diplomacy 0.1.1

Adjudication library for the board game Diplomacy
use super::{Adjudicate, InvalidOrder, MappedMainOrder, OrderState, Outcome, Rulebook};
use crate::geo::{Map, ProvinceKey, RegionKey};
use crate::order::{Command, MainCommand, Order};
use crate::{Unit, UnitPosition, UnitPositions};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
#[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::BTreeSet, rc::Rc};

pub struct Submission {
    submitted_orders: Vec<MappedMainOrder>,
    civil_disorder_orders: Vec<MappedMainOrder>,
    /// A map of indexes in `submitted_orders` to the reason those orders are invalid.
    // This uses indices because Rust doesn't support self-referential structs.
    invalid_orders: HashMap<usize, InvalidOrder>,

impl Submission {
    /// Start a new adjudication by submitting orders against a given starting
    /// state. This will identify and resolve invalid orders, and generate hold orders
    /// for any units that lack valid orders.
    pub fn new(
        starting_state: &impl UnitPositions<RegionKey>,
        orders: Vec<MappedMainOrder>,
    ) -> Self {
        Submission::new_internal(Some(starting_state), orders)

    pub fn with_inferred_state(orders: Vec<MappedMainOrder>) -> Self {
        Submission::new_internal(None::<&Vec<MappedMainOrder>>, orders)

    fn new_internal(
        start: Option<&impl UnitPositions<RegionKey>>,
        orders: Vec<MappedMainOrder>,
    ) -> Self {
        let mut temp = Submission {
            submitted_orders: orders,
            civil_disorder_orders: vec![],
            invalid_orders: HashMap::new(),

        let (invalid_orders, missing_orders) = if let Some(start) = start {
        } else {
        temp.invalid_orders = invalid_orders;
        temp.civil_disorder_orders = missing_orders;


    /// Adjudicate the submission using the provided map and rules
    pub fn adjudicate<'a, A: Adjudicate>(&'a self, world: &'a Map, rules: A) -> Outcome<'a, A> {
        let invalid_orders = self
            .map(|(idx, reason)| (&self.submitted_orders[*idx], *reason))
            .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

        let mut context = Context::new(
                .filter(|o| !invalid_orders.contains_key(o))

        context.invalid_orders = invalid_orders;


    /// The exact orders that were provided at submission time, including invalid orders and
    /// excluding orders generated due to civil disorder.
    pub fn submitted_orders(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &MappedMainOrder> {

    /// Orders that were not submitted but were adjudicated to ensure every unit has an order.
    pub fn generated_orders(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &MappedMainOrder> {

    /// The orders that are used for the remainder of adjudication. This contains exactly one
    /// well-formed order for each unit in play.
    pub fn adjudicated_orders(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &MappedMainOrder> {
        let invalid = self
            .map(|idx| &self.submitted_orders[*idx])

            .filter(move |ord| !invalid.contains(ord))

    /// After we create the struct we have to finish up the creation process by removing
    /// invalid orders and injecting holds for units that are missing orders.
    fn finish_creation(
        start: &impl UnitPositions<RegionKey>,
    ) -> (HashMap<usize, InvalidOrder>, Vec<MappedMainOrder>) {
        let mut invalid_orders = HashMap::new();
        let mut inserted_orders = vec![];

        let positions = start.unit_positions().into_iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>();
        let mut ordered_units = HashSet::new();

        // Reject any invalid orders to prevent them being considered for the rest of
        // the resolution process.
        for (index, order) in self.submitted_orders.iter().enumerate() {
            if !positions.contains(&order.unit_position()) {
                if self.find_region_occupier(&order.region).is_some() {
                    invalid_orders.insert(index, InvalidOrder::ForeignUnit);
                } else {
                    invalid_orders.insert(index, InvalidOrder::NoUnit);
            } else if !ordered_units.insert(order) {
                invalid_orders.insert(index, InvalidOrder::MultipleToSameUnit);

        let invalids = invalid_orders
            .map(|idx| &self.submitted_orders[*idx])

        // Having rejected invalid orders, we figure out which positions still
        let positions_with_valid_orders = self
            .filter(|o| !invalids.contains(o))
            .map(|o| o.unit_position())

        // Issue hold orders to any units that don't have orders.
        for position in positions.difference(&positions_with_valid_orders) {

        (invalid_orders, inserted_orders)

/// Unit positions at the start of the turn.
impl UnitPositions<RegionKey> for Submission {
    fn unit_positions(&self) -> Vec<UnitPosition<'_>> {
            .map(|ord| ord.unit_position())

    fn find_province_occupier(&self, province: &ProvinceKey) -> Option<UnitPosition<'_>> {
            .find(|ord| ord.region.province() == province)
            .map(|ord| ord.unit_position())

    fn find_region_occupier(&self, region: &RegionKey) -> Option<Unit<'_>> {
            .find(|ord| ord.region == *region)
            .map(|ord| ord.unit_position().unit)

/// The immutable inputs to adjudication, including the valid orders, the world map, and the rulebook.
/// # Usage
/// This struct is primarily used by the `Adjudicate` trait to provide access to orders and the world map
/// for custom adjudication functions.
/// The struct is internally created by `diplomacy::judge::Submission::adjudicate`.
pub struct Context<'a, A> {
    /// Set of orders which were issued during this turn.
    orders: Vec<&'a MappedMainOrder>,

    pub rules: A,

    /// The map against which orders were issued.
    pub world_map: &'a Map,

    pub(in crate::judge) invalid_orders: HashMap<&'a MappedMainOrder, InvalidOrder>,

impl<'a, A: Adjudicate> Context<'a, A> {
    /// Creates a new resolver context for a set of valid orders on a map.
    pub(crate) fn new(
        world_map: &'a Map,
        rules: A,
        orders: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a MappedMainOrder>,
    ) -> Self {
        Context {
            orders: orders.into_iter().collect(),
            invalid_orders: HashMap::new(),

    /// Get a view of the orders in the order they were submitted.
    pub fn orders<'b>(&'b self) -> impl 'b + Iterator<Item = &'a MappedMainOrder>
        'a: 'b,

    /// Resolve the context using the provided adjudicator.
    /// The adjudicator is responsible for rule questions, while the resolver is responsible for
    /// tracking whether orders are successful. The two are interdependent, calling back and forth
    /// as they work towards a solution.
    pub fn resolve(self) -> Outcome<'a, A> {
        let mut rs = ResolverState::new();

        for (order, reason) in &self.invalid_orders {
            rs.invalid_orders.insert(order, *reason);

        for order in self.orders() {
            rs.resolve(&self, order);

        Outcome::new(self, rs)

    pub fn find_order_to_province(&self, p: &ProvinceKey) -> Option<&'a MappedMainOrder> {
        self.orders().find(|o| &o.region == p)

impl<'a> From<Context<'a, Rulebook>> for HashMap<MappedMainOrder, OrderState> {
    fn from(rc: Context<'a, Rulebook>) -> Self {

impl<'a> From<&'a ResolutionState> for OrderState {
    fn from(rs: &'a ResolutionState) -> Self {
        match *rs {
            ResolutionState::Guessing(os) | ResolutionState::Known(os) => os,

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum ResolutionState {

impl std::fmt::Debug for ResolutionState {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
            match self {
                ResolutionState::Guessing(..) => "Guessing",
                ResolutionState::Known(..) => "Known",

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ResolverState<'a> {
    state: HashMap<&'a MappedMainOrder, ResolutionState>,
    /// Orders which form part of a paradox. These should only be convoy orders, and will
    /// be treated as hold orders to advance resolution.
    paradoxical_orders: HashSet<&'a MappedMainOrder>,

    /// A dependency chain which adds every order as soon as a guess is made. This is used
    /// to facilitate tracing dependencies rather than for cycle detection.
    #[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]
    greedy_chain: Vec<&'a MappedMainOrder>,
    /// A set containing directed edges in a graph of order dependencies.
    #[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]
    deps: Rc<RefCell<BTreeSet<(MappedMainOrder, MappedMainOrder)>>>,
    /// The conservative dependency chain used to trigger cycle detection. This contains
    /// guesses that have been visited twice, indicating that a cycle has been found.
    dependency_chain: Vec<&'a MappedMainOrder>,

    pub(in crate::judge) invalid_orders: HashMap<&'a MappedMainOrder, InvalidOrder>,

impl<'a> ResolverState<'a> {
    /// Create a new resolver for a given rulebook.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        #[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]
            ResolverState {
                state: HashMap::new(),
                deps: Rc::new(RefCell::new(BTreeSet::default())),
                greedy_chain: vec![],
                dependency_chain: vec![],
                paradoxical_orders: HashSet::new(),
                invalid_orders: HashMap::new(),

        #[cfg(not(feature = "dependency-graph"))]
            ResolverState {
                state: HashMap::new(),
                dependency_chain: vec![],
                paradoxical_orders: HashSet::new(),
                invalid_orders: HashMap::new(),

    fn clear_state(&mut self, order: &MappedMainOrder) {

    fn set_state(&mut self, order: &'a MappedMainOrder, resolution: ResolutionState) {
        self.state.insert(order, resolution);

    fn knows_outcome_of(&self, order: &MappedMainOrder) -> bool {
        if let Some(ResolutionState::Known(_)) = self.state.get(order) {
        } else {

    pub(crate) fn order_in_paradox(&self, order: &'a MappedMainOrder) -> bool {

    /// Create a clone of the resolver state, add a guess at the success or failure
    /// of the given order, then adjudicate the order with the amended resolver.
    /// This returns the entire guesser because in some cases the calling resolver needs
    /// the dependency chain and the entire state generated during the post-guess adjudication.
    fn with_guess<'b>(
        context: &'b Context<'a, impl Adjudicate>,
        order: &'a MappedMainOrder,
        guess: OrderState,
    ) -> (ResolverState<'a>, OrderState) {
        let mut guesser = self.clone();

        #[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]

        guesser.set_state(order, ResolutionState::Guessing(guess));
        let result = context.rules.adjudicate(context, &mut guesser, order);
        (guesser, result)

    /// Take durable state from another `ResolverState`, leaving behind intermediate calculations.
    /// In the original C implementation, this wasn't necessary because hypotheticals directly modified
    /// the speculating resolver state. That requires the C implementation to unwind guesses that don't
    /// work out, but allows it to do nothing to leverage successful resolutions.
    /// The Rust implementation does the opposite, so it needs to "snap to" a resolution state that it
    /// wants to keep.
    fn snap_to(&mut self, other: Self) {
        self.state = other.state;
        self.paradoxical_orders = other.paradoxical_orders;
        self.dependency_chain = other.dependency_chain;

    /// When a dependency cycle is detected, attempt to resolve all orders in the cycle.
    fn resolve_dependency_cycle(&mut self, cycle: &[&'a MappedMainOrder]) {
        use self::ResolutionState::*;
        use super::OrderState::*;

        // if every order in the cycle is a move, then this is a circular move
        if cycle.iter().all(|o| o.is_move()) {
            for o in cycle {
                self.set_state(o, Known(Succeeds));
        } else {
            for o in cycle {
                if self.knows_outcome_of(o) {

                if let MainCommand::Convoy(_) = o.command {
                    self.set_state(o, ResolutionState::Known(OrderState::Fails));
                } else {

    /// Resolve whether an order succeeds or fails, possibly updating
    /// the resolver's state in the process.
    pub fn resolve(
        &mut self,
        context: &Context<'a, impl Adjudicate>,
        order: &'a MappedMainOrder,
    ) -> OrderState {
        use self::ResolutionState::*;
        use super::OrderState::*;

        // The Rust debugger doesn't use fmt::Debug when showing values, so we create
        // this string to give us a better way to see which order we're resolving.
        let _order = format!("{}", order);

        #[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]
            if !self.greedy_chain.is_empty() {
                    self.greedy_chain[self.greedy_chain.len() - 1].clone(),

        // dbg!(order);
        // dbg!(&self.state);
        // dbg!(&self.dependency_chain);
        // eprintln!("");

        match self.state.get(order) {
            Some(&Known(order_state)) => order_state,
            Some(&Guessing(order_state)) => {
                // In recursive cases, we accumulate dependencies
                if !self.dependency_chain.contains(&order) {

            None => {
                // checkpoint the resolver and tell it to assume the order fails.
                // get the order state based on that assumption.
                let (first_resolver, first_result) = self.with_guess(context, order, Fails);

                // If we found no new dependencies then this is a valid resolution!
                // We now snap to the resolver state from the assumption so that we can
                // reuse it in future calculations.
                if first_resolver.dependency_chain.len() == self.dependency_chain.len() {
                    self.set_state(order, Known(first_result));
                } else {
                    let next_dep = first_resolver.dependency_chain[self.dependency_chain.len()];

                    // if we depend on some new guess but we haven't hit a cycle,
                    // then we cautiously proceed. We update state to match what we've learned
                    // from the hypothetical and proceed with our guesses.
                    if next_dep != order {
                        self.set_state(order, Guessing(first_result));
                    // if the next dependency is the one we're already depending on, we're stuck.
                    else {
                        let (_second_resolver, second_result) =
                            self.with_guess(context, order, Succeeds);

                        // If there's a paradox but the outcome doesn't depend on this order,
                        // then all we've learned is the state of this one order.
                        if first_result == second_result {
                            self.set_state(order, Known(first_result));
                        } else {
                            let tail_start = self.dependency_chain.len();
                            let tail = &first_resolver.dependency_chain[tail_start..];

                            self.resolve(context, order)

    /// Get the set of inter-order dependencies encountered while resolving this
    #[cfg(feature = "dependency-graph")]
    pub(crate) fn dependencies(&self) -> BTreeSet<(MappedMainOrder, MappedMainOrder)> {

impl Default for ResolverState<'_> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<'a> From<ResolverState<'a>> for HashMap<MappedMainOrder, OrderState> {
    fn from(state: ResolverState<'a>) -> Self {
        let mut out_map = HashMap::with_capacity(state.state.len());

        for (order, order_state) in state.state {
            let order_state = match order_state {
                ResolutionState::Known(os) | ResolutionState::Guessing(os) => os,

            out_map.insert(order.clone(), order_state);
