docket 0.6.1

Simple markdown to HTML documentation rendering
use crate::renderable::Renderable;
use crate::Result;
use crate::{highlight, page::PageInfo};
use std::fs::{create_dir_all, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;

/// Render Context
/// Holds the state of the current render session (basically just the
/// footer). Responsible for knowing how to take the HTML from a
/// `Renderable` and write it out to a file.
pub struct Renderer {
    /// The title of the project
    title: String,

    /// The rendered page footer
    footer: String,

impl Renderer {
    /// Create a new `Renderer`
    /// # Arguments
    ///  - `footer` The footer to render at the bottom of each page.
    pub fn new(title: String, footer: String) -> Self {
        Renderer { title, footer }

    /// Render the page
    /// Takes the path to the output directory where the page should
    /// be rendered.
    pub fn render<T: Renderable>(&self, renderable: &T, path: &Path) -> Result<PageInfo> {
        let slug = renderable.get_slug();
        let title = renderable.get_title();

        // Create the directory to render to
        let output_dir = path.join(&slug);
        let output_path = output_dir.join("index.html");

        let style_path = format!("{}/style.css", renderable.path_to_root());
        let script_path = format!("{}/search.js", renderable.path_to_root());

        let mut file = File::create(&output_path)?;

        // HTML header, containing hardcoded CSS
                    <meta name="viewport" content="width=700">
                    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
                    <link href="|Open+Sans" rel="stylesheet">
                    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{}">
                    <script src="{}"></script>"#,
            title, style_path, script_path
        highlight::get_hilighter().write_header(&mut file)?;

        renderable.write_header(&mut file, &self.title)?;
        renderable.write_body(&mut file)?;

        // footer finishes body.
        write!(file, "<footer>{}</footer></body></html>", self.footer)?;

        Ok(PageInfo {
            title: title.into(),
            path: output_path,
            search_index: renderable.get_search_index(),