doc_item 0.2.1

Attributes for item-level documentation customization.
# doc_item

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Attributes for item-level documentation customization.

This crate provides attributes for adding various features to items when they are documented by
[`rustdoc`]( This includes defining
item-info docboxes, annotating an item's minimum version, and marking an item to be displayed as
semi-transparent on module lists.

This allows for enhanced documentation, similar to what is done in the standard library with the
feature and what is available on nightly with the
[`doc_cfg`]( feature.
However, this crate provides even more customization, allowing for use of custom CSS classes and
text within docboxes.

## Usage

### Defining an Experimental API

Marking an item as experimental (similar to what is done in the standard library through the
[`#[unstable]`]( attribute) can be
done as follows:

/// This is an experimental API.
/// The docbox will indicate the function is experimental. It will also appear semi-transparent on
/// module lists.
#[doc_item::docbox(content="<span class='emoji'>🔬</span> This is an experimental API.", class="unstable")]

#[doc_item::short_docbox(content="Experimental", class="unstable")]


pub fn foo() {}

### Creating Custom-Styled Docboxes

You can create your own custom styles to customize the display of docboxes. Define your item's
docbox as follows:

/// An item with a custom docbox.
/// The docbox will be a different color.
#[doc_item::docbox(content="A custom docbox", class="custom")]

#[doc_item::short_docbox(content="Custom", class="custom")]

pub fn foo() {}

Next, create a style definition in a separate HTML file.
    .custom {
        background: #c4ffd7;
        border-color: #7bdba1;


Finally, include the HTML file's contents in your documentation:

$ RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header custom.html" cargo doc --no-deps --open

And instruct []( to include the HTML file's contents as well by adding to your `Cargo.toml`:

rustdoc-args = [ "--html-in-header", "custom.html" ]

## Minimum Supported Rust Version

This crate is guaranteed to function properly on `rustc 1.50.0` and up. It may compile on earlier
versions, but it is not guaranteed that all features will display properly.

## Nightly Stability

As []( builds documentation on the
[`nightly`]( channel, this crate will
attempt to maintain functionality on `nightly`. As this crate's functionality relies on injecting
HTML into the generated documentation, and internal layout of HTML is subject to change, `nightly`
functionality may occasionally break. Please report issues as you find them on the associated github

## License

This project is licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0
* MIT license

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.