dll-syringe 0.15.0

A windows dll injection library written in rust.
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};

use std::marker::PhantomData;

use crate::{
    function::{FunctionPtr, RawFunctionPtr},
        memory::{ProcessMemoryBuffer, RemoteBoxAllocator},
        BorrowedProcess, BorrowedProcessModule, ModuleHandle,
    rpc::{error::PayloadRpcError, RemoteRawProcedure, Truncate},
    ArgAndResultBufInfo, Syringe,

#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "rpc-payload")))]
impl Syringe {
    /// Loads an exported function from the given module from the target process.
    /// # Note
    /// The function does not have to be from an injected module.
    /// If the module is not loaded in the target process `Ok(None)` is returned.
    /// # Safety
    /// The target function must abide by the given signature and has to be declared using the [`payload_procedure!`](crate::payload_procedure) macro.
    pub unsafe fn get_payload_procedure<F: PayloadRpcFunctionPtr>(
        module: BorrowedProcessModule<'_>,
        name: &str,
    ) -> Result<Option<RemotePayloadProcedure<F>>, LoadProcedureError> {
        match self.get_procedure_address(module, name) {
            Ok(Some(procedure)) => Ok(Some(RemotePayloadProcedure::new(
                unsafe { RealPayloadRpcFunctionPtr::from_ptr(procedure) },
            Ok(None) => Ok(None),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

/// A function pointer that can be used with [`RemotePayloadProcedure`].
#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "rpc-payload")))]
pub trait PayloadRpcFunctionPtr: FunctionPtr {}

type RealPayloadRpcFunctionPtr = extern "system" fn(Truncate<*mut ArgAndResultBufInfo>);

/// A struct representing a procedure from a module of a remote process.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "doc-cfg", doc(cfg(feature = "rpc-payload")))]
pub struct RemotePayloadProcedure<F> {
    f: RemoteRawProcedure<RealPayloadRpcFunctionPtr>,
    phantom: PhantomData<fn() -> F>,

impl<F> RemotePayloadProcedure<F>
    F: FunctionPtr,
    pub(crate) fn new(
        ptr: RealPayloadRpcFunctionPtr,
        remote_allocator: RemoteBoxAllocator,
        module_handle: ModuleHandle,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            f: RemoteRawProcedure::new(ptr, remote_allocator, module_handle),
            phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Returns the process that this remote procedure is from.
    pub fn process(&self) -> BorrowedProcess<'_> {

    /// Returns the raw underlying pointer to the remote procedure.
    pub fn as_raw_ptr(&self) -> RawFunctionPtr {

impl<F> RemotePayloadProcedure<F>
    F: PayloadRpcFunctionPtr,
    for<'r> F::RefArgs<'r>: Serialize,
    F::Output: DeserializeOwned,
    fn call_with_args(&self, args: F::RefArgs<'_>) -> Result<F::Output, PayloadRpcError> {
        let arg_bytes = bincode::serialized_size(&args)? as usize;
        let mut local_arg_buf = ArrayOrVecBuf::<_, 512>::with_capacity(arg_bytes);
        bincode::serialize_into(local_arg_buf.spare_writer(), &args)?;
        unsafe { local_arg_buf.set_len(arg_bytes) };

        // Allocate a buffer in the remote process to hold the argument.
        let remote_arg_buf = self.f.remote_allocator.alloc_raw(local_arg_buf.len())?;

        let parameter_buf = self
            .alloc_and_copy(&ArgAndResultBufInfo {
                data: remote_arg_buf.as_ptr().as_ptr() as u64,
                len: remote_arg_buf.len() as u64,
                is_error: false,

        // Call the remote procedure stub.

        let result_buf_info = parameter_buf.read()?;

        // Prepare local result buffer
        let mut local_result_buf = local_arg_buf;
        let result_buf_len = result_buf_info.len as usize;
        unsafe { local_result_buf.set_len(result_buf_len) };

        // Copy remote buffer into local one.
        if result_buf_info.data == remote_arg_buf.as_ptr().as_ptr() as u64 {
            // The result is in the same buffer as the arguments.
            // We can just read the result from the buffer.
            remote_arg_buf.read_bytes(&mut local_result_buf)?;
        } else {
            // The result is in a different buffer.
            let result_memory = unsafe {
                    result_buf_info.data as *mut u8,
                    result_buf_info.len as usize,
            result_memory.read(0, &mut local_result_buf)?;

        if result_buf_info.is_error {
            Err(PayloadRpcError::RemoteProcedure(unsafe {
        } else {

macro_rules! impl_call {
    (@recurse () ($($nm:ident : $ty:ident),*)) => {
        impl_call!(@impl_all ($($nm : $ty),*));
    (@recurse ($hd_nm:ident : $hd_ty:ident $(, $tl_nm:ident : $tl_ty:ident)*) ($($nm:ident : $ty:ident),*)) => {
        impl_call!(@impl_all ($($nm : $ty),*));
        impl_call!(@recurse ($($tl_nm : $tl_ty),*) ($($nm : $ty,)* $hd_nm : $hd_ty));

    (@impl_all ($($nm:ident : $ty:ident),*)) => {
        impl <$($ty,)* Output> PayloadRpcFunctionPtr for fn($($ty),*) -> Output where $($ty : 'static + Serialize,)* Output: 'static + DeserializeOwned { }
        impl <$($ty,)* Output> PayloadRpcFunctionPtr for unsafe fn($($ty),*) -> Output where $($ty : 'static + Serialize,)* Output: 'static + DeserializeOwned { }

        impl <$($ty,)* Output> RemotePayloadProcedure<fn($($ty),*) -> Output> where $($ty: 'static + Serialize,)* Output: 'static + DeserializeOwned,  {
            /// Calls the remote procedure with the given arguments.
            /// The arguments and the return value are serialized using [bincode](https://crates.io/crates/bincode).
            pub fn call(&self, $($nm: &$ty),*) -> Result<Output, PayloadRpcError> {

        impl <$($ty,)* Output> RemotePayloadProcedure<unsafe fn($($ty),*) -> Output> where $($ty: 'static + Serialize,)* Output: 'static + DeserializeOwned,  {
            /// Calls the remote procedure with the given arguments.
            /// The arguments and the return value are serialized using [bincode](https://crates.io/crates/bincode).
            /// # Safety
            /// The caller must ensure whatever the requirements of the underlying remote procedure are.
            pub unsafe fn call(&self, $($nm: &$ty),*) -> Result<Output, PayloadRpcError> {

    (@count ()) => {
    (@count ($hd:tt $($tl:tt)*)) => {
        1 + impl_call!(@count ($($tl)*))

    ($($nm:ident : $ty:ident),*) => {
        impl_call!(@recurse ($($nm : $ty),*) ());

impl_call! {
    arg0:  A, arg1:  B, arg2:  C, arg3:  D, arg4:  E, arg5:  F,arg6:  G,
    arg7:  H, arg8:  I, arg9:  J, arg10: K, arg11: L