Crate dll_syringe

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A crate for DLL injection on windows.

Supported scenarios

Injector ProcessTarget ProcessSupported?
64-bit32-bitYes (requires feature into-x86-from-x64)


Inject & Eject

This crate allows you to inject and eject a DLL into a target process. The example below will inject and then eject injection_payload.dll into the process called “ExampleProcess”.

use dll_syringe::{Syringe, process::OwnedProcess};

// find target process by name
let target_process = OwnedProcess::find_first_by_name("ExampleProcess").unwrap();

// create a new syringe for the target process
let syringe = Syringe::for_process(target_process);

// inject the payload into the target process
let injected_payload = syringe.inject("injection_payload.dll").unwrap();

// do something else

// eject the payload from the target (optional)

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

This crate supports two mechanisms for rpc. Both only work one-way for calling exported functions in the target process and are only intended for one-time initialization usage. For extended communication a dedicated rpc library should be used.

Argument and Return RequirementsSerialize + DeserializeOwnedCopy, Argument size has to be smaller than usize in target process
Function DefinitionUsing macro payload_procedure!Any extern "system" or extern "C" with #[no_mangle]


A rpc mechanism based on bincode. The target procedure must be defined using the payload_procedure! macro (requires the payload-utils feature).

The definition of an exported add function could look like this:

dll_syringe::payload_procedure! {
    fn add(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 {
        a + b

The code of the injector/caller could looks like this:

use dll_syringe::{Syringe, process::OwnedProcess};

// find target process by name
let target_process = OwnedProcess::find_first_by_name("ExampleProcess").unwrap();

// create a new syringe for the target process
let syringe = Syringe::for_process(target_process);

// inject the payload into the target process
let injected_payload = syringe.inject("injection_payload.dll").unwrap();

let remote_add = unsafe { syringe.get_payload_procedure::<fn(f64, f64) -> f64>(injected_payload, "add") }.unwrap().unwrap();
let result =, &4.0).unwrap();
println!("{}", result); // prints 6

// eject the payload from the target (optional)


This mechanism is based on dynamically generated assembly code. The target procedure can be any exported function as long as it uses either the system or C calling convention. This means that even Win32 functions can be called directly.

The definition of an exported add function could look like this:

extern "system" fn add(a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 {
    a + b

The code of the injector/caller could looks like this:

use dll_syringe::{Syringe, process::OwnedProcess};

// find target process by name
let target_process = OwnedProcess::find_first_by_name("ExampleProcess").unwrap();

// create a new syringe for the target process
let syringe = Syringe::for_process(target_process);

// inject the payload into the target process
let injected_payload = syringe.inject("injection_payload.dll").unwrap();

let remote_add = unsafe { syringe.get_raw_procedure::<extern "system" fn(f64, f64) -> f64>(injected_payload, "add") }.unwrap().unwrap();
let result =, 4.0).unwrap();
println!("{}", result); // prints 6

// eject the payload from the target (optional)


Module containing the error enums used in this crate.
Module containing traits and types for working with function pointers.
Module containing process abstractions and utilities.
Module containing traits and structs regarding remote procedures.


A macro for defining an exported function that can be used with RemotePayloadProcedure.


An injector that can inject modules (.dll’s) into a target process.