Crate diplomacy

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An adjudicator for orders in the board game Diplomacy. This adjudicator will be fully compatible with the Diplomacy Adjudicator Test Cases.


Types for representing the passage of in-game time.
This module contains the types needed to build a map of the world in Diplomacy. Terminology in this module comes from the DATC.
Contains the logic needed to adjudicate a turn.
The model for an order issued to a unit.
Contains error types and trait implementations for parsing diplomacy orders.


The calendar dictates the sequence of turns in a game.
An actor in the game. Nations can own units and issue orders.
An order is issued by a nation and gives a command to a unit in a region.
Represents a specific point in game time.
A specific unit that belongs to a nation.
A unit’s instantaneous position in a region.


The step in a current season. Not all seasons will have all steps.
The current season in the year. Not all game variants use all seasons.
The type of a military unit. Armies are convoyable land-based units; fleets are sea-going units which are able to convoy armies.


A command issued to a unit or location which uses a single concrete location type of L.
Format trait for short naming of objects in orders.
Knowledge of unit positions at a point in time.

Type Definitions