docker-compose-types 0.6.1

Deserialization and Serialization of docker-compose.yml files in a relatively strongly typed fashion.

Docker Compose Types

Contributions are very welcome, the idea behind this crate is to allow for safe serialization of docker-compose files with as little room for error as possible.

Example Usage

Parsing a docker-compose file

use docker_compose_types::Compose;

fn main() {
    let file_payload =
    let compose_content = match serde_yaml::from_str::<Compose>(&file_payload) {
        Ok(c) => c,
        Err(e) => panic!("Failed to parse docker-compose file: {}", e),
    println!("Parsed docker-compose file: {:#?}", compose_content);

Creating a docker-compose file from the crate's types

use docker_compose_types::{Compose, Service, Services, SingleService};
use serde_yaml;

fn main() {
    let compose_content = Compose {
        version: Some("3.8".to_string()),
        services: {
            let mut services = indexmap::IndexMap::new();
                Some(Service {
                    image: Some("nginx:latest".to_string()),

    let target_file = std::path::Path::new("docker-compose.yml");
    // serialize to string
    let serialized = match serde_yaml::to_string(&compose_content) {
        Ok(s) => s,
        Err(e) => panic!("Failed to serialize docker-compose file: {}", e),
    // serialize to file
    std::fs::write(target_file, serialized).unwrap();
