dimensioned 0.8.0

Compile-time dimensional analysis for various unit systems using Rust's type system. Dimensioned aims to build on Rust's safety features by adding unit safety with no runtime cost. In addition, it aims to be as easy to use as possible, hopefully making things easier for you not just by avoiding bugs but also by making it clear what units things are. Never again should you need to specify units in a comment!
//! Traits for working generically with dimensioned
//! Unless specified otherwise, all of these traits are implemented for the unit systems that come
//! with dimensioned and with any created by the `make_units!` macro.

/// Allows one to refer to quantities generically.
/// It is not recommened to implement this for anything outside this this crate.
pub trait Dimensioned {
    /// The type of the value of a quantity. E.g. For `si::Meter<f64>`, `Value` is `f64`.
    type Value;

    /// The units of a quanitity. This will be a type-array of type-numbers. E.g. For
    /// `si::Meter<f64>`, `Units` is `tarr![P1, Z0, Z0, Z0, Z0, Z0, Z0]`.
    type Units;

    /// Construct a new quantity.
    fn new(val: Self::Value) -> Self;

    /// Extract the value from a quantity. As this ignores the units completely, it is
    /// dimensionally unsafe.
    fn value_unsafe(&self) -> &Self::Value;

/// This trait is implemented for all quantities with no units. The unit systems that come with
/// dimensioned use `Unitless<V>` for that type.
pub trait Dimensionless: Dimensioned {
    /// Extract the value from a quantity with no units. As there are no units to ignore, it is
    /// dimensionally safe.
    fn value(&self) -> &Self::Value;

/// Perform an operation on a quantity.
/// Use of this function is discouraged except when necessary, as the operation may be one that
/// does not perserve units, and this function has no way to protect against that. If you do use
/// it, consider placing it in a trait or function that you can verify is dimensionally safe.
/// If associated type constructors or higher kinded types are implemented, then this trait should
/// no longer be necessary and may become deprecated.
/// # Example
/// Let's say we have a function that, when given a quantity with value type `Value` and unit type
/// `Units`, has output with value type `(Value, Value)` and squares the units. Then, we could
/// generically implement it for `Dimensioned` as follows:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// use dim::typenum::{Prod, P2};
/// use dim::{Dimensioned, MapUnsafe};
/// use std::ops::Mul;
/// pub trait Weird {
///     type Output;
///     fn weird(self) -> Self::Output;
/// }
/// impl<D, Value, Units> Weird for D
/// where
///     Value: Clone,
///     Units: Mul<P2>,
///     D: Dimensioned<Value = Value, Units = Units> + MapUnsafe<(Value, Value), Prod<Units, P2>>,
/// {
///     type Output = <D as MapUnsafe<(Value, Value), Prod<Units, P2>>>::Output;
///     fn weird(self) -> Self::Output {
///         self.map_unsafe(|v| (v.clone(), v))
///     }
/// }
/// fn main() {
///     use dim::si;
///     let x = 3.0 * si::M;
///     let w = x.weird();
///     assert_eq!(w, si::Meter2::new((3.0, 3.0)));
///     println!("w: {:?}", w);
///     // prints: w: (3, 3) m^2
/// }
/// ```
pub trait MapUnsafe<ValueOut, UnitsOut>: Dimensioned {
    /// The type to which the input is mapped
    type Output;

    /// Perform the map
    fn map_unsafe<F: FnOnce(Self::Value) -> ValueOut>(self, f: F) -> Self::Output;

/// Perform an operation on the contained value.
/// This trait is only defined for unitless types, and it keeps them unitless, so it is
/// perfectly safe to use.
/// It can be used similarly to `MapUnsafe`, but only for `Dimensionless` quantities, and it cannot
/// make them non-`Dimensionless`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// fn main() {
///     use dim::si;
///     let x1 = 2.0 * si::ONE;
///     let x2 = 2.0f64;
///     use dim::Map;
///     assert_eq!(x1.map(|v| v.sin()), x2.sin() * si::ONE);
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Map<ValueOut>: Dimensionless {
    /// The type to which the input is mapped
    type Output;

    /// Perform the map
    fn map<F: FnOnce(Self::Value) -> ValueOut>(self, f: F) -> Self::Output;

#[cfg(feature = "oibit")]
/// Everything that is not a quantity implements this trait
pub auto trait NotDim {}

macro_rules! impl_unary {
    ($Type:ty, $Trait:ident, $fun:ident) => {
        impl $Trait for $Type {
            type Output = $Type;
            fn $fun(self) -> Self::Output {

/// `Recip` is used for implementing a `recip()` member for types that are not preserved under
/// reciprocal.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// use dim::si;
/// fn main() {
///     let t = 2.0 * si::S;
///     let f = 0.5 * si::HZ;
///     use dim::Recip;
///     assert_eq!(t.recip(), f);
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Recip {
    /// The resulting type after taking the reciprocal
    type Output;

    /// The method for taking the reciprocal
    fn recip(self) -> Self::Output;

impl_unary!(f32, Recip, recip);
impl_unary!(f64, Recip, recip);

/// `Abs` is used for implementing an `abs()` member for types that
/// can have their absolute value taken (which is most of them).
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// use dim::si;
/// fn main() {
///     let t = -2.0 * si::S;
///     let abst = 2.0 * si::S;
///     use dim::Abs;
///     assert_eq!(t.abs(), abst);
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Abs {
    /// The method for taking the absolute value
    fn abs(self) -> Self;

macro_rules! impl_abs {
    ($t:ty) => {
        impl Abs for $t {
            fn abs(self) -> Self {

/// `Root` is used for implementing general integer roots for types that aren't necessarily
/// preserved under root.
/// It uses instantiated type numbers to specify the degree, as you can see in the example below.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// fn main() {
/// # #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "nightly"))]
/// # {
///     use dim::typenum::P2;
///     use dim::Root;
///     let x = 4.0.root(P2::new());
///     let y = 2.0;
///     assert_eq!(x, y);
/// # }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Root<Index> {
    /// The resulting type after taking the `Index` root
    type Output;

    /// The method for taking the `idx` root
    fn root(self, idx: Index) -> Self::Output;

#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "nightly"))]
use typenum::Integer;

macro_rules! impl_root {
    ($t:ty, $f:ident) => {
        #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "nightly"))]
        impl<Index: Integer> Root<Index> for $t {
            type Output = $t;

            fn root(self, _: Index) -> Self::Output {
                let exp = (Index::to_i32() as $t).recip();
                #[cfg(feature = "std")]
                return self.powf(exp);
                #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
                return unsafe { core::intrinsics::$f(self, exp) };

impl_root!(f32, powf32);
impl_root!(f64, powf64);

#[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "nightly"))]
fn test_root() {
    use typenum::consts::*;
    let radicands: &[f32] = &[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0];

    for &r in radicands {
        assert_eq!(r, r.root(P1::new()));
        assert_eq!(r, (r * r).root(P2::new()));
        assert_eq!(r, (r * r * r).root(P3::new()));
        assert_eq!(r, (r * r * r * r * r).root(P5::new()));

/// `Sqrt` provides a `sqrt` member function for types that are not necessarily preserved under
/// square root.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// fn main() {
/// # #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "nightly"))]
/// # {
///     use dim::si;
///     let x = 2.0 * si::M;
///     let a = 4.0 * si::M2;
///     use dim::Sqrt;
///     assert_eq!(a.sqrt(), x);
/// # }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Sqrt {
    /// The resulting type after taking the square root
    type Output;

    /// The method for taking the square root
    fn sqrt(self) -> Self::Output;

/// `Cbrt` provides a `cbrt` member function for types that are not necessarily preserved under
/// cube root.
/// This is not currently implemented for built-in floating point types unless you are using `std`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// extern crate dimensioned as dim;
/// fn main() {
///     use dim::si;
///     let x = 2.0 * si::M;
///     let v = 8.0 * si::M3;
///     use dim::Cbrt;
///     #[cfg(feature = "std")]
///     assert_eq!(v.cbrt(), x);
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Cbrt {
    /// The resulting type after taking the cube root
    type Output;

    /// The method for taking the cube root
    fn cbrt(self) -> Self::Output;

macro_rules! impl_sqcbroot {
    ($t:ty, $f:ident, $nan:path) => {
        #[cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "nightly"))]
        impl Sqrt for $t {
            type Output = $t;
            fn sqrt(self) -> Self::Output {
                #[cfg(feature = "std")]
                return self.sqrt();
                #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
                    if self < 0.0 {
                    } else {
                        unsafe { core::intrinsics::$f(self) }

        #[cfg(feature = "std")]
        impl Cbrt for $t {
            type Output = $t;
            fn cbrt(self) -> Self::Output {

impl_sqcbroot!(f32, sqrtf32, core::f32::NAN);
impl_sqcbroot!(f64, sqrtf64, core::f64::NAN);