distant-core 0.13.1

Core library for distant, enabling operation on a remote computer through file and process manipulation

distant core

Library that powers the distant binary.

🚧 (Alpha stage software) This library is in rapid development and may break or change frequently! 🚧


The distant library supplies a mixture of functionality and data to run servers that operate on remote machines and clients that talk to them.


You can import the dependency by adding the following to your Cargo.toml:

distant-core = "0.13"


Currently, the library supports the following features:

  • structopt: generates StructOpt bindings for RequestData (used by cli to expose request actions)

By default, no features are enabled on the library.


Below is an example of connecting to a distant server over TCP:

use distant_core::{Request, RequestData, Session, SessionInfo};
use std::path::PathBuf;

// Load our session using the environment variables
// DISTANT_HOST     = "..."
// DISTANT_PORT     = "..."
let mut session = Session::tcp_connect(SessionInfo::from_environment()?).await.unwrap();

// Send a request under a specific name and wait for a response
let tenant = "my name";
let req = Request::new(
  vec![RequestData::FileReadText { path: PathBuf::from("some/path") }]

let res = session.send(req).await.unwrap();
println!("Response: {:?}", res);


This project is licensed under either of

Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or apache-license) MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or mit-license) at your option.