattern>) -> Pattern
                    } else {
                        Sequence as fn(Vec<Pattern>) -> Pattern
                        if alts.is_empty() {
                        } else {
                "[" => {
                    // Check for special '[options]' shortcut.
                    if self.atis(1, "options") && self.atis(2, "]") {
              ; // cur == options
              ; // cur == ]
                "(" => {
                _ => {
                    if Atom::is_short(self.cur()) {
                    } else if Atom::is_long(self.cur()) {
                    } else if Atom::is_arg(self.cur()) {
                        // These are always positional.
                        // Arguments for -s and --short are picked up
                        // when parsing flags.
                    } else if Atom::is_cmd(self.cur()) {
                    } else {
                        err!("Unknown token type '{}'.", self.cur())
        if alts.is_empty() {
        } else {

    fn flag_short(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Pattern>, String> {
        let mut seq = vec!();
        let stacked: String = self.cur()[1..].to_string();
        for (i, c) in stacked.chars().enumerate() {
            let atom = self.dopt.descs.resolve(&Short(c));

            // The only way for a short option to have an argument is if
            // it's specified in an option description.
            if !self.dopt.has_arg(&atom) {
                self.add_atom_ifnotexists(Zero, &atom);
            } else {
                // At this point, the flag MUST have an argument. Therefore,
                // we interpret the "rest" of the characters as the argument.
                // If the "rest" is empty, then we peek to find and make sure
                // there is an argument.
                let rest = &stacked[i+1..];
                if rest.is_empty() {
                } else {
                    try!(self.errif_invalid_flag_arg(&atom, rest));
                // We either error'd or consumed the rest of the short stack as
                // an argument.
        // This is a little weird. We've got to manually look for a repeat
        // operator right after the stack, and then apply it to each short
        // flag we generated.
        // If "sequences" never altered semantics, then we could just use that
        // here to group a short stack.
        if self.atis(0, "...") {
            seq = seq.into_iter().map(|p| Repeat(Box::new(p))).collect();

    fn flag_long(&mut self) -> Result<Pattern, String> {
        let (atom, arg) = try!(parse_long_equal(self.cur()));
        let atom = self.dopt.descs.resolve(&atom);
        if self.dopt.descs.contains_key(&atom) {
            // Options already exist for this atom, so we must check to make
            // sure things are consistent.
            let has_arg = self.dopt.has_arg(&atom);
            if arg.has_arg() && !has_arg {
                // Found `=` in usage, but previous usage of this flag
                // didn't specify an argument.
                err!("Flag '{}' does not take any arguments.", atom)
            } else if !arg.has_arg() && has_arg {
                // Didn't find any `=` in usage for this flag, but previous
                // usage of this flag specifies an argument.
                // So look for `--flag ARG`
                // We don't care about the value of `arg` since options
                // already exist. (In which case, the argument value can never
                // change.)
        self.add_atom_ifnotexists(arg, &atom);;

    fn next_flag_arg(&mut self, atom: &Atom) -> Result<(), String> {
        try!(self.next_noeof(&*format!("argument for flag '{:?}'", atom)));
        self.errif_invalid_flag_arg(atom, self.cur())

    fn errif_invalid_flag_arg(&self, atom: &Atom, arg: &str)
                             -> Result<(), String> {
        if !Atom::is_arg(arg) {
            err!("Expected argument for flag '{}', but found \
                  malformed argument '{}'.", atom, arg)

    fn command(&mut self) -> Result<Pattern, String> {
        let atom = Atom::new(self.cur());
        self.add_atom_ifnotexists(Zero, &atom);;

    fn positional(&mut self) -> Result<Pattern, String> {
        let atom = Atom::new(self.cur());
        self.add_atom_ifnotexists(Zero, &atom);;

    fn add_atom_ifnotexists(&mut self, arg: Argument, atom: &Atom) {
        if !self.dopt.descs.contains_key(atom) {
            let opts = Options::new(false, arg);
            self.dopt.descs.insert(atom.clone(), opts);

    fn group(&mut self)
            -> Result<Pattern, String> {
        let pat = try!(self.pattern());

    fn maybe_repeat(&mut self, pat: Pattern) -> Pattern {
        if self.atis(0, "...") {
        } else {

    fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
        self.curi == self.tokens.len()
    fn next(&mut self) {
        if self.curi == self.tokens.len() {
        self.curi += 1;
    fn next_noeof(&mut self, expected: &str) -> Result<(), String> {;
        if self.curi == self.tokens.len() {
            err!("Expected {} but reached end of usage pattern.", expected)
    fn cur<'r>(&'r self) -> &'r str {
    fn atis(&self, offset: usize, is: &str) -> bool {
        let i = self.curi + offset;
        i < self.tokens.len() && self.tokens[i] == is

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Pattern {

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Ord, Hash, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Atom {

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Options {
    /// Set to true if this atom is ever repeated in any context.
    /// For positional arguments, non-argument flags and commands, repetition
    /// means that they become countable.
    /// For flags with arguments, repetition means multiple distinct values
    /// can be specified (and are represented as a Vec).
    pub repeats: bool,

    /// This specifies whether this atom has any arguments.
    /// For commands and positional arguments, this is always Zero.
    /// Flags can have zero or one argument, with an optionally default value.
    pub arg: Argument,

    /// Whether it shows up in the "options description" second.
    pub is_desc: bool,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Argument {
    One(Option<String>), // optional default value

impl Pattern {
    fn add_options_shortcut(&mut self, par: &Parser) {
        fn add(pat: &mut Pattern, all_atoms: &HashSet<Atom>, par: &Parser) {
            match *pat {
                Alternates(ref mut ps) | Sequence(ref mut ps) => {
                    for p in ps.iter_mut() { add(p, all_atoms, par) }
                Repeat(ref mut p) => add(&mut **p, all_atoms, par),
                PatAtom(_) => {}
                Optional(ref mut ps) => {
                    if !ps.is_empty() {
                        for p in ps.iter_mut() { add(p, all_atoms, par) }
                    } else {
                        for atom in par.options_atoms().into_iter() {
                            if !all_atoms.contains(&atom) {
        let all_atoms = self.all_atoms();
        add(self, &all_atoms, par);

    fn all_atoms(&self) -> HashSet<Atom> {
        fn all_atoms(pat: &Pattern, set: &mut HashSet<Atom>) {
            match *pat {
                Alternates(ref ps) | Sequence(ref ps) | Optional(ref ps) => {
                    for p in ps.iter() { all_atoms(p, set) }
                Repeat(ref p) => all_atoms(&**p, set),
                PatAtom(ref a) => { set.insert(a.clone()); }
        let mut set = HashSet::new();
        all_atoms(self, &mut set);

    fn tag_repeats(&self, map: &mut SynonymMap<Atom, Options>) {
        fn dotag(p: &Pattern,
                 rep: bool,
                 map: &mut SynonymMap<Atom, Options>,
                 seen: &mut HashSet<Atom>) {
            match *p {
                Alternates(ref ps) => {
                    // This is a bit tricky. Basically, we don't want the
                    // existence of an item in mutually exclusive alternations
                    // to affect whether it repeats or not.
                    // However, we still need to record seeing each item in
                    // each alternation.
                    let fresh = seen.clone();
                    for p in ps.iter() {
                        let mut isolated = fresh.clone();
                        dotag(p, rep, map, &mut isolated);
                        for a in isolated.into_iter() {
                Sequence(ref ps) => {
                    for p in ps.iter() {
                        dotag(p, rep, map, seen)
                Optional(ref ps) => {
                    for p in ps.iter() {
                        dotag(p, rep, map, seen)
                Repeat(ref p) => dotag(&**p, true, map, seen),
                PatAtom(ref atom) => {
                    let opt = map.find_mut(atom).expect("bug: no atom found");
                    opt.repeats = opt.repeats || rep || seen.contains(atom);
        let mut seen = HashSet::new();
        dotag(self, false, map, &mut seen);

impl Atom {
    pub fn new(s: &str) -> Atom {
        if Atom::is_short(s) {
        } else if Atom::is_long(s) {
        } else if Atom::is_arg(s) {
            if s.starts_with("<") && s.ends_with(">") {
            } else {
        } else if Atom::is_cmd(s) {
        } else {
            panic!("Unknown atom string: '{}'", s)

    fn is_short(s: &str) -> bool { regex!(r"^-[^-]+$").is_match(s) }
    fn is_long(s: &str) -> bool { regex!(r"^--\S+(?:<[^>]+>)?$").is_match(s) }
    fn is_arg(s: &str) -> bool { regex!(r"^(\p{Lu}+|<[^>]+>)$").is_match(s) }
    fn is_cmd(s: &str) -> bool { regex!(r"^(-|--|[^-]\S*)$").is_match(s) }

    // Assigns an integer to each variant of Atom. (For easier sorting.)
    fn type_as_usize(&self) -> usize {
        match *self {
            Short(_) => 0,
            Long(_) => 1,
            Command(_) => 2,
            Positional(_) => 3,

impl PartialOrd for Atom {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Atom) -> Option<Ordering> {
        match (self, other) {
            (&Short(c1), &Short(c2)) => c1.partial_cmp(&c2),
            (&Long(ref s1), &Long(ref s2)) => s1.partial_cmp(s2),
            (&Command(ref s1), &Command(ref s2)) => s1.partial_cmp(s2),
            (&Positional(ref s1), &Positional(ref s2)) => s1.partial_cmp(s2),
            (a1, a2) => a1.type_as_usize().partial_cmp(&a2.type_as_usize()),

impl fmt::Display for Atom {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            Short(c) => write!(f, "-{}", c),
            Long(ref s) => write!(f, "--{}", s),
            Command(ref s) => write!(f, "{}", s),
            Positional(ref s) => {
                if s.chars().all(|c| c.is_uppercase()) {
                    write!(f, "{}", s)
                } else {
                    write!(f, "<{}>", s)

impl Options {
    fn new(rep: bool, arg: Argument) -> Options {
        Options { repeats: rep, arg: arg, is_desc: false, }

impl Argument {
    fn has_arg(&self) -> bool {
        match *self {
            Zero => false,
            One(_) => true,

pub struct Argv<'a> {
    /// A representation of an argv string as an ordered list of tokens.
    /// This contains only positional arguments and commands.
    positional: Vec<ArgvToken>,
    /// Same as positional, but contains short and long flags.
    /// Each flag may have an argument string.
    flags: Vec<ArgvToken>,
    /// Counts the number of times each flag appears.
    counts: HashMap<Atom, usize>,

    // State for parser.
    dopt: &'a Parser,
    argv: Vec<String>,
    curi: usize,
    options_first: bool,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct ArgvToken {
    atom: Atom,
    arg: Option<String>,

impl<'a> Argv<'a> {
    fn new(dopt: &'a Parser, argv: Vec<String>, options_first: bool)
          -> Result<Argv<'a>, String> {
        let mut a = Argv {
            positional: vec!(),
            flags: vec!(),
            counts: HashMap::new(),
            dopt: dopt,
            argv: argv.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(),
            curi: 0,
            options_first: options_first,
        for flag in a.flags.iter() {
            match a.counts.entry(flag.atom.clone()) {
                Vacant(v) => { v.insert(1); }
                Occupied(mut v) => { *v.get_mut() += 1; }

    fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<(), String> {
        let mut seen_double_dash = false;
        while self.curi < self.argv.len() {
            let do_flags =
                && (!self.options_first || self.positional.is_empty());

            if do_flags && Atom::is_short(self.cur()) {
                let stacked: String = self.cur()[1..].to_string();
                for (i, c) in stacked.chars().enumerate() {
                    let mut tok = ArgvToken {
                        atom: self.dopt.descs.resolve(&Short(c)),
                        arg: None,
                    if !self.dopt.descs.contains_key(&tok.atom) {
                        err!("Unknown flag: '{}'", &tok.atom)
                    if !self.dopt.has_arg(&tok.atom) {
                    } else {
                        let rest = &stacked[i+1..];
                        tok.arg = Some(
                            if rest.is_empty() {
                                let arg = try!(self.next_arg(&tok.atom));
                            } else {
                        // We've either produced an error or gobbled up the
                        // rest of these stacked short flags, so stop.
            } else if do_flags && Atom::is_long(self.cur()) {
                let (atom, mut arg) = parse_long_equal_argv(self.cur());
                let atom = self.dopt.descs.resolve(&atom);
                if !self.dopt.descs.contains_key(&atom) {
                    err!("Unknown flag: '{}'", &atom)
                if arg.is_some() && !self.dopt.has_arg(&atom) {
                    err!("Flag '{}' cannot have an argument, but found '{:?}'.",
                         &atom, &arg)
                } else if arg.is_none() && self.dopt.has_arg(&atom) {
                    try!(self.next_noeof(&*format!("argument for flag '{:?}'",
                    arg = Some(self.cur().to_string());
                self.flags.push(ArgvToken { atom: atom, arg: arg });
            } else {
                if self.cur() == "--" {
                    seen_double_dash = true;
                // Yup, we *always* insert a positional argument, which
                // means we completely neglect `Command` here.
                // This is because we can't tell whether something is a
                // `command` or not until we start pattern matching.
                let tok = ArgvToken {
                    atom: Positional(self.cur().to_string()),
                    arg: None,

    fn cur<'b>(&'b self) -> &'b str { }
    fn at<'b>(&'b self, i: usize) -> &'b str {
        &*self.argv[self.curi + i]
    fn next(&mut self) {
        if self.curi < self.argv.len() {
            self.curi += 1
    fn next_arg<'b>(&'b mut self, atom: &Atom) -> Result<&'b str, String> {
        let expected = format!("argument for flag '{:?}'", atom);
    fn next_noeof(&mut self, expected: &str) -> Result<(), String> {;
        if self.curi == self.argv.len() {
            err!("Expected {} but reached end of arguments.", expected)

impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Argv<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        try!(writeln!(f, "Positional: {:?}", self.positional));
        try!(writeln!(f, "Flags: {:?}", self.flags));
        try!(writeln!(f, "Counts: {:?}", self.counts));

struct Matcher<'a, 'b:'a> {
    argv: &'a Argv<'b>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct MState {
    argvi: usize, // index into Argv.positional
    counts: HashMap<Atom, usize>, // flags remaining for pattern consumption
    max_counts: HashMap<Atom, usize>, // optional flag appearances
    vals: HashMap<Atom, Value>,

impl MState {
    fn fill_value(&mut self, key: Atom, rep: bool, arg: Option<String>)
                 -> bool {
        match (arg, rep) {
            (None, false) => {
                self.vals.insert(key, Switch(true));
            (Some(arg), false) => {
                self.vals.insert(key, Plain(Some(arg)));
            (None, true) => {
                match self.vals.entry(key) {
                    Vacant(v) => { v.insert(Counted(1)); }
                    Occupied(mut v) => {
                        match *v.get_mut() {
                            Counted(ref mut c) => { *c += 1; }
                            _ => return false,
            (Some(arg), true) => {
                match self.vals.entry(key) {
                    Vacant(v) => { v.insert(List(vec!(arg))); }
                    Occupied(mut v) => {
                        match *v.get_mut() {
                            List(ref mut vs) => vs.push(arg),
                            _ => return false,

    fn add_value(&mut self, opts: &Options,
                 spec: &Atom, atom: &Atom, arg: &Option<String>) -> bool {
        assert!(opts.arg.has_arg() == arg.is_some(),
                "'{:?}' should have an argument but doesn't", atom);
        match *atom {
            Short(_) | Long(_) => {
                self.fill_value(spec.clone(), opts.repeats, arg.clone())
            Positional(ref v) => {
                self.fill_value(spec.clone(), opts.repeats, Some(v.clone()))
            Command(_) => {
                self.fill_value(spec.clone(), opts.repeats, None)

    fn use_flag(&mut self, flag: &Atom) -> bool {
        match self.max_counts.entry(flag.clone()) {
            Vacant(v) => { v.insert(0); }
            Occupied(_) => {}
        match self.counts.entry(flag.clone()) {
            Vacant(_) => { false }
            Occupied(mut v) => {
                let c = v.get_mut();
                if *c == 0 {
                } else {
                    *c -= 1;

    fn use_optional_flag(&mut self, flag: &Atom) {
        match self.max_counts.entry(flag.clone()) {
            Vacant(v) => { v.insert(1); }
            Occupied(mut v) => { *v.get_mut() += 1; }

    fn match_cmd_or_posarg(&mut self, spec: &Atom, argv: &ArgvToken)
                          -> Option<ArgvToken> {
        match (spec, &argv.atom) {
            (_, &Command(_)) => {
                // This is impossible because the argv parser doesn't know
                // how to produce `Command` values.
            (&Command(ref n1), &Positional(ref n2)) if n1 == n2 => {
                // Coerce a positional to a command because the pattern
                // demands it and the positional argument matches it.
                self.argvi += 1;
                Some(ArgvToken { atom: spec.clone(), arg: None })
            (&Positional(_), _) => {
                self.argvi += 1;
            _ => None,

impl<'a, 'b> Matcher<'a, 'b> {
    fn matches(argv: &'a Argv, pat: &Pattern)
              -> Option<SynonymMap<String, Value>> {
        let m = Matcher { argv: argv };
        let init = MState {
            argvi: 0,
            counts: argv.counts.clone(),
            max_counts: HashMap::new(),
            vals: HashMap::new(),
        m.states(pat, &init)
         .filter(|s| m.state_consumed_all_argv(s))
         .filter(|s| m.state_has_valid_flags(s))
         .filter(|s| m.state_valid_num_flags(s))
         .map(|mut s| {
             m.add_flag_values(&mut s);
             m.add_default_values(&mut s);

             // Build a synonym map so that it's easier to look up values.
             let mut synmap: SynonymMap<String, Value> =
                       .map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v))
             for (from, to) in argv.dopt.descs.synonyms() {
                 let (from, to) = (from.to_string(), to.to_string());
                 if synmap.contains_key(&to) {
                     synmap.insert_synonym(from, to);

    fn token_from(&'a self, state: &MState) -> Option<&'a ArgvToken> {

    fn add_value(&self, state: &mut MState,
                 atom_spec: &Atom, atom: &Atom, arg: &Option<String>)
                -> bool {
        let opts = self.argv.dopt.descs.get(atom_spec);
        state.add_value(opts, atom_spec, atom, arg)

    fn add_flag_values(&self, state: &mut MState) {
        for tok in self.argv.flags.iter() {
            self.add_value(state, &tok.atom, &tok.atom, &tok.arg);

    fn add_default_values(&self, state: &mut MState) {
        let vs = &mut state.vals;
        for (a, opts) in self.argv.dopt.descs.iter() {
            if vs.contains_key(a) {
            let atom = a.clone();
            match (opts.repeats, &opts.arg) {
                (false, &Zero) => {
                    match a {
                        &Positional(_) => vs.insert(atom, Plain(None)),
                        _ => vs.insert(atom, Switch(false)),
                (true, &Zero) => {
                    match a {
                        &Positional(_) => vs.insert(atom, List(vec!())),
                        _ => vs.insert(atom, Counted(0)),
                (false, &One(None)) => { vs.insert(atom, Plain(None)); }
                (true, &One(None)) => { vs.insert(atom, List(vec!())); }
                (false, &One(Some(ref v))) => {
                    vs.insert(atom, Plain(Some(v.clone())));
                (true, &One(Some(ref v))) => {
                    let words = v.words().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
                    vs.insert(atom, List(words));

    fn state_consumed_all_argv(&self, state: &MState) -> bool {
        self.argv.positional.len() == state.argvi

    fn state_has_valid_flags(&self, state: &MState) -> bool {
        self.argv.counts.keys().all(|flag| state.max_counts.contains_key(flag))

    fn state_valid_num_flags(&self, state: &MState) -> bool {
            |(flag, count)| count <= &state.max_counts[*flag])

    fn states(&self, pat: &Pattern, init: &MState) -> Vec<MState> {
        match *pat {
            Alternates(ref ps) => {
                let mut alt_states = vec!();
                for p in ps.iter() {
                    alt_states.extend(self.states(p, init).into_iter());
            Sequence(ref ps) => {
                let (mut states, mut next) = (vec!(), vec!());
                let mut iter = ps.iter();
                match {
                    None => return vec!(init.clone()),
                    Some(p) => states.extend(self.states(p, init).into_iter()),
                for p in iter {
                    for s in states.into_iter() {
                        next.extend(self.states(p, &s).into_iter());
                    states = vec!();
                    next = vec!();
            Optional(ref ps) => {
                let mut base = init.clone();
                let mut noflags = vec!();
                for p in ps.iter() {
                    match p {
                        &PatAtom(ref a @ Short(_))
                        | &PatAtom(ref a @ Long(_)) => {
                            let argv_count =
                            let max_count =
                            if argv_count > max_count {
                        other => {
                let mut states = vec!();
                self.all_option_states(&base, &mut states, &*noflags);
            Repeat(ref p) => {
                let mut grouped_states = vec!(self.states(&**p, init));
                loop {
                    let mut nextss = vec!();
                    for s in grouped_states.last().unwrap().iter() {
                            self.states(&**p, s)
                                .filter(|snext| snext != s));
                    if nextss.is_empty() {
                    .flat_map(|ss| ss.into_iter())
            PatAtom(ref atom) => {
                let mut state = init.clone();
                match *atom {
                    Short(_) | Long(_) => {
                        if !state.use_flag(atom) {
                            return vec!()
                    Command(_) | Positional(_) => {
                        let tok =
                            match self.token_from(init) {
                                None => return vec!(),
                                Some(tok) => tok,
                        let tok =
                            match state.match_cmd_or_posarg(atom, tok) {
                                None => return vec!(),
                                Some(tok) => tok,
                        if !self.add_value(&mut state, atom,
                                           &tok.atom, &tok.arg) {
                            return vec!()

    fn all_option_states(&self, base: &MState, states: &mut Vec<MState>,
                         pats: &[&Pattern]) {
        if pats.is_empty() {
        } else {
            let (pat, rest) = (*pats.first().unwrap(), pats.tail());
            for s in self.states(pat, base).into_iter() {
                self.all_option_states(&s, states, rest);
            // Order is important here! This must come after the loop above
            // because we prefer presence over absence. The first state wins.
            self.all_option_states(base, states, pats.tail());

// Tries to parse a long flag of the form '--flag[=arg]' and returns a tuple
// with the flag atom and whether there is an argument or not.
// If '=arg' exists and 'arg' isn't a valid argument, an error is returned.
fn parse_long_equal(flag: &str) -> Result<(Atom, Argument), String> {
    let long_equal = regex!("^(?P<name>[^=]+)=(?P<arg>.+)$");
    match long_equal.captures(flag) {
        None => Ok((Atom::new(flag), Zero)),
        Some(cap) => {
            let arg ="arg").unwrap_or("").to_string();
            if !Atom::is_arg(&*arg) {
                err!("Argument '{}' for flag '{}' is not in the \
                      form ARG or <arg>.", flag, arg)
            Ok((Atom::new("name").unwrap_or("")), One(None)))

fn parse_long_equal_argv(flag: &str) -> (Atom, Option<String>) {
    let long_equal = regex!("^(?P<name>[^=]+)=(?P<arg>.*)$");
    match long_equal.captures(flag) {
        None => (Atom::new(flag), None),
        Some(cap) => (

// Tokenizes a usage pattern.
// Beware: regex hack ahead. Tokenizes based on whitespace separated words.
// It first normalizes `[xyz]` -> `[ xyz ]` so that delimiters are tokens.
// Similarly for `...`, `(`, `)` and `|`.
// One hitch: `--flag=<arg spaces>` is allowed, so we use a regex to pick out
// words.
fn pattern_tokens(pat: &str) -> Vec<String> {
    let rpat = regex!(r"\.\.\.|\[|\]|\(|\)|\|");
    let rwords = regex!(r"--\S+?=<[^>]+>|<[^>]+>|\S+"); // alt order matters

    let pat = rpat.replace_all(pat.trim(), " $0 ");
    let mut words = vec!();
    for cap in rwords.captures_iter(&*pat) {