differential-dataflow 0.12.0

An incremental data-parallel dataflow platform
extern crate timely;
extern crate differential_dataflow;
extern crate rand;

use differential_dataflow::input::InputSession;
use differential_dataflow::operators::{Join,CountTotal,Count};
use differential_dataflow::operators::arrange::ArrangeByKey;
use differential_dataflow::operators::join::JoinCore;

use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, StdRng};

// A differential version of item-based collaborative filtering using Jaccard similarity for
// comparing item interaction histories. See Algorithm 1 in https://ssc.io/pdf/amnesia.pdf
// for details.
fn main() {

    timely::execute_from_args(std::env::args(), move |worker| {

        let mut interactions_input = InputSession::new();

        let probe = worker.dataflow(|scope| {

            let interactions = interactions_input.to_collection(scope);

            // Find all users with less than 500 interactions
            let users_with_enough_interactions = interactions
                .map(|(user, _item)| user)
                .filter(move |(_user, count): &(u32, isize)| *count < 500)
                .map(|(user, _count)| user);

            // Remove users with too many interactions
            let remaining_interactions = interactions

            let num_interactions_per_item = remaining_interactions
                .map(|(_user, item)| item)

            let arranged_remaining_interactions = remaining_interactions.arrange_by_key();

            // Compute the number of cooccurrences of each item pair
            let cooccurrences = arranged_remaining_interactions
                .join_core(&arranged_remaining_interactions, |_user, &item_a, &item_b| {
                    if item_a > item_b { Some((item_a, item_b)) } else { None }

            let arranged_num_interactions_per_item = num_interactions_per_item.arrange_by_key();

            // Compute the jaccard similarity between item pairs (= number of users that interacted
            // with both items / number of users that interacted with at least one of the items)
            let jaccard_similarities = cooccurrences
                // Find the number of interactions for item_a
                .map(|((item_a, item_b), num_cooc)| (item_a, (item_b, num_cooc)))
                    |&item_a, &(item_b, num_cooc), &occ_a| Some((item_b, (item_a, num_cooc, occ_a)))
                // Find the number of interactions for item_b
                    |&item_b, &(item_a, num_cooc, occ_a), &occ_b| {
                        Some(((item_a, item_b), (num_cooc, occ_a, occ_b)))
                // Compute Jaccard similarty, has to be done in a map due to the lack of a
                // total order for f64 (which seems to break the consolidation in join)
                .map(|((item_a, item_b), (num_cooc, occ_a, occ_b))| {
                    let jaccard = num_cooc as f64 / (occ_a + occ_b - num_cooc) as f64;
                    ((item_a, item_b), jaccard)

            // We threshold the similarity matrix
            let thresholded_similarities = jaccard_similarities
                .filter(|(_item_pair, jaccard)| *jaccard > 0.05);


        let num_interactions: usize = std::env::args().nth(1)
            .or_else(|| Some(String::from("10000"))).unwrap().parse().unwrap();

        if worker.index() == 0 {
            println!("Generating {} synthetic interactions...", num_interactions);

        let seed: &[_] = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
        let mut rng: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);

        let synthetic_interactions = generate_interactions(num_interactions, &mut rng);

        let num_users = synthetic_interactions.iter().map(|(user, _item)| user).max().unwrap() + 1;
        let users_to_remove = rand::seq::sample_iter(&mut rng, 0..num_users, 20).unwrap();

        let interactions_to_remove: Vec<(u32,u32)> = synthetic_interactions.iter()
            .filter(|(user, _item)| users_to_remove.contains(&user))
            .map(|(user, item)| (*user, *item))

        let timer = worker.timer();

        for (user, item) in synthetic_interactions.iter() {
            if *user as usize % worker.peers() == worker.index() {
                interactions_input.insert((*user, *item));


        worker.step_while(|| probe.less_than(interactions_input.time()));

        let initial_model_time = timer.elapsed();
        println!("Model trained in {:?} on worker {:?}", initial_model_time, worker.index());

        if worker.index() == 0 {
            println!("Removing {} interactions...", interactions_to_remove.len());

        for (user, item) in interactions_to_remove.iter() {
            if *user as usize % worker.peers() == worker.index() {
                interactions_input.remove((*user, *item));


        worker.step_while(|| probe.less_than(interactions_input.time()));

        let removal_time = timer.elapsed();
            "Model updated after {:?} on worker {:?}",
            (removal_time - initial_model_time),


struct CRP { alpha: f64, discount: f64, weight: f64, weights: Vec<f64> }

impl CRP {
    fn new(alpha: f64, discount: f64) -> Self {
        CRP { alpha, discount, weight: 0.0, weights: Vec::new() }

    fn sample<R>(&mut self, rng: &mut R) -> u32 where R: Rng {
        let mut u = rng.gen::<f64>() * (self.alpha + self.weight);
        for j in 0 .. self.weights.len() {
            if u < self.weights[j] - self.discount {
                self.weights[j] += 1.0;
                self.weight += 1.0;
                return j as u32;
            } else {
                u = u - self.weights[j] - self.discount;

        self.weight = self.weight + 1.0;

        (self.weights.len() - 1) as u32

// Generate synthetic interactions with a skewed distribution
fn generate_interactions<R>(how_many: usize, rng: &mut R) -> Vec<(u32,u32)> where R: Rng {
    let mut interactions = Vec::with_capacity(how_many);

    let mut user_sampler = CRP::new(6000.0, 0.35);
    let mut item_sampler = CRP::new(6000.0, 0.35);

    for _ in 0 .. how_many {
        let user = user_sampler.sample(rng);
        let item = item_sampler.sample(rng);
        interactions.push((user, item));
