dify 0.6.0

A fast pixel-by-pixel image comparison tool in Rust
use super::{antialiased, cli, yiq::Yiq};
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use colored::*;
use image::io::Reader as ImageIoReader;
use image::{GenericImageView, ImageBuffer, ImageFormat, Pixel, Rgba, RgbaImage};
use std::collections::HashSet;

const MAX_YIQ_POSSIBLE_DELTA: f32 = 35215.0;
const RED_PIXEL: Rgba<u8> = Rgba([255, 0, 0, 255]);
const YELLOW_PIXEL: Rgba<u8> = Rgba([255, 255, 0, 255]);

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum DiffResult {
    Identical(u32, u32),
    BelowThreshold(u32, u32),
    Different(u32, u32),
    OutOfBounds(u32, u32),
    AntiAliased(u32, u32),
    BlockedOut(u32, u32),

pub struct RunParams<'a> {
    pub left: &'a str,
    pub right: &'a str,
    pub output: &'a str,
    pub threshold: f32,
    pub output_image_base: Option<cli::OutputImageBase>,
    pub do_not_check_dimensions: bool,
    pub detect_anti_aliased_pixels: bool,
    pub blend_factor_of_unchanged_pixels: Option<f32>,
    pub block_out_areas: Option<HashSet<(u32, u32)>>,

fn open_and_decode_image(path: &str, which: &str) -> Result<RgbaImage> {
    let image = ImageIoReader::open(path)
        .with_context(|| format!("failed to open {} image \"{}\"", which, path.magenta()).red())?
        .with_context(|| format!("failed to decode {} image \"{}\"", which, path.magenta()).red())?


pub fn get_results(
    left_image: RgbaImage,
    right_image: RgbaImage,
    threshold: f32,
    detect_anti_aliased_pixels: bool,
    blend_factor_of_unchanged_pixels: Option<f32>,
    output_image_base: &Option<cli::OutputImageBase>,
    block_out_areas: &Option<HashSet<(u32, u32)>>,
) -> Option<(i32, RgbaImage)> {
    let (width, height) = left_image.dimensions();

    let results = left_image.enumerate_pixels().map(|(x, y, left_pixel)| {
        if right_image.in_bounds(x, y) {
            let right_pixel = right_image.get_pixel(x, y);

            if left_pixel == right_pixel {
                DiffResult::Identical(x, y)
            } else if block_out_areas
                .and_then(|set| set.contains(&(x, y)).then_some(()))
                DiffResult::BlockedOut(x, y)
            } else {
                let left_pixel = Yiq::from_rgba(left_pixel);
                let right_pixel = Yiq::from_rgba(right_pixel);
                let delta = left_pixel.squared_distance(&right_pixel);

                if delta.abs() > threshold {
                    if detect_anti_aliased_pixels
                        && (antialiased(&left_image, x, y, width, height, &right_image)
                            || antialiased(&right_image, x, y, width, height, &left_image))
                        DiffResult::AntiAliased(x, y)
                    } else {
                        DiffResult::Different(x, y)
                } else {
                    DiffResult::BelowThreshold(x, y)
        } else {
            DiffResult::OutOfBounds(x, y)

    let mut diffs: i32 = 0;

    let mut output_image = match output_image_base {
        Some(cli::OutputImageBase::LeftImage) => left_image.clone(),
        Some(cli::OutputImageBase::RightImage) => right_image.clone(),
        None => ImageBuffer::new(width, height),

    for result in results {
        match result {
            DiffResult::Identical(x, y) | DiffResult::BelowThreshold(x, y) => {
                if let Some(alpha) = blend_factor_of_unchanged_pixels {
                    let left_pixel = left_image.get_pixel(x, y);
                    let yiq_y = Yiq::rgb2y(&left_pixel.to_rgb());
                    let rgba_a = left_pixel.channels()[3] as f32;
                    let color =
                        super::blend_semi_transparent_white(yiq_y, alpha * rgba_a / 255.0) as u8;

                    output_image.put_pixel(x, y, Rgba([color, color, color, u8::MAX]));
            DiffResult::Different(x, y) | DiffResult::OutOfBounds(x, y) => {
                output_image.put_pixel(x, y, RED_PIXEL);
                diffs += 1;
            DiffResult::AntiAliased(x, y) => {
                output_image.put_pixel(x, y, YELLOW_PIXEL);
            DiffResult::BlockedOut(_x, _y) => (),

    if diffs > 0 || blend_factor_of_unchanged_pixels.is_some() {
        Some((diffs, output_image))
    } else {

pub fn run(params: &RunParams) -> Result<Option<i32>> {
    let (left_image, right_image): (Result<RgbaImage>, Result<RgbaImage>) = rayon::join(
        || open_and_decode_image(params.left, "left"),
        || open_and_decode_image(params.right, "right"),

    let (left_image, right_image) = (left_image?, right_image?);
    let left_dimensions = left_image.dimensions();
    let right_dimensions = right_image.dimensions();

    if !params.do_not_check_dimensions && left_dimensions != right_dimensions {
        return Err(anyhow!(format!(
            "dimensions of the left and right image are different, left: {}, right: {}",
            format!("{}x{}", left_dimensions.0, left_dimensions.1).magenta(),
            format!("{}x{}", right_dimensions.0, right_dimensions.1).magenta(),

    let threshold = MAX_YIQ_POSSIBLE_DELTA * params.threshold * params.threshold;

    match get_results(
    ) {
        Some((diffs, output_image)) => {
                .save_with_format(params.output, ImageFormat::Png)
                .with_context(|| {
                    format!("failed to write diff image \"{}\"", params.output.magenta()).red()
        None => Ok(None),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    const RUN_PARAMS: RunParams = RunParams {
        left: "",
        right: "",
        output: "",
        threshold: 0.05,
        output_image_base: None,
        do_not_check_dimensions: true,
        detect_anti_aliased_pixels: false,
        blend_factor_of_unchanged_pixels: None,
        block_out_areas: None,

    fn test_zero_width_height() {
        let actual = get_results(
            RgbaImage::new(0, 0),
            RgbaImage::new(0, 0),
        assert_eq!(None, actual);

    fn test_1_pixel() {
        let actual = get_results(
            RgbaImage::new(1, 1),
            RgbaImage::new(1, 1),
        assert_eq!(None, actual);

    fn test_1_different() {
        let mut left = RgbaImage::new(1, 1);
        left.put_pixel(0, 0, YELLOW_PIXEL);
        let actual = get_results(
            RgbaImage::new(1, 1),

        let mut expected_image = RgbaImage::new(1, 1);
        expected_image.put_pixel(0, 0, RED_PIXEL);

        assert_eq!(Some((1, expected_image)), actual);